visitor@gopherspace:~$ finger sixthhokage1
       Login: sixthhokage1   Name: Jay Logan
       Gender: Androgyne     Pronoun: they/them
       On since 1995
       Mail to
        __ _ _  _ ___ ___ _ _   _ __  _____ __ _____ _ _
       / _` | || / -_) -_) '_| | '_ \/ _ \ V  V / -_) '_|
       \__, |\_,_\___\___|_|   | .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_|
          |_|                  |_|
       This is the personal gopherspace of Jay "Sixthhokage1" Logan.
       Most of the things I'll do here will be under my userspace (listed below).
 (DIR) ~sixthhokage1                                  2021-May-24 18:56        -  
       Dynamically generated information:
       Output width is 76 characters
       Server has been up for 53 days
       The fortune wizard says:
       / You will hear good news from one you \
       \ thought unfriendly to you.           /
                          .'* *.'
                     / _______ \
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                    ' \(((()))/ '
                   / ' \)).))\ ' \
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                  /   /   |    \    \
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            _.-'    /     Bb      '-.  '-_
        _.-'       |      BBb        '-.  '-.
                              Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on Ubuntu/18.04 x86_64