Welcome! Welcome to the Smoldering Wizard journal and gopherspace, a hopefully cool and retro complement to my blog, smolderingwizard.com, all about old-school RPGs. I'm a programmer and sysadmin with an appreciation for plain text and the idea that content wins out over looks. Gopher provides a clean, text-based way of presenting information in a hierarchical format that is low-bandwidth, fast, and simple. And let's face it, we play old-school games, why not dabble in old-school network protocols? If you're reading this, you are most likely using one of the public gopher-to-web proxies (like the one linked from my blog), but know that you can browse gopherspace natively in a text-based browser like lynx, a modern web browser like Firefox with the overbite plugin, or on a mobile device with overbite for Android. See http://gopher.floodgap.com/overbite for more info and downloads.