#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Pod::Usage; use Sysadm::Install qw(:all); use Config::Patch; use Buffalo::G54; use X10::Home; use Log::Log4perl 1.13 qw(:easy); my @isps = qw(cable dsl); my($switch_to) = @ARGV; Log::Log4perl->easy_init($INFO); if(! defined $switch_to) { pod2usage( "Specify what ISP to switch to"); } if(! grep { $_ eq $switch_to } @isps) { pod2usage("Unknown isp, use ", join(", ", @isps)); } my $x10 = X10::Home->new(); my $P = password_read("Router password: "); no strict 'refs'; eval { $switch_to->(); }; network_restart(); ########################################### sub dsl { ########################################### gateway_patch(""); $x10->send("bridge", "off"); dhcp("on"); } ########################################### sub cable { ########################################### gateway_patch(""); $x10->send("bridge", "on"); dhcp("off"); ALWAYS "Waiting for bridge to start up"; sleep 20; } ########################################### sub network_restart { ########################################### tap "sudo", "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network", "restart"; } ########################################### sub gateway_patch { ########################################### my($ip) = @_; my $patcher = Config::Patch->new( file => "/etc/sysconfig/network", key => "isp-switch", ); if($patcher->patched()) { # patched already? Remove old patch $patcher->remove(); } $patcher->replace(qr(^GATEWAY=.*)m, "GATEWAY=$ip"); } ########################################### sub dhcp { ########################################### my($onoff) = @_; DEBUG "Setting dhcp to $onoff"; my $b = Buffalo::G54->new(); DEBUG "Connecting"; $b->connect(password => $P); if(defined $onoff) { INFO "Setting DHCP to $onoff"; $b->dhcp($onoff); } INFO "DHCP is now ", $b->dhcp() ? "on" : "off"; } __END__ =head1 NAME isp-switch - Cable or DSL? =head1 SYNOPSIS isp-switch [dsl|cable] =head1 DESCRIPTION isp-switch switches between Comcast cable and Pacbell DSL. =head1 AUTHOR 2007, Mike Schilli