Random Cryptworld Character Statblocks In the Player & DM Resources section, I've added a link to a random generator for Cryptworld character stats [0]. One of my gripes with the Pacesetter games like Cryptworld is that character generation is way too fiddly, requiring mental math at each step. Isn't that what computers are for? With this, you have six stat blocks - pick one, copy down the stats on the character sheet, pick skills and paranormal talents (PTs) based on the starting numbers you generated, and you're basically done. You could use this for Majus and Timemaster too, but the rules are slightly different. Majus allows the player to choose two or three starting magical adits, and get one or two starting PTs depending on that choice. Timemaster's table for penetration bonuses is slightly different from the others. All that said, the core stats are identical, so you could use it for any of the games with little effort (and at some point I'll update it so it can be used for all of them directly). [0] gopher://gopher.smolderingwizard.com/0/cgi-bin/cryptworld.cgi