# SOAP-service.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # # Provide a SOAP demo service. # # This package provides a simple HTTP server that is useful for stand-alone # testing of HTTP requests (including SOAP requests). This is not meant # to be a production-quality web server. # # Replies to GET requests with the contents of a file in a subdirectory if # the requested file can be found. Some simple filename extension to MIME # content-type matching is performed. # # POST requests are passed to a handler function, currently only /soap/base64 # is actually valid and this returns a fixed base64 encoded string. # # The toplevel procedures are `start', `stop' and `stats' which respectively # start or stop the service, or provide some statistics on the requests # handled so far. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide SOAP::Service 0.4 if { [catch {package require dom 2.0}] } { if { [catch {package require dom }] } { error "srv:require dom package greater than 1.6" } } if { [catch {package require Trf}] } { if { [catch {package require base64}] } { error "missing required package: base64 command needs to be provided" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval SOAP::Service { variable version 1.0 variable rcs_version { $Id: SOAP-service.tcl,v 1.6 2003/09/06 17:08:46 patthoyts Exp $ } variable socket variable port variable stats namespace export start stop stats } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::start { {server_port {80}} } { variable socket variable port variable stats if { [catch { set s $socket }] != 0 } { set socket {} } if { $socket != {} } { return -code error "SOAP service already running on socket $socket" } set port $server_port set socket [socket -server [namespace current]::service $port] puts "SOAP service started on port $port" array set stats { zsplat-Base64 0 error_404 0 error_500 0 fault 0 } return $socket } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::stop {} { variable socket close $socket set socket {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::stats {} { variable stats set count 0 foreach uri [array names stats] { puts "$uri $stats($uri)" incr count $stats($uri) } return $count } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::service {channel client_addr client_port} { # read the request (if any) set request {} set line {1} while { $line != {} && ! [eof $channel] } { gets $channel line lappend request $line } puts "[join $request \n]" set http_request [split [lindex $request 0] ] set http_action [lindex $http_request 0] ;# type of request set http_url [lindex $http_request 1] ;# what URL requested switch -- $http_action { GET { set reply [get $http_url] } POST { set reply [post $http_url $request $channel] } default { set reply [error500] } } puts $channel "$reply" flush $channel close $channel } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::post { url headers channel} { # Get the amount of data from the Content-Length header and read it. set data {} set length [lsearch -regexp $headers {^Content-Length:}] if { $length != -1 } { set length [split [lindex $headers $length] :] set length [expr {[lindex $length 1] + 0}] } if { $length > 0 } { set data [read $channel $length] } switch -- $url { /soap/base64 { set reply [base64_service $data] } default { set reply [error404] } } return $reply } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::get { path } { variable stats set path [eval file join [split $path {\\/}] ] ;# make it relative if { [file exists $path] && [file readable $path] && [file isfile $path]} { set body {} set f [open $path "r"] while { ! [eof $f] } { gets $f l lappend body $l } close $f set body [join $body "\n"] set head [join [list \ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" \ "Content-Type: [content_type $path]" \ "Content-Length: [string length $body]" ] "\n"] set reply "${head}\n\n${body}" if { [info exists stats($path)] } { incr stats($path) } else { set stats($path) 1 } } else { set reply [error404] } return $reply } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::content_type { file } { set ext [file extension $file] switch -- $ext { .htm { set type text/html } .xml { set type text/xml } .jpg { set type image/jpeg } .tcl { set type application/x-tcl } default { set type text/plain } } return $type } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::error404 {} { variable stats incr stats(error_404) set body [join [list \ "File not found"\ "

Error 404 File not found

" \ "The requested file could not be found on this server." \ "

" \ ] "\n" ] set head [join [list \ "HTTP/1.1 404 Error File not found" \ "Content-Type: text/html" \ "Content-Length: [string length $body]"] "\n"] return "${head}\n\n${body}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::error500 {} { variable stats incr stats(error_500) set body [list \ "Requests must be GET or POST." ] set head [list \ "HTTP/1.1 500 ERROR Invalid HTTP request type" \ "Content-Type: text/html" \ "Content-Length: [string length $body]" ] return "[join $head \n]\n\n[join $body \n]" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::base64_service { request } { variable stats package require SOAP::xpath set req [dom::DOMImplementation parse $request] set failed [catch {SOAP::xpath::xpath $req "Envelope/Body/zsplat-Base64/*"} result] if { $failed } { set doc [dom::DOMImplementation create] set bod [gen_reply_envelope $doc] set flt [dom::document createElement $bod "SOAP-ENV:Fault"] set fcd [dom::document createElement $flt "faultcode"] dom::document createTextNode $fcd {SOAP-ENV:Client} set fst [dom::document createElement $flt "faultstring"] dom::document createTextNode $fst {Incorrect number of arguments} #set dtl [dom::document createElement $flt "detail"] set head {HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error} incr stats(fault) } else { set doc [zsplat_base64_reply [dom::DOMImplementation create] $result] set head {HTTP/1.1 200 OK} incr stats(zsplat-Base64) } set prebody [dom::DOMImplementation serialize $doc] dom::DOMImplementation destroy $doc ;# clean up regsub {]*>\n} $prebody {} body ;# SOAP disallows DOCTYPE set head [join [list $head \ "Content-Type: text/xml" \ "Content-Length: [string length $body]"\ "" ] "\n" ] return "${head}\n${body}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SOAP::Service::zsplat_base64_reply { doc msg } { set bod [gen_reply_envelope $doc] set cmd [dom::document createElement $bod "zsplat:getBase64"] dom::element setAttribute $cmd "xmlns:zsplat" "urn:zsplat-Base64" dom::element setAttribute $cmd \ "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" set par [dom::document createElement $cmd "return"] dom::element setAttribute $par "xsi:type" "xsd:string" dom::document createTextNode $par [base64 -mode enc $msg] return $doc } # Mostly this boilerplate code to generate a general SOAP reply proc SOAP::Service::gen_reply_envelope { doc } { set env [dom::document createElement $doc "SOAP-ENV:Envelope"] dom::element setAttribute $env \ "xmlns:SOAP-ENV" "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" dom::element setAttribute $env \ "xmlns:xsi" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance" dom::element setAttribute $env \ "xmlns:xsd" "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema" set bod [dom::document createElement $env "SOAP-ENV:Body"] return $bod } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: