namespace eval tclweather { variable LEGAL_FONTS "courier helvetica times" variable LEGAL_SIZES "5 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24" variable OBS_NAMES {{pres "air pressure"} {cloud "cloud coverage"} \ {dew "dew point"} {time "observation time"} \ {relhum "relative humidity"} {cond "special conditions"} \ {temp "temperature"} {vis "visibility"} \ {wind "wind"}} variable temp_tw variable button_result } proc tclweather::configure {} { global tw Tree global tcl_platform variable temp_tw variable button_result if {[winfo exists .twc]} { # configuration window already open raise .twc return } toplevel .twc -class Dialog wm title .twc "TclWeather Configuration" wm group .twc $tw(p) # Tk on Unix uses a larger font than Windows, so if TclWeather is # running under Unix, make the configuration dialog box larger set config_height 320 if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]} { incr config_height 30 } Notebook:create .twc.n \ -pages {Display Color/Browser Format Network Location Misc} \ -width 370 -height $config_height set temp_tw(toplevel) $tw(toplevel) create_display_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Display"] create_colors_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Color/Browser"] create_format_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Format"] create_network_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Network"] create_location_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Location"] create_misc_page [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Misc"] frame .twc.b button .twc.b.ok -text " Ok " \ -command {set tclweather::button_result "ok"} button .twc.b.apply -text " Apply " \ -command {set tclweather::button_result "apply"} button .twc.b.can -text " Cancel " \ -command {set tclweather::button_result "cancel"} pack .twc.b.ok .twc.b.apply .twc.b.can -side left -padx 10 -pady 5 pack .twc.b -side bottom pack .twc.n -side top -fill both -expand 1 set button_result "cancel" raise .twc wm protocol .twc WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set tclweather::button_result "cancel"} bind .twc {set tclweather::button_result "cancel"} update set done 0 while {!$done} { vwait tclweather::button_result if {[string equal $button_result "ok"] || \ [string equal $button_result "apply"]} { ok_display_page ok_colors_page if {[ok_format_page]} { format_weather_data } if {[ok_network_page] || [ok_location_page]} { main_weather_loop restart } ok_misc_page update_weather_ticker_format } if {[string equal $button_result "ok"] || \ [string equal $button_result "cancel"]} { set done 1 } } ;# remove all traces associated with the temp variable foreach key [array names temp_tw] { set commands [trace vinfo tclweather::temp_tw($key)] foreach command $commands { trace vdelete tclweather::temp_tw($key) w [lindex $command 1] } } trace vdelete tw(titlebar) w tclweather::update_titlebar set tree_widget [Notebook:frame .twc.n "Location"].f.t trace vdelete Tree($tree_widget:selection) w \ "tclweather::update_tree_selection $tree_widget" Tree:closeall $tree_widget destroy .twc } proc tclweather::create_display_page {page} { global tw variable temp_tw variable LEGAL_SIZES variable LEGAL_FONTS foreach key { \ ticker_speed scroll_quality ticker_font ticker_size \ scroll_left titlebar scroll_buttons enter_raise leave_lower} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Display Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n scale $page.s -label "ticker scroll speed: " -from 10 -to 400 \ -orient horizontal -variable tclweather::temp_tw(ticker_speed) scale $page.q -label "ticker animation quality: (smaller is smoother but moves slower)" -from 1 -to 20 \ -orient horizontal -variable tclweather::temp_tw(scroll_quality) pack $page.s $page.q -side top -anchor w -fill x frame $page.f label $page.f.fl -text "ticker font:" ;# the following is a hack to force the option menu to be a certain size frame $page.f.f eval tk_optionMenu $ tclweather::temp_tw(ticker_font) \ $LEGAL_FONTS set temp_tw(ticker_font) "helvetica" pack $ -anchor w update idletasks $page.f.f configure -width [winfo reqwidth $] \ -height [winfo reqheight $] pack propagate $page.f.f 0 set temp_tw(ticker_font) $tw(ticker_font) label $ -text "size:" eval tk_optionMenu $ tclweather::temp_tw(ticker_size) $LEGAL_SIZES pack $page.f.fl $page.f.f $ $ -side left -padx 4 -expand 1 pack $page.f -side top -anchor w checkbutton $ -text "scroll towards left edge" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(scroll_left) checkbutton $ -text "show scroll buttons" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(scroll_buttons) pack $ $ -side top -anchor w if {$temp_tw(toplevel)} { checkbutton $page.t -text "show titlebar (hint: toggle with )" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(titlebar) checkbutton $ -text "point at ticker to raise window" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(enter_raise) checkbutton $page.ll -text "point away from ticker to lower window" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(leave_lower) pack $page.t $ $page.ll -side top -anchor w } trace variable tw(titlebar) w tclweather::update_titlebar } proc tclweather::update_titlebar {name1 name2 op} { global tw variable temp_tw set temp_tw(titlebar) $tw(titlebar) } proc tclweather::ok_display_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ ticker_speed scroll_quality ticker_font ticker_size \ scroll_left titlebar scroll_buttons enter_raise leave_lower} { set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } } proc tclweather::create_colors_page {page} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ cloud_tag_color cond_tag_color dew_tag_color pres_tag_color \ relhum_tag_color temp_tag_color time_tag_color vis_tag_color \ wind_tag_color bg_color button_fg_color button_bg_color \ server_color misc_color browser_type browser} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Color Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n set i 0 frame $page.c foreach {line} { \ {"air pressure:" pres_tag_color "cloud coverage:" cloud_tag_color } \ {"dew point:" dew_tag_color "observation time:" time_tag_color} \ {"relative humidity:" relhum_tag_color "special conditions:" cond_tag_color } \ {"temperature:" temp_tag_color "visibility:" vis_tag_color} \ {"wind:" wind_tag_color "background:" bg_color} \ {"button foreground:" button_fg_color "button background:" button_bg_color} \ {"server messages:" server_color "other texts:" misc_color}} { for {set j 0} {$j < 4} {incr j 2} { label $page.c.${i}${j}l -text [lindex $line $j] set tag_name [lindex $line [expr $j + 1]] set button_name $page.c.${i}${j}b button $button_name -background $temp_tw($tag_name) \ -command "tclweather::pick_color_button $button_name $tag_name" \ -relief ridge -text " " trace variable tclweather::temp_tw($tag_name) w \ "tclweather::update_color_button $button_name $tag_name" } grid $page.c.${i}0l -row $i -column 0 -sticky e grid $page.c.${i}0b -row $i -column 1 -sticky w grid $page.c.${i}2l -row $i -column 2 -sticky e grid $page.c.${i}2b -row $i -column 3 -sticky w incr i } grid columnconfigure $page.c 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $page.c 3 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $page.c 0 -weight 3 grid columnconfigure $page.c 2 -weight 3 pack $page.c -side top -anchor n -expand yes -fill x -pady 4 label $ -text "External Browser Settings" pack $ -side top -anchor n frame $page.b radiobutton $page.b.n -text "no browser (disables left-clicks)" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(browser_type) -value "" \ -command "tclweather::set_named_state $page.b.b disabled" radiobutton $page.b.w -text "use windows default" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(browser_type) -value "win32" \ -command "tclweather::set_named_state $page.b.b disabled" frame $page.b.b radiobutton $page.b.b.b -text "command:" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(browser_type) -value "named" \ -command "tclweather::set_named_state $page.b.b normal" entry $page.b.b.fn -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(browser) -width 30 button $page.b.b.fb -text "..." -command { set new_name [tk_getOpenFile -initialfile $tclweather::temp_tw(browser) \ -initialdir [file rootname $tclweather::temp_tw(browser)] \ -parent .twc -title "External Browser"] if {![string equal $new_name ""]} { set tclweather::temp_tw(browser) $new_name } } pack $page.b.b.b -side left pack $page.b.b.fn $page.b.b.fb -side left -anchor w -padx 3 global tcl_platform if {![string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} { $page.b.w configure -state disabled } if {![string equal $temp_tw(browser_type) "named"]} { set_named_state $page.b.b disabled } pack $page.b.n $page.b.w $page.b.b -side top -anchor w pack $page.b -side top -anchor n -expand yes -fill x } proc tclweather::pick_color_button {name tag_name} { variable temp_tw ;# don't allow more than one color palette at a time if {[winfo exists .twcolor]} { return } scan [string range $temp_tw($tag_name) 1 2] %x r scan [string range $temp_tw($tag_name) 3 4] %x g scan [string range $temp_tw($tag_name) 5 6] %x b set new_color \ [pick_color [expr $r / 255.0] [expr $g / 255.0] [expr $b / 255.0]] if {![string equal $new_color ""]} { set temp_tw($tag_name) $new_color } } proc