# smtp.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts # # Provide an SMTP transport for the SOAP package. # # e.g.: # SOAP::create purchase \ # -proxy mailto:soap-purchase@localhost # -action urn:tclsoap:Purchase # -uri urn:tclsoap:Purchase # -params {code string auth string} # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require mime; # tcllib 1.0 package require smtp; # tcllib 1.0 namespace eval ::SOAP::Transport::smtp { variable version 1.0 variable rcsid {$Id: smtp.tcl,v 1.4 2003/09/06 17:08:46 patthoyts Exp $} variable options SOAP::register mailto [namespace current] # Initialize the transport options. if {![info exists options]} { array set options [list \ servers {} \ headers {} \ sender "$::tcl_platform(user)@[info hostname]" \ ] } # Declare the additional SOAP method options provided by this transport. variable method:options [list \ mimeheaders \ attachments \ ] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Implement the additional SOAP method configuration options provide # for this transport. # Notes: # -mimeheaders - specify extra MIME headers for use with this SOAP # method. eg: -mimeheaders [list X-Face $facedata X-Abuse $ab] # -attach - implements SOAP Messages with attachments spec. # The argument should be a MIME token returned by mime::initialize. # proc ::SOAP::Transport::smtp::method:configure {procVarName opt value} { upvar $procVarName procvar switch -glob -- $opt { -mimeheaders { set procvar(mimeheaders) $value } -attach* { set procvar(attachments) $value } default { # not reached return -code error "unknown option \"$opt\"" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Permit configuration of the SMTP transport. # proc ::SOAP::Transport::smtp::configure {args} { variable options if {[llength $args] == 0} { set r {} foreach {opt value} [array get options] { lappend r "-$opt" $value } return $r } foreach {opt value} $args { switch -- $opt { -servers { set options(servers) $value } -sender { set options(sender) $value } -headers { set options(headers) $value } default { return -code error "invalid option \"$opt\": must be \ \"-servers\", \"-headers\" or \"-sender\"" } } } return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # SMTP method calls are asynchronous in that the reply will arrive elsewhere # (if there is one). This suggests that if a reply is expected there will be # a SMTP server running on the caller. Not normally the case. SMTP is # expected to be used for batch transfers of multiple SOAP requests. # eg: database updates of point-of-sale (POS) transactions. # Parameters: # procVarName - SOAP configuration variable identifier. # url - the endpoint address. eg: mailto:user@address # soap - the XML payload for the SOAP message. # Notes: # As this transport method doesn't return anything, we need to quieten the # SOAP framework code. I suggest defining a dummy -command procedure to # get the call made as asynchronous so the framework doesn't expect an # answer. The SMTP transport will never attempt to call this procedure. # proc ::SOAP::Transport::smtp::xfer {procVarName url soap} { variable options if {[catch {eval array set addr [mime::parseaddress $url]} msg]} { return -code error $msg } if {$addr(error) != {}} { return -code error $addr(error) } # Clean up the previous request (if any) upvar $procVarName procvar if {[info exists procvar(smtp)] && $procvar(smtp) != {}} { mime::finalize $procvar(smtp) -subordinate all } set procvar(smtp) [mime::initialize -canonical text/xml -string $soap] if {[info exists procvar(attachments)] && $procvar(attachments) != {}} { set token $procvar(smtp) set procvar(smtp) [mime::initialize -canonical multipart/related \ -parts [concat $token $procvar(attachments)]] } if {[info exists procvar(mimeheaders)]} { foreach {key value} $procvar(mimeheaders) { mime::setheader $procvar(smtp) $key $value } } foreach {key value} $options(headers) { mime::setheader $procvar(smtp) $key $value } if {$procvar(action) != {}} { mime::setheader $procvar(smtp) "X-SOAPAction" $procvar(action) } # Get the SOAP package version # FRINK: nocheck set version [set [namespace parent [namespace parent]]::version] set r [smtp::sendmessage $procvar(smtp) \ -servers $options(servers) \ -originator $options(sender) \ -recipients $addr(address) \ -header [list "X-Mailer" \ "TclSOAP/$version ($::tcl_platform(os))"]] if {$r != {}} { return -code error "SOAP transport error: $r" } return {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Called to release any retained resources from a SOAP method. For the # smtp transport this is just the mime token. # Parameters: # methodVarName - the name of the SOAP method configuration array # proc ::SOAP::Transport::smtp::method:destroy {methodVarName} { upvar $methodVarName procvar if {[info exists procvar(smtp)] && $procvar(smtp) != {}} { catch { ::mime::finalize $procvar(smtp) -subordinate all } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::SOAP::Transport::smtp::dump {methodName type} { SOAP::cget $methodName proxy if {[catch {SOAP::cget $methodName smtp} token]} { set token {} } if {$token == {}} { return -code error "cannot dump: no information is available\ for \"$methodName\"" } return [mime::buildmessage $token] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide SOAP::smtp $::SOAP::Transport::smtp::version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: