# soapinterop.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # # Client implementation of the SOAP Interoperability lab Round 1 Test Suite # and Round 2 Proposal A. # # If you live behind a firewall and have an authenticating proxy web server # try executing SOAP::proxyconfig and filling in the fields. This sets # up the SOAP package to send the correct headers for the proxy to # forward the packets (provided it is using the `Basic' encoding scheme). # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # @(#)$Id: soapinterop.tcl,v 1.6 2002/02/26 23:50:13 patthoyts Exp $ package provide soapinterop::base 1.0 package require SOAP package require XMLRPC package require rpcvar package require SOAP::http namespace eval soapinterop { variable uri "http://soapinterop.org/" variable action "http://soapinterop.org/" namespace export rand_string rand_int rand_float rpcvar::typedef -namespace http://soapinterop.org/xsd { \ varString string \ varInt int \ varFloat float} SOAPStruct } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # round 1 and the round 2 base tests are the same apart from the SOAPAction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc soapinterop::round1 {{proxy {}}} { set soapinterop::action urn:soapinterop return [validate:base $proxy] } proc soapinterop::round2 {{proxy {}}} { set soapinterop::action http://soapinterop.org/ return [validate:base $proxy] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc soapinterop::create:base {proxy args} { variable uri variable action SOAP::create echoString -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputString string} SOAP::create echoInteger -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputInteger int} SOAP::create echoFloat -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputFloat float} SOAP::create echoStruct -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputStruct SOAPStruct} SOAP::create echoStringArray -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputStringArray string()} SOAP::create echoIntegerArray -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputIntegerArray int()} SOAP::create echoFloatArray -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputFloatArray float()} SOAP::create echoStructArray -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputStructArray SOAPStruct()} SOAP::create echoBase64 -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputBase64 base64} SOAP::create echoDate -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {inputDate timeInstant} SOAP::create echoVoid -proxy $proxy -uri $uri -action $action \ -params {} if {$args != {}} { foreach method [list echoVoid echoDate echoBase64 \ echoString echoInteger echoFloat echoStruct \ echoStringArray echoIntegerArray echoFloatArray \ echoStructArray] { eval SOAP::configure $method $args } } } proc soapinterop::validate:base {proxy args} { set soapinterop::action urn:soapinterop if {$proxy != {}} { eval create:base [list $proxy] $args } catch {validate.echoVoid} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoDate} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoBase64} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoInteger} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoFloat} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoString} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoIntegerArray} msg; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoFloatArray} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoStringArray} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoStruct} msg ; puts "$msg" catch {validate.echoStructArray} msg ; puts "$msg" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc soapinterop::rand_float {} { set r [expr rand() * 200 - 100] set p [string first . $r] incr p 4 return [string range $r 0 $p] } proc soapinterop::rand_int {} { return [expr int(rand() * 200 - 100) ] } proc soapinterop::rand_string {} { set cmds [info commands] set ndx [expr int(rand() * [llength $cmds])] return [lindex $cmds $ndx] } proc soapinterop::float=? {lhs rhs {dp 4}} { set lhs [format %0.${dp}f $lhs] set rhs [format %0.${dp}f $rhs] return [expr {$lhs == $rhs}] } proc soapinterop::list=? {lhs rhs} { if {[llength $lhs] != [llength $rhs]} { return false } for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { if {[lindex $q $n] != [lindex $r $n]} { return false } } return true } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Round 1 and Round 2 Base Tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc soapinterop::validate.echoVoid {} { set r [echoVoid] if {$r != {}} { error "echoVoid failed" } return "echoVoid" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoDate {} { set d [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}] set r [echoDate $d] if {! [string match "$d*" $r]} { error "echoDate failed: $d != $r" } return "echoDate" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoBase64 {} { package require base64 set check [array get ::tcl_platform] set q [join [base64::encode $check] {}] set result [echoBase64 $q] set r [base64::decode $result] if {![string match $check $r]} { error "echoBase64 failed: strings do not match" } return "echoBase64" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoInteger {} { set i [rand_int] set r [echoInteger $i] if {$i != $r} { error "echoInteger failed: $i != $r" } return "echoInteger" } # Tend to loose some decimal places. Check to ?? dp ?? proc soapinterop::validate.echoFloat {} { set f [rand_float] set r [echoFloat $f] if {! [float=? $f $r]} { error "echoFloat failed: $f != $r" } return "echoFloat" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoString {} { set s [array get ::tcl_platform] set r [echoString $s] if {! [string match $s $r]} { error "echoString failed simple string test: $s != $r" } return "echoString" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoIntegerArray {} { set max [expr int(rand() * 19 + 2)] for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { lappend q [rand_int] } set r [echoIntegerArray $q] if {[llength $r] != [llength $q]} { error "echoIntegerArray failed: lists are different: $q != $r" } for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { if {[lindex $q $n] != [lindex $r $n]} { error "echoIntegerArray failed: element $n is different: $q != $r" } } return "echoIntegerArray" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoFloatArray {} { set max [expr int(rand() * 19 + 2)] for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { lappend q [rand_float] } set r [echoFloatArray $q] if {[llength $r] != [llength $q]} { error "echoFloatArray failed: lists are different: $q != $r" } for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { if {![float=? [lindex $q $n] [lindex $r $n]]} { error "echoFloatArray failed: element $n is different: $q != $r" } } return "echoFloatArray" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoStringArray {} { set q [array get ::tcl_platform] set r [echoStringArray $q] if {[llength $r] != [llength $q]} { error "echoStringArray failed: lists are different: $q != $r" } set max [llength $q] for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { if {! [string match [lindex $q $n] [lindex $r $n]]} { error "echoStringArray failed: element $n is different: $q != $r" } } return "echoStringArray" } proc soapinterop::validateSOAPStruct {first second} { set r 0 array set f $first array set s $second foreach key [array names f] { set type [rpcvar::rpctype $f($key)] switch -- $type { double { set r [float=? $f($key) $s($key)] } float { set r [float=? $f($key) $s($key)] } int { set r [expr $f($key) == $s($key)] } default { if {[string match "varStruct" $key]} { set r [validateSOAPStruct $f($key) $s($key)] } else { set r [string match $f($key) $s($key)] } } } if {! $r} { error "failed: mismatching \"$key\" element\ $f($key) != $s($key)" } } return $r } proc soapinterop::validate.echoStruct {} { set q [list \ varInt [rand_int] \ varFloat [rand_float] \ varString [rand_string]] set r [echoStruct $q] if {[catch {validateSOAPStruct $q $r} err]} { error "echoStruct $err" } return "echoStruct" } proc soapinterop::validate.echoStructArray {} { set max [expr int(rand() * 19 + 2)] for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { lappend q [list \ varInt [rand_int] \ varFloat [rand_float] \ varString [rand_string]] } set r [echoStructArray $q] for {set n 0} {$n < $max} {incr n} { if {[catch {validateSOAPStruct [lindex $q $n] [lindex $r $n]} err]} { error "echoStructArray $err" } } return "echoStructArray" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: