samples/README -*-text-*- This directory contains various samples of client SOAP and XMLRPC methods. Of particular note are the Tcl client implementations of the test suites in soapinterop.tcl and validator.tcl SOAP Interoperability Labs Test Suite: source soapinterop.tcl soapinterop::validate XMethods Validator Suite: source validator1.tcl validate_soap validate_xmlrpc TclHTTPD Implementation: Provide access from TclHTTPD to the methods implemented by the CGI framework. The tclserver.tcl file is an example of using the CGI code to export methods under this server. If this is sourced into a running tclhttpd instance then the /RPC URL will delegate to the SOAP::CGI code. You can then run the validation suite as above against your server URL. Async.tcl - a sample demonstrating the use of asynchronous XML-RPC using the O'Reilly Meerkat service. cgi-clients.tcl - some client methods for the urn:tclsoap:Test methods provided in the cgi-bin/soap directory.