#!/bin/sh # # Contribution to "Sprachwahl" from Linux Magazin 2008/10 # # Solution for script language TCL # # (c) Gerhard Reithofer, # Techn. EDV Reithofer; 2008-09-07 # # Usage: Usage: tclsh reorder [sortopt] [memopt] infile [outfile] # # sortopt: none .. footnotes are rebuild in order as they appear in # footnote list (1..n) # -t .... footnotes are renumbered as they appear in text, # order of footnotes in list is preserved # -f .... footnotes are renumbered as they appear in text, # footnotes list is reordered also # memopt: none .. file is preprocessed line by line # -m .... complete file is read into memory at begin, # no check for existing memory is done # infile: ......... name of input file, not checked (exit, readable...) # outfile: ........ name of output file, will be overwritten without # confirmation, default is stdout # # # starting tclsh \ exec tclsh $0 "$@" ### switch between file mode and memory mode set file_mode_solution 1 ### footnote begin marker set fn(mark) "@footnote:" ### footnote counter set fn(cntr) 0 ### default - do not sort footnotes in text set fn(sort) 0 ### default - do not (re)sort footnotes set fn(note) 0 ### footnote data array set fn_data {} ### default standard output set ofd stdout ### proc syntax {args} { if {[llength $args]} { puts [lindex $args 0] } puts "Usage: [file tail $::argv0] \[-t|-f\] \[-m\] infile \[outfile\]" puts " -t .. sort footnotes in text (default: sort footnotes at end only)" puts " -f .. sort footnotes in text and reorder footnotes at end" puts " -m .. read complete file to memory (default: line by line file I/O)" exit 1 } ### simple add & count note function proc add_note id { global fn_data fn if {![info exists fn_data($id)]} { set fn_data($id) [incr fn(cntr)] } return $fn_data($id) } ### ### process text and reorder footnotes ### in text if ($reorder == 1) ### proc process_text {fd ofd reorder} { global fn fn_data set cnt 0 next $fd line while {$line ne $fn(mark)} { set rres [regexp -indices {\[([0-9]+)\]} $line pos num] if {!$rres} { puts $ofd $line next $fd line continue } ### process all footnotes in $line ### set eidx 0 set rlin "" while {$rres} { set id [string range $line [lindex $num 0] [lindex $num 1]] set s1 [string range $line $eidx [lindex $pos 0]] append rlin $s1 if {$reorder} { append rlin $fn_data($id) } else { set new [add_note $id] append rlin $new } set eidx [lindex $pos 1] set rres [regexp -indices -start $eidx {\[([0-9]+)\]} $line pos num] } set s2 [string range $line [lindex $pos 1] end] append rlin $s2 ### write out corrected line and read next... ### puts $ofd $rlin next $fd line } } ### ### process footnote section ### proc write_notes {fd ofd reorder} { global fn fn_data puts $fn(mark) next $fd line while {![enddata $fd]} { if {$line eq ""} { if {![info exists data]} {puts $ofd ""} next $fd line continue } if {[string first {[} $line]>=0} { set lc [string first {]} $line] set id [string range $line 1 [incr lc -1]] set line [string range $line [incr lc 2] end] lappend data [list $fn_data($id) $line] } next $fd line } if {$reorder} { set data [lsort -index 0 -integer $data] } foreach r $data { set id [lindex $r 0] puts $ofd "\[$id\][lindex $r 1]" } } ### ### read footnote section 1st, for ### determination of footnote order proc preproc_notes fd { global fn fn_data # read over all text lines... set line "" while {$line ne $fn(mark)} { next $fd line } while {![enddata $fd]} { next $fd line if {[string index $line 0] ne {[}} continue set lc [string first {]} $line] set id [string range $line 1 [incr lc -1]] add_note $id } # rewind file reset $fd } ### ### commandline handling and opening of ### files - no further file checks are made!!! ### if {$argc<1} { syntax } foreach p $argv { if {[string index $p 0] eq "-"} { switch -- $p { "-t" {set fn(sort) 1} "-f" {set fn(sort) 1;set fn(note) 1} "-m" {set file_mode_solution 0} default {syntax "Invalid option: '$p'"} } } else { if {[info exists ifd]} { set ofd [open $p w+] } else { set ifd [open $p r] } } } ########################################################## ### begin of dummy file functions ### if {$file_mode_solution} { proc next {dv rv} { upvar 1 $rv line ; gets $dv line } proc enddata {dv} { return [eof $dv] } proc reset {dv} { seek $dv 0 } } else { array set lines {cnt -1 max 0 mem {}} proc next {dv rv} { global lines ; upvar 1 $rv line set line [lindex $lines(mem) [incr lines(cnt)]] } proc enddata {dv} { global lines return [expr {$lines(cnt)>=$lines(max)}] } proc reset {dv} { global lines ; set lines(cnt) -1} } ### ### end of dummy file functions ########################################################## if {![info exists ifd]} { syntax "Syntax error: no inputfile given!" } ### ### M A I N part starts here ### if {!$file_mode_solution} { set lines(mem) [split [read -nonewline $ifd] "\n"] set lines(max) [llength $lines(mem)] } if {!$fn(sort)} { preproc_notes $ifd process_text $ifd $ofd 1 } else { process_text $ifd $ofd 0 } write_notes $ifd $ofd $fn(note) close $ifd close $ofd