TclWeather 1.11 by Jason Tang ( Left-click to open external browser. Right-click to open configuration window. Spacebar toggles titlebar. Flanking buttons advance ticker. Invoke by: wish tclweather.tcl To explicitly use an alternative settings file, do: wish tclweather.tcl The author wishes to acknowledge the following: - base64 1.3 by John Walker ( (algorithm for base64 encoding and decoding of proxy passwords) - colordial by Mark Harrison and Michael McLennan ( (color picker) - gweather 0.05 by Spiros Papadimitrous ( (observation data decoding, locations file) - newzpoint 0.9 by Michael Jacobson ( (GUI design) - TclTicker 1.2.1 by Tom Poindexter ( (initial ticker design, initial GUI development) - tkNotebook 1.3 by D. Richard Hipp ( (notebook widget in configuration dialog) - tree 1.2 by D. Richard Hipp ( (tree widget for choosing location) See the doc directory for the appropriate licenses to each of these components. This code is protected by the GNU general public license. See the file COPYING for details. The utils directory holds supplementary scripts that may interest developers. As that TclWeather packages come pre-compiled, end-users may safely remove the directory.