# Summer Gaming Well the summer is winding down and I was just reflecting on a few decent months of online gaming. My 5e game continues (mostly) weekly, as a player in 'Ghosts of Saltmarsh'. It's a fun, shared story of heroic PCs who like to kick ass, and quite different from the old-school experience [1]. Our group started with face-to-face sessions, but moved to Roll20 this past March. Although I miss the real tabletop experience, I have to say that for a game like 5e with lots of rules, having access to the compendium data online is a great time saver (I find I use it mostly for spell lookup). My old-school group also plays weekly, this summer my friend John [2] ran quite a few games for our us. One is a Moldvay B/X (by way of OSE) game called 'Below Nienne', which is a 'ruined city beneath the city' sandbox. The other is a homebrew pulp game based on the tiny d6 mechanics and set in the 1930s. Both have been great fun, aided by the GM's masterful ability to improvise (although I admit as a player it's sometimes hard to tell what is improvised on the spot and what is planned). For my part, I ran a few sessions of my OD&D campaign, Nolenor [3], and just this past week started a new campaign using the Labyrinth Lord Original Edition Characters (OEC) rules [4], set in the Known Lands (I'll have more to say about that in some future posts, including some house rules and a new quickstart). I also did some work on my Ravendale setting [5]. [1]: gopher://gopher.smolderingwizard.com/0/phlog/2020-03-05-roll-vs-role-5e-vs-old-school.md [2]: https://damnelfpress.com/ [3]: gopher://gopher.smolderingwizard.com/1/rpg/play_reports/nolenor [4]: gopher://gopher.smolderingwizard.com/0/phlog/2020-09-01-a-quick-look-at-labyrinth-lord-original-edition-characters.md [5]: https://smolderingwizard.com/tag/ravendale/