tclweather::update_color_button {name tag_name name1 name2 op} { variable temp_tw $name configure -background $temp_tw($tag_name) } proc tclweather::set_named_state {p state} { ${p}.fn configure -state $state ${p}.fb configure -state $state } proc tclweather::ok_colors_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ cloud_tag_color cond_tag_color dew_tag_color pres_tag_color \ relhum_tag_color temp_tag_color time_tag_color vis_tag_color \ wind_tag_color bg_color button_fg_color button_bg_color \ server_color misc_color browser_type browser} { set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } } proc tclweather::create_format_page {page} { global tw variable temp_tw variable OBS_NAMES foreach key { \ report_order units calc_change show_24hr localtz} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Format Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n frame $page.f frame $page.f.l label $page.f.l.l -text "observation types" pack $page.f.l.l -side top listbox $page.f.l.b -selectmode single -height 9 \ -yscrollcommand "$page.f.l.s set" foreach item_choice $OBS_NAMES { $page.f.l.b insert end [lindex $item_choice 1] } bind $page.f.l.b \ "tclweather::left_box_event $page.f.l.b $page.f.r.b" pack $page.f.l.b -side left scrollbar $page.f.l.s -command "$page.f.l.b yview" pack $page.f.l.s -side right -fill y pack $page.f.l -side left frame $page.f.r label $page.f.r.l -text "displayed" pack $page.f.r.l -side top listbox $page.f.r.b -selectmode single -height 9 \ -yscrollcommand "$page.f.r.s set" trace variable tclweather::temp_tw(report_order) w \ "tclweather::update_right_box $page.f.r.b" update_right_box $page.f.r.b "" "" "" bind $page.f.r.b \ "tclweather::right_box_event $page.f.l.b $page.f.r.b" pack $page.f.r.b -side left scrollbar $page.f.r.s -command "$page.f.r.b yview" pack $page.f.r.s -side right -fill y pack $page.f.r -side right pack $page.f -side top -fill none -anchor n label $page.i -text "(double click left pane to add an observation to ticker;\ndouble click right pane to remove an entry)" pack $page.i -side top checkbutton $ -text "use metric system"\ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(units) checkbutton $ -text "show changes in values" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(calc_change) checkbutton $page.ap -text "use 24-hour system" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(show_24hr) checkbutton $page.ltz -text "show time relative to local time zone" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(localtz) pack $ $ $page.ap $page.ltz -side top -anchor w } proc tclweather::left_box_event {lb rb} { variable temp_tw variable OBS_NAMES set selection [$lb curselection] if {![string equal $selection ""]} { set item_selection [lindex $OBS_NAMES $selection] lappend temp_tw(report_order) [lindex $item_selection 0] } } proc tclweather::right_box_event {lb rb} { variable temp_tw set selection [$rb curselection] if {![string equal $selection ""]} { set temp_tw(report_order) \ [lreplace $temp_tw(report_order) $selection $selection] } } proc tclweather::update_right_box {name name1 name2 op} { variable temp_tw variable OBS_NAMES $name delete 0 end foreach report $temp_tw(report_order) { set report_name "" foreach item_choice $OBS_NAMES { if {[string equal $report [lindex $item_choice 0]]} { set report_name [lindex $item_choice 1] break } } $name insert end $report_name } } proc tclweather::ok_format_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw set reformat_needed 0 foreach key { \ report_order units calc_change show_24hr localtz} { incr reformat_needed [expr ! [string equal $tw($key) $temp_tw($key)]] set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } return $reformat_needed } proc tclweather::create_network_page {page} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ use_proxy \ proxy_host proxy_port proxy_name proxy_password proxy_savepass \ refresh notify_download notify_complete notify_error \ print_obsdata} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Network Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n checkbutton $page.up -text "use proxy server" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(use_proxy) pack $page.up -side top -anchor w frame $page.p label $page.p.hl -text "http proxy host:" entry $page.p.he -width 20 -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(proxy_host) label $ -text " port:" entry $ -width 4 -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(proxy_port) pack $page.p.hl $page.p.he $ $ \ -side left -padx 3 -pady 4 frame $page.a label $page.a.ul -text "proxy user name:" entry $page.a.ue -width 8 -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(proxy_name) label $ -text " password:" entry $ -width 8 \ -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(proxy_password) -show "*" pack $page.a.ul $page.a.ue $ $ \ -side left -padx 3 -pady 4 checkbutton $page.sp -text "save password (WARNING: only marginally encrypted)" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(proxy_savepass) pack $page.p $page.a $page.sp -side top -anchor w set proxy_fields "$page.p.hl $page.p.he $ $ \ $page.a.ul $page.a.ue $ $ $page.sp" trace variable tclweather::temp_tw(use_proxy) w \ "tclweather::update_use_proxy [list $proxy_fields]" update_use_proxy $proxy_fields "" "" "" scale $page.r -label "data refresh (minutes):" -from 1 -to 90 \ -orient horizontal -variable tclweather::temp_tw(refresh) pack $page.r -side top -anchor w -fill x checkbutton $page.nd -text "notify when download begins" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(notify_download) checkbutton $ -text "notify when download completes" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(notify_complete) checkbutton $ -text "notify upon download error" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(notify_error) checkbutton $page.po -text "print downloaded METAR data to console" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(print_obsdata) pack $page.nd $ $ $page.po -side top -anchor w } proc tclweather::update_use_proxy {proxy_fields name1 name2 op} { variable temp_tw foreach field $proxy_fields { if {$temp_tw(use_proxy)} { $field configure -state normal } else { $field configure -state disabled } } } proc tclweather::ok_network_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw set network_changed 0 foreach key { \ use_proxy proxy_host proxy_port proxy_name proxy_password \ refresh} { if {![string equal $temp_tw($key) $tw($key)]} { set network_changed 1 break } } set tw(proxy_host) [string trim $temp_tw(proxy_host)] scan $temp_tw(proxy_port) %d tw(proxy_port) foreach key { \ use_proxy proxy_name proxy_password proxy_savepass \ refresh notify_download notify_complete notify_error \ print_obsdata} { set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } return $network_changed } proc tclweather::create_location_page {page} { global tw locations Tree variable temp_tw foreach {key} { \ location_filename location_name location_code} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Location Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n frame $page.f if {[info exists Tree($page.f.t:reuse)] && $Tree($page.f.t:reuse)} { ;# reuse old tree -- to save time Tree:reuse $page.f.t -width 280 -height 180 \ -yscrollcommand "$ set" -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 } else { ;# build a new tree Tree:create $page.f.t -width 280 -height 200 \ -yscrollcommand "$ set" -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 Tree:setreuse $page.f.t 1 foreach {key} [lsort -dictionary [array names locations]] { Tree:newitem $page.f.t $key } } Tree:setselection $page.f.t $temp_tw(location_name) Tree:openall $page.f.t $temp_tw(location_name) $page.f.t bind x { Tree:setselection %W [Tree:labelat %W %x %y] } $page.f.t bind x { Tree:open %W [Tree:labelat %W %x %y] } pack $page.f.t -side left scrollbar $ -orien vertical -command "$page.f.t yview" pack $ -side right -fill y pack $page.f -side top -anchor n -pady 4 set temp_tw(location_text) "current location:\n$temp_tw(location_name) ($temp_tw(location_code))" label $ -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(location_text) \ -justify left pack $ -side top -anchor n frame $page.lf label $page.lf.ll -text "database:" entry $page.lf.le -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(location_filename) \ -width 24 button $page.lf.b -text "..." -command { set new_name [tk_getOpenFile \ -initialdir [file rootname $tclweather::temp_tw(location_filename)] \ -parent .twc -title "Location Database Filename"] if {![string equal $new_name ""]} { set tclweather::temp_tw(location_filename) $new_name } } button $page.lf.r -text "reload" \ -command "tclweather::reload_database $page.f.t" pack $page.lf.ll $page.lf.le $page.lf.b $page.lf.r -side left -padx 3 pack $page.lf -side top -anchor center -pady 4 ;# set a trace on the selected item trace variable Tree($page.f.t:selection) w \ "tclweather::update_tree_selection $page.f.t" } proc tclweather::update_tree_selection {tree_name name1 name2 op} { global locations Tree variable temp_tw set selected [Tree:getselection $tree_name] if {[info exists locations($selected)] && \ [string length $locations($selected)] > 0} { set temp_tw(location_name) $selected set temp_tw(location_code) $locations($selected) set temp_tw(location_text) \ "current