# silab.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # # Run the SOAP Interoperability Test Suite Round 2: Base tests. # Generates a html page of the results. # # $Id: silab.tcl,v 1.8 2003/01/26 01:57:33 patthoyts Exp $ package require soapinterop::base package require soapinterop::B package require soapinterop::C set logdir {../doc/silab} set logcount 0 set logfile {} # toolkit endpoint action namespace # {{Apache 2.1} http://nagoya.apache.org:5089/soap/servlet/rpcrouter urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} # {{SOAP.py} urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} set round1 { {{TclSOAP 1.6} http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/rpc urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP::Lite} http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{4s4c} http://soap.4s4c.com/interop/soap.asp urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{Frontier 7.0} http://www.soapware.org/xmethodsInterop /xmethodsInterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{ActiveState} http://soaptest.activestate.com:8080/PerlEx/soap.plex urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{Dolphin Harbor} http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interop urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{EasySoap++} http://www.xmethods.net/c/easysoap.cgi urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} {{eSoapServer} http://www.connecttel.com/cgi-bin/esoapserver.cgi urn:soapinterop http://soapinterop.org/} } # round 2 http://www.whitemesa.com/interop.htm #{{eSOAP} http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} #{{SOAP RMI} http://www.extreme.indiana.edu:1568 http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} #{{kSOAP 0.8} http://kissen.cs.uni-dortmind.de:8008 http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} set round2base { {{TclSOAP 1.6} http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/rpc http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP::Lite} http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{ASP.NET} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simple.asmx http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{MS .NET Remoting} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceA.soap http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{Spray} http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interop http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SQLData SOAP} http://soapclient.com/interop/sqldatainterop.wsdl http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP4R} http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/ http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{EasySoap++} http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAPx4 (PHP) .5} http://dietrich.ganx4.com/soapx4/soap.php http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{White Mesa SOAP} http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{SIM} http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2 http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{Spray 2001} http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interop2001 http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{4s4c} http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{Apache Axis} http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/servlet/AxisServlet http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{Apache SOAP} http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/soap/servlet/rpcrouter http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} } set round2B { {{TclSOAP 1.6} http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/rpc http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP::Lite} http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP4R} http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/ http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SIM} http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2B http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{Spray 2001} http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopB2001 http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{EasySoap++} http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{White Mesa SOAP} http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std/groupB http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{MS .NET Remoting} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceB.soap http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{MS SOAP Toolkit} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropB.wsdl http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{ASP.NET} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simpleB.asmx http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{4s4c} http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} } set round2C { {{TclSOAP 1.6} http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/rpc http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{SOAP::Lite} http://services.soaplite.com/interopC.cgi http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{White Mesa SOAP} http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std/echohdr http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{EasySoap++} http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/} {{MS SOAP Toolkit} http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropC.wsdl http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{Spray 2001} http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopC http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} {{ASP.NET} http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/header.asmx http://soapinterop.org/ http://soapinterop.org/ {-encoding SOAP1.2}} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc silab:round1 {} { set title {SILAB Round 1 Tests called from TclSOAP} set info { This page is generated by a Tcl script that uses the TclSOAP client code against a list of SOAP servers implementing the SOAP Interoperability Lab Round 1 service. The results are printed as OK or the error is shown. The raw XML for the reqyest and the reply is available via links in each table. If there is no XML then the error occurred in the TclSOAP client code or the server is down.} set filename "round1.html" silab:execute $filename $title $info $::round1 proposalA } proc silab:round2 {} { set title {SILAB Round 2 Base Tests called via TclSOAP} set info { This page is generated by a Tcl script that uses the TclSOAP client code against a list of SOAP servers implementing the SOAP Interoperability Lab Round 2 proposal A service. The results are printed as OK or the error is shown. The raw XML for the request and the reply is available via links in each table. If there is no XML then the error occurred in the TclSOAP client code or the server is down.} set filename "round2base.html" silab:execute $filename $title $info $::round2base proposalA } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc silab:round2B {} { set title {SILAB Round 2 Proposal B Tests called via TclSOAP} set info { This page is generated by a Tcl script that uses the TclSOAP client code against a list of SOAP servers implementing the SOAP Interoperability Lab Round 2 proposal B service. The results are printed as OK or the error is shown. The raw XML for the request and the reply is available via links in each table. If there is no XML then the error occurred in the TclSOAP client code or the server is down.} set filename "round2B.html" silab:execute $filename $title $info $::round2B proposalB } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc silab:round2C {} { set title {SILAB Round 2 Proposal C Tests called via TclSOAP} set info { This page is generated by a Tcl script that uses the TclSOAP client code against a list of SOAP servers implementing the SOAP Interoperability Lab Round 2 proposal C service. The results are printed as OK or the error is shown. The raw XML for the request and the reply is available via links in each table. If there is no XML then the error occurred in the TclSOAP client code or the server is down.} set filename "round2C.html" silab:execute $filename $title $info $::round2C proposalC } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # procname - procedure to execute to perform the tests. proc silab:execute {filename title info servers procname} { global logdir global logfile # set a global http timeout to avoid overruns of 30 seconds SOAP::configure -transport http -timeout 30000 if {$logdir != {} && ![file isdirectory $logdir]} { file mkdir $logdir } if {$filename != {}} { set logfile [open [file join $logdir $filename] w] } else { set logfile stdout } puts $logfile "\ \ $title" puts $logfile {
SourceForge Logo } puts $logfile "


