Musings on OD&D's 50th Anniversary Late January of 1974 marked the first printing of Dungeons & Dragons. I've seen various dates, but the last week in January seems to be commonly cited. I was six at the time - a bit too early for me to have been aware of it - but it was still widely available in hobby shops when I started playing AD&D in 1979. I had an Original Collector's Edition (OCE) "white box" set at one point back then, along with Greyhawk and the other supplements, but I didn't really get into 1974 OD&D (3LBBs) until the OSR and retro-clone movement gained steam and brought me back into the hobby. It was Swords & Wizardry White Box that really made me take a closer look at OD&D when the former was published in 2009. Since then, I've played or run more hours of OD&D or OD&D clones than any other RPG - it's far and away my favorite iteration of the game. Wayne Rossi called OD&D "lightning in a bottle" [0], and I think this is the most accurate phrase I've seen to describe the 3LBBs. It brings to mind the open-ended nature of the game, the ability the 3LBBs give you to create something unique and fun from the framework presented in the booklets. Not that other RPGs are or were not fun to play, but many have been forgotten, while just reading the little OD&D booklets to this day, 50 years later, still inspires me to play it (by the way, Wayne's compiled "OD&D Setting" posts [1] are a neat look at the implied world as presented in the 3LBBs). What I love most about OD&D is the simplicity of the "alternative" combat system, the detailed exploration rules, as well as the relative unimportance of ability scores to PC class choice. Everything is simple and play is fast - game prep can be minimal. Role play and exploration trumps the character sheet, and in my experience, when the referee and players embrace that play style, great things can happen. The OD&D PDFs are available in a nicely formatted omnibus [2], for sale in the original PDF format [3], or by creatively searching online. If you haven't at least read them, I encourage you to do so, if nothing else for the creative inspiration. [0]: [1]: gopher:// [2]: gopher:// [3]: