#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################### # pmwatcher - Gaim plugin to watch # perlmonks.com # 2005, Mike Schilli ########################################### use strict; use Gaim; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use URI::URL; use CGI qw(a); use Cache::FileCache; use POE qw(Component::Client::HTTP); use HTTP::Request::Common; our $FETCH_INTERVAL = 600; our $FETCH_URL = "http://perlmonks.com/" . "?node=Newest%20Nodes"; our $ACTIVE = 0; # Call plugins every second our $UPDATE = 1; our $USER = "mikeschilli"; our $BUDDY = undef; our $PLUGIN = undef; our %PLUGIN_INFO = ( perl_api_version => 2, name => "pmwatcher", summary => "Perlmonks Watch Plugin", version => "1.0", description => "Reports latest postings " . "on perlmonks.com", author => "Mike Schilli " . "", load => "plugin_load", ); our $cache = new Cache::FileCache({ namespace => "pmwatcher", }); ########################################### sub plugin_init { ########################################### return %PLUGIN_INFO; } ########################################### sub plugin_load { ########################################### my($plugin) = @_; Gaim::signal_connect( Gaim::BuddyList::handle(), "buddy-signed-on", $plugin, \&buddy_signed_on_callback, ); Gaim::signal_connect( Gaim::BuddyList::handle(), "buddy-signed-off", $plugin, \&buddy_signed_off_callback, ); POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn( Alias => "ua", Timeout => 60, ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { $poe_kernel->yield('http_start'); }, http_start => sub { Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "Fetching $FETCH_URL\n"); $poe_kernel->post("ua", "request", "http_ready", GET $FETCH_URL); $poe_kernel->delay('http_start', $FETCH_INTERVAL); }, http_ready => sub { Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "http_ready $FETCH_URL\n"); my $resp= $_[ARG1]->[0]; if($resp->is_success()) { pm_update($resp->content()); } else { Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "Can't fetch $FETCH_URL: " . $resp->message()); } }, } ); Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, $UPDATE, \&refresh); $PLUGIN = $plugin; } ########################################### sub buddy_signed_on_callback { ########################################### my ($buddy, $data) = @_; return if $buddy->get_alias ne $USER; $ACTIVE = 1; $BUDDY = $buddy; } ########################################### sub buddy_signed_off_callback { ########################################### my ($buddy, $data) = @_; return if $buddy->get_alias ne $USER; $ACTIVE = 0; $BUDDY = undef; } ########################################### sub refresh { ########################################### Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "Refresh (ACTIVE=$ACTIVE)\n"); if($ACTIVE) { $poe_kernel->run_one_timeslice(); } Gaim::timeout_add($PLUGIN, $UPDATE, \&refresh); } ########################################### sub pm_update { ########################################### my($html_text) = @_; if(my @nws = latest_news($html_text)) { my $c = Gaim::Conversation::IM::new( $BUDDY->get_account(), $BUDDY->get_name()); $c->send("$_\n") for @nws; } } ########################################### sub latest_news { ########################################### my($html_string) = @_; my $start_url = URI::URL->new($FETCH_URL); my $max_node; my $saved = $cache->get("max-node"); $saved = 0 unless defined $saved; my @aimtext = (); for my $entry (@{qparse($html_string)}) { my($text, $url) = @$entry; my($node) = $url =~ /(\d+)$/; if($node > $saved) { Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "*** New node $text ($url)"); $url = a({href => $url}, $url); push @aimtext, "$text\n$url"; } $max_node = $node if !defined $max_node or $max_node < $node; } $cache->set("max-node", $max_node) if $saved < $max_node; return @aimtext; } ########################################### sub qparse { ########################################### my($html_string) = @_; my $start_url = URI::URL->new($FETCH_URL); my @questions = (); my $parser = HTML::TreeBuilder->new(); my $tree = $parser->parse($html_string); my($questions) = $tree->look_down( "_tag", "a", "name", "toc-Questions"); if(! $questions) { Gaim::debug_info("pmwatcher", "Couldn't find Questions section"); return undef; } my $node = $questions->parent(); while($node->tag() ne "table") { $node = $node->right(); } for my $tr ($node->look_down( "_tag", "tr")) { for my $a ($tr->look_down( "_tag", "a")) { my $href = $a->attr('href'); my $text = $a->as_text(); my $url = URI::URL->new($href, $start_url); push @questions, [$text, $url->abs()]; # Process only the question # node, not the author's node last; } } $tree->delete(); return \@questions; }