" puts $logfile {
} puts $logfile "


" flush $logfile foreach server $servers { if {[catch {eval $procname \ [list [lindex $server 0]] \ [list [lindex $server 1]] \ [list [lindex $server 2]] \ [list [lindex $server 3]] \ [lindex $server 4] \ } msg ]} { puts $logfile "\

An Error occurred processing [lindex $server 0]



" } flush $logfile } puts $logfile {
} close $logfile } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Setup and run the base SOAP Interop Lab Client tests. # proc proposalA {toolkit where action xmlns args} { global logfile set soapinterop::uri $xmlns set soapinterop::action $action eval soapinterop::create:base [list $where] $args puts $logfile "

$toolkit $where

\n\n" perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoVoid perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoDate perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoBase64 perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoInteger perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoFloat perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoString perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoIntegerArray perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoFloatArray perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoStringArray perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoStruct perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoStructArray puts $logfile "

\n\n" return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Setup and run the base SOAP Interop Lab Client proposal B tests. # proc proposalB {toolkit where action xmlns args} { global logfile set soapinterop::uri $xmlns set soapinterop::action $action eval soapinterop::create:proposalB [list $where] $args puts $logfile "

$toolkit $where

\n\n" perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoStructAsSimpleTypes perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoSimpleTypesAsStruct perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoNestedArray perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echoNestedStruct perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.echo2DStringArray puts $logfile "

\n\n" return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Setup and run the Round 2 Proposal C tests (found in soapinteropC.tcl) # proc proposalC {toolkit where action xmlns args} { global logfile eval SOAP::create soapinterop::echoVoid \ -name echoVoid \ -proxy [list $where] \ -uri [list $xmlns] \ -action [list $action] $args puts $logfile "

$toolkit $where

\n\n" perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:A echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:B echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:C echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:D echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:E echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emsr:F echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:A echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:B echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:C echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:D echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:E echoVoid propc perform $toolkit soapinterop::validate.emtr:F echoVoid propc puts $logfile "

\n\n" return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Perform a SOAP call. Capture the request and reply XML packets and save # to unique files under `logdir'. Appends a suitable log message to the # `logfile' # proc perform {toolkit procname {methodname {}} {prefix dump}} { global logfile global logdir global logcount set name [lindex [split $procname .] end] if {$methodname != {}} {set name $methodname} set failed [catch [list $procname] msg] if {$failed} { set msg [string map {< < > > & &} $msg] set msg "$msg" } else { set msg ok } puts $logfile "$name$msg" if {$logdir != {}} { set request [file join $logdir "${prefix}${logcount}.xml"] incr logcount set reply [file join $logdir "${prefix}${logcount}.xml"] incr logcount set err [catch {SOAP::dump -req soapinterop::$name} xml] set f [open $request w] puts -nonewline $f $xml close $f catch {SOAP::dump soapinterop::$name} xml set f [open $reply w] puts -nonewline $f $xml close $f puts $logfile "request\ reply" } } # Should we go ahead and run this... if {!$::tcl_interactive} { set logdir [file join [pwd] interop-results] silab:round1 silab:round2 silab:round2B silab:round2C }