# SOAP-domain.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # # SOAP Domain Service module for the tclhttpd web server. # # Get the server to require the SOAP::Domain package and call # SOAP::Domain::register to register the domain handler with the server. # ie: put the following in a file in tclhttpd/custom # package require SOAP::Domain # SOAP::Domain::register /soap # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require SOAP::CGI; # TclSOAP 1.6 package require rpcvar; # TclSOAP 1.6 package require log; # tcllib 1.0 namespace eval ::SOAP::Domain { variable version 1.4 ;# package version number variable debug 0 ;# flag to toggle debug output variable rcs_id {$Id: SOAP-domain.tcl,v 1.14 2003/09/06 17:08:46 patthoyts Exp $} namespace export register catch {namespace import -force [namespace parent]::Utils::*} catch {namespace import -force [uplevel {namespace current}]::rpcvar::*} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register this package with tclhttpd. # # eg: register -prefix /soap ?-namespace ::zsplat? ?-interp slave? # # -prefix is the URL prefix for the SOAP methods to be implemented under # -interp is the Tcl slave interpreter to use ( {} for the current interp) # -namespace is the Tcl namespace look for the implementations under # (default is global) # -uri the XML namespace for these methods. Defaults to the Tcl interpreter # and namespace name. # proc ::SOAP::Domain::register {args} { if { [llength $args] < 1 } { return -code error "invalid # args:\ should be \"register ?option value ...?\"" } # set the default options. These work out to be the current interpreter, # toplevel namespace and under /soap URL array set opts [list \ -prefix /soap \ -namespace {::} \ -interp {} \ -uri {^} ] # process the arguments foreach {opt value} $args { switch -glob -- $opt { -pre* {set opts(-prefix) $value} -nam* {set opts(-namespace) ::$value} -int* {set opts(-interp) $value} -uri {set opts(-uri) $value} default { set names [join [array names opts -*] ", "] return -code error "unrecognised option \"$opt\":\ must be one of $names" } } } # Construct a URI if not supplied (as indicated by the funny character) # gives interpname hyphen namespace path (with more hyphens) if { $opts(-uri) == {^} } { set opts(-uri) regsub -all -- {::+} "$opts(-interp)::$opts(-namespace)" {-} r set opts(-uri) [string trim $r -] } # Generate the fully qualified name of our options array variable. set optname [namespace current]::opts$opts(-prefix) # check we didn't already have this registered. if { [info exists $optname] } { return -code error "URL prefix \"$opts(-prefix)\" already registered" } # set up the URL domain handler procedure. # As interp eval {} evaluates in the current interpreter we can define # both a slave interpreter _and_ a specific namespace if we need. # If required create a slave interpreter. if { $opts(-interp) != {} } { catch {interp create -- $opts(-interp)} } # Now create a command in the slave interpreter's target namespace that # links to our implementation in this interpreter in the SOAP::Domain # namespace. interp alias $opts(-interp) $opts(-namespace)::URLhandler \ {} [namespace current]::domain_handler $optname # Register the URL handler with tclhttpd now. Url_PrefixInstall $opts(-prefix) \ [list interp eval $opts(-interp) $opts(-namespace)::URLhandler] # log the uri/domain registration array set [namespace current]::opts$opts(-prefix) [array get opts] return $opts(-prefix) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SOAP URL Domain handler # # Called from the namespace or interpreter domain_handler to perform the # work. # optsname the qualified name of the options array set up during registration. # sock socket back to the client # suffix the remainder of the url once the prefix was stripped. # proc ::SOAP::Domain::domain_handler {optsname sock args} { variable debug upvar \#0 Httpd$sock data upvar \#0 $optsname options # if suffix is {} then it fails to make it through the various evals. set suffix [lindex $args 0] # check this is an XML post set failed [catch {set type $data(mime,content-type)} msg] if { $failed } { set msg "Invalid SOAP request: not XML data" log::log debug $msg Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/xml [SOAP::fault SOAP-ENV:Client $msg] 500 return $failed } # make sure we were sent some XML set failed [catch {set query $data(query)} msg] if { $failed } { set msg "Invalid SOAP request: no data sent" log::log debug $msg Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/xml [SOAP::fault SOAP-ENV:Client $msg] 500 return $failed } # Check that we have a properly registered domain if { ! [info exists options] } { set msg "Internal server error: domain improperly registered" log::log debug $msg Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/xml [SOAP::fault SOAP-ENV:Server $msg] 500 return 1 } # Parse the XML into a DOM tree. set doc [dom::DOMImplementation parse $query] if { $debug } { set ::doc $doc } # Call the procedure and convert errors into SOAP Faults and the return # data into a SOAP return packet. set failed [catch {SOAP::CGI::soap_call $doc $options(-interp)} msg] Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/xml $msg [expr {$failed ? 500 : 200}] catch {dom::DOMImplementation destroy $doc} return $failed } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide SOAP::Domain $::SOAP::Domain::version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: