So you want to decode METAR data? Here's how I did it: 0. Download the data from NOAA's site. download_observation() in tclweather.tcl handles this. Note how the URL requires a 4 character location code. One may download the original location database (as seen in file utils/Locations). I found the format inconvenient to parse, so I wrote a helper program, location_scanner.f, to rewrite the database into a nicer format -- see locations.cache. 1. Now that I have the observation as straight text, send it to utils/tclweather_scanner.f. This file is written as a fickle specification file. See for information on this program. 2. The original METAR observation is passed to parse_weather() in utils/tclweather_scanner.f. It does a bunch of and writes it to the array pointed to by 'target_loc'. The data is internally represented in metric form. *** HERE IS WHERE THE REAL WORK IS DONE. *** It is necessary to know how fickle operates to understand these routines. 3. TclWeather stores the new data into the global array 'latest_data'. If you bring up the console for TclWeather (e.g., in Windows, hit ) type in 'parray latest_data' to see the array. Here's an example output: (tclweather) 1 % parray latest_data latest_data(cloud,alt) = 7620.0 latest_data(cloud,amt) = 40 latest_data(cloud,type) = Partly cloudy latest_data(cond) = Mist latest_data(pres) = 764.032 latest_data(temp,air) = 20 latest_data(temp,dew) = 20 latest_data(temp,relhum) = 100.0 latest_data(time,hour) = 09 latest_data(time,min) = 54 latest_data(vis) = 9.656064 latest_data(wind,dir) = 0 latest_data(wind,gust) = 0 latest_data(wind,speed) = 0.0 4. This array is then scanned through. TclWeather converts to imperial units as necessary. It adds the relevant color tags, +/- indicators, and then sends the data to the ticker. Easy as 3.14159. Jason Tang /