location:\n$temp_tw(location_name) ($temp_tw(location_code))" } } proc tclweather::reload_database {tree} { global tw locations Tree variable temp_tw ;# reload the tree while {![load_location_cache $temp_tw(location_filename)]} { if {[string equal [tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather Startup"\ -message "Invalid locations database $temp_tw(location_filename)." \ -icon error -parent $tw(p) -type retrycancel] "cancel"]} { return } } trace vdelete Tree($tree:selection) w \ "tclweather::update_tree_selection $tree" Tree:flush $tree foreach {key} [lsort -dictionary [array names locations]] { Tree:newitem $tree $key } Tree:setselection $tree $temp_tw(location_name) Tree:openall $tree $temp_tw(location_name) trace variable Tree($tree:selection) w \ "tclweather::update_tree_selection $tree" } proc tclweather::ok_location_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw set location_changed \ [expr ![string equal $temp_tw(location_name) $tw(location_name)]] foreach key { \ location_filename location_name location_code} { set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } return $location_changed } proc tclweather::create_misc_page {page} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ filename save_on_exit save_geometry} { set temp_tw($key) $tw($key) } label $page.l -text "Miscellaneous Settings" pack $page.l -side top -anchor n frame $page.f label $page.f.fl -text "settings filename:" entry $page.f.fe -textvariable tclweather::temp_tw(filename) -width 24 button $page.f.b -text "..." -command { set new_name [tk_getSaveFile \ -initialdir [file rootname $tclweather::temp_tw(filename)] \ -parent .twc -title "Settings Filename"] if {![string equal $new_name ""]} { set temp_tw(filename) $new_name } } pack $page.f.fl $page.f.fe $page.f.b -side left -padx 3 pack $page.f -side top -anchor w -pady 4 checkbutton $page.soe -text "save settings on exit" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(save_on_exit) pack $page.soe -side top -anchor w if {$temp_tw(toplevel)} { checkbutton $page.swl -text "save window size and position" \ -variable tclweather::temp_tw(save_geometry) pack $page.swl -side top -anchor w } frame $page.s button $ -text "Save Settings Now" -command { set done 0 while {!$done} { if {[tclweather::save_settings $tclweather::temp_tw(filename) tclweather::temp_tw]} { tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather" \ -message "Settings saved." \ -parent .twc -type "ok" set done 1 } else { set answer [tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather" -icon error \ -message "Error while saving to $tclweather::temp_tw(filename)." \ -parent .twc -type "retrycancel"] if {[string equal $answer "cancel"]} { set done 1 } } } } button $ -text "Load Settings" -command { set done 0 while {!$done} { if {[load_settings $tclweather::temp_tw(filename) tclweather::temp_tw]} { tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather" \ -message "Settings have been adjusted." \ -parent .twc -type "ok" set done 1 } else { set answer [tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather" -icon error \ -message "Error while reading from $tclweather::temp_tw(filename)." \ -parent .twc -type "retrycancel"] if {[string equal $answer "cancel"]} { set done 1 } } } } pack $ -side left pack $ -side left -padx 4 button $page.d -text "Reset to Default Settings" -command { tclweather::set_defaults tclweather::temp_tw tk_messageBox -title "TclWeather" \ -message "Settings have been reset." -parent .twc -type ok } button $page.r -text "Force Data Refresh Now" \ -command {main_weather_loop restart} pack $page.s $page.d $page.r -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 frame $page.etc button $page.etc.a -text "About TclWeather" \ -command {tclweather::show_about_dialog} button $page.etc.ex -text "Exit TclWeather" \ -command {exit_tclweather} \ -background red pack $page.etc.ex $page.etc.a -side right -padx 4 pack $page.etc -side bottom -anchor e -pady 4 } proc tclweather::show_about_dialog {} { global TCLWEATHER_VERSION tk_messageBox -title "About TclWeather" \ -message "TclWeather $TCLWEATHER_VERSION by Jason Tang ( Weather data from NOAA ( and Weather Underground ( Left-click to open external browser. Right-click to open configuration window Spacebar to toggle titlebar. Press flanking buttons to advance ticker. Please read the README file." \ -parent .twc -type ok } proc tclweather::ok_misc_page {} { global tw variable temp_tw foreach key { \ filename save_on_exit save_geometry} { if {[string equal $key "filename"]} { set tw($key) [string trim $temp_tw(filename)] } else { set tw($key) $temp_tw($key) } } } proc tclweather::pick_color {{r ""} {g ""} {b ""}} { variable color_button_result toplevel .twcolor -class Dialog wm title .twcolor "Pick a Color" wm group .twcolor .twc colordial_create .twcolor.d pack .twcolor.d frame .twcolor.b button .twcolor.b.ok -text " Ok " \ -command {set tclweather::color_button_result "ok"} button .twcolor.b.can -text " Cancel " \ -command {set tclweather::color_button_result "cancel"} pack .twcolor.b.ok .twcolor.b.can -side left -padx 10 -pady 5 pack .twcolor.b -side top set color_button_result "cancel" raise .twcolor.b wm protocol .twcolor WM_DELETE_WINDOW\ {set tclweather::color_button_result "cancel"} if {! [string equal $r ""]} { colordial_set_rgb .twcolor.d $r $g $b } update vwait tclweather::color_button_result set new_color "" if {[string equal $color_button_result "ok"]} { set new_color [colordial_get .twcolor.d] } destroy .twcolor return $new_color } proc tclweather::save_settings {filename {varname "tw"}} { upvar $varname var if {[catch {open $filename w} dest]} { return 0 } foreach key [lsort -dictionary [array names var]] { if {[string equal $key "proxy_password"]} { ;# special case -- saving password if {$var(proxy_savepass)} { set password $var(proxy_password) } else { set password "" } puts $dest "proxy_password [base64_encode $password]" } elseif {[string equal $key "geometry"]} { ;# save the window geometry, if requested if {$var(save_geometry)} { puts $dest "geometry [winfo geometry .]" } else { puts $dest "geometry " } } elseif {![string equal $key "filename"]} { ;# also don't bother saving filename puts $dest "$key $var($key)" } } close $dest return 1 } proc tclweather::load_settings {filename {varname "tw"}} { global TCLWEATHER_VERSION upvar $varname var ;# if no TCLWEATHER_VERSION is listed in the file, assume that it's from the ;# 0.90 release -- the last TCLWEATHER_VERSION of TclWeather that didn't ;# include TCLWEATHER_VERSION information in the settings file set var(TCLWEATHER_VERSION) 0.90 if {[catch {open $filename r} src]} { return 0 } while {[gets $src line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^([^ ]+) (.*)} $line foo key value] == 0} { ;# invalid format return -1 } set var($key) $value } close $src ;# compare the TCLWEATHER_VERSION information set file_TCLWEATHER_VERSION $var(TCLWEATHER_VERSION) if {$file_TCLWEATHER_VERSION > $TCLWEATHER_VERSION} { return -1 } else { ;# upgrade the settings file to the current TCLWEATHER_VERSION set var(TCLWEATHER_VERSION) $TCLWEATHER_VERSION } ;# special case -- handle password decoding set fake_pw $var(proxy_password) if {[catch {base64_decode $fake_pw} real_pw]} { set real_pw "" } set var(proxy_password) $real_pw ;# file loaded successfully, so set the filename set var(filename) $filename return 1 } proc tclweather::set_defaults {{varname "tw"}} { global TCLWEATHER_VERSION upvar $varname var ;# initialize display globals array set var { ticker_font "helvetica" ticker_size 12 ticker_speed 150 scroll_quality 2 scroll_left 1 titlebar 1 scroll_buttons 1 enter_raise 0 leave_lower 0 } ;# initialize color globals array set var { bg_color "#000000" button_bg_color "#000000" button_fg_color "#ffffff" cloud_tag_color "#ffff80" cond_tag_color "#ff0000" dew_tag_color "#80ffff" misc_color "#ffffff" pres_tag_color "#ffa500" relhum_tag_color "#d2b48c" server_color "#808080" temp_tag_color "#00ff00" time_tag_color "#f8f8ff" vis_tag_color "#ee7ae9" wind_tag_color "#87cefa" } ;# clouds - yellow, conditions - red, dew point - aquamarine ;# pressure - orange, relative humidity - tan, temperature - green ;# time - ghost white, visibility - orchid2, wind - light sky blue ;# background - black, server - gray, misc - white ;# initialize format globals set var(report_order) \ [list "time" "cond" "temp" "cloud" "wind" "pres" "dew" "relhum" "vis"] array set var { units 1 calc_change 1 localtz 0 show_24hr 1 } ;# initialize network globals array set var { use_proxy 0 proxy_host "" proxy_port "" proxy_name "" proxy_password "" proxy_savepass 0 refresh 60 notify_download 1 notify_complete 1 notify_error 1 print_obsdata 1 } ;# intialize default location to be Baltimore, and other location defaults set var(location_name) "/United States/Maryland/Baltimore-Glen Burnie" set var(location_code) "KBWI" global env set var(location_filename) "[file join $env(TCLWEATHER_LIB) locations.cache]" ;# initialize other default values set var(filename) "[file join [pwd] tclweather.rc]" global tcl_platform if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} { set var(browser_type) "win32" } else { set var(browser_type) "" } set var(browser) "" set var(save_on_exit) 1 set var(save_geometry) 1 set var(geometry) "400x50+20+20" set var(TCLWEATHER_VERSION) $TCLWEATHER_VERSION }