Read These are the books I've already read: Nietzsche: La Critica mas Radical a los Valores y a la Moral de la Cultura Occidental. by Jose Rafael Hernandez Arias. ChatGPT for Dummies. by Pamela Baker. Kant. by Francisco Manuel Arroyo Garcia. Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and The Bomb. by David C. Cassidy. Surfear el Espacio-Tiempo: Un Cientifico entre Agujeros Negros y Viajes Hiperluminicos. by Sergio de Regules. Breve Historia de mi Vida. by Stephen Hawking. San Agustin. El Doctor de la Gracia Contra el Mal. by Eduardo Acin Dal Maschio. La Gravedad Cuantica. by Pedro Naranjo. Catalina La Grande. by Demetrio Nekrasof. Filosofia Medieval. De Al-Farabi a Ockham. by Andres Martinez Lorca. El Modelo Estandar de Particulas. Los Pilares de la Materia. by Mario E. Gomez Santamaria. Platon. La Verdad esta en otra parte. by Eduardo Acin Dal Maschio. Simetria y Supersimetria. by Francisco Bartolome Perez-Bernal. It's So Easy and Other Lies. by Duff McKagan. Gravedad Cuantica de Lazos. by Rodolfo Gambini. Mastering Gitlab 12. by Joost Evertse. El Niño con el Pijama de Rayas. by John Boyne. The Packet Book. by James Turnbull. Severance - The Lexington Letter. by Anonymous. The Book of PF. by Peter N. M. Hansteen. Learning Ansible. by Madhurranjan Mohaan. Absolute OpenBSD. by Michael W. Lucas. Calculus in 5 Hours. by Dennis Jarecke. Todo lo que se necesita saber para ser exitoso en el mercado de capitales. by El Blog del Financiero Lennon. by David Foenkinos. Presocraticos. by Sandro Palazzo. FreeBSD Mastery: Jails. by Michael W. Lucas. Quantum Gravity: Reasoning with New Physics. by Claus Birkholz. Planilandia. by Edwin A. Abbott. Entre Razón y Religión: Dialéctica de la Secularización. by Jürgen Habermas and Benedict XVI. El Universo Elegante. by Brian Greene. FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS. by Michael W. Lucas and Allan Jude. Una Mecanica sin Talachas. by Fermin Viniegra Heberlein. De mi Vida. by Friedrich Nietzsche. Cuerdas y Supercuerdas. by Jose Edelstein. El Fantasma Cuyo Andar Deja Huella: La Evolucion del Tiempo. by Antonio Sarmiento. Erwin Schrödinger and the Quantum Revolution. by John Gribbin. Mecanica Cuantinca para Principiantes. by Shahen Hacyan. Particulas Elementales. by Ramon Fernandez Alvarez-Estrada and Marina Ramon Medrano. Apologia de Socrates. by Platon. Star Wars: Red Harvest. by Joe Schreiber. Schrödinger: Creador de la Mecanica Ondulatoria. by Roberto Jimenez. Hipias Menor. by Platon. Los Hoyos Negros y la Curvatura del Espacio-Tiempo. by Shahen Hacyan. Los Ciclos del Tiempo. by Roger Penrose. The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory. by Werner Heisenberg. Agujeros Negros y Pequeños Universos. by Stephen Hawking. La Biblia de la Fisica Cuantica. by Brian Clegg. Star Wars: Aftermath. by Chuck Wendig. Los Neutrinos. by Juan Antonio Caballero. Universos Paralelos. by Jose Rodriguez Quintero. How To Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog. by Chad Orzel. The Old Man and The Sea. by Ernest Hemingway. Star Wars: Lost Tribe Of The Sith: The Collected Stories. by John Jackson Miller. El Vacio y La Nada. by Enrique F. Borja Star Wars: The Old Republic. Revan by Drew Karpyshyn Who was Marie Curie by Megan Stine Espacio-Tiempo Cuantico. En Busca de la Teoria del Todo by Arturo Quirantes Los Numeros Primos by Enrique Gracian Star Wars: Death Star by Michael Reaves