# Swords & Wizardry Forum Updates I was happy to see some activity in the Swords & Wizardy sub-forums [1] of my Old-School Gaming Forum [2] in the past few months, so I wanted to share links to some creations by forum users. First is a revised assassin class for S&W Complete by Chuck Barchuk [3], which i think has a great and unique take on poison use. Also, here is a direct link to the PDFs [4] - there is a percentile version and simpler d6-based version. Next is a handy set of house rules by forum user ratmanof to make S&W White Box a bit more like Greyhawk [5] with variable hit dice, a simplified thief class and greater ranges to weapon damage. My friend John of Damn Elf Press [6] fame also has a long-running and amazing White Box:FMAG play-by-post "Beyond the Borderlands" [7]. Stop by if you like that sort of thing, and keep an eye out for player openings [8]. Even if you don't enjoy gaming by PbP, it is entertaining reading! [1]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewforum.php?f=31 [2]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/index.php [3]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=332 [4]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewtopic.php?p=6873#p6873 [5]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=337 [6]: https://damnelfpress.com/ [7]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewforum.php?f=34 [8]: https://snw.smolderingwizard.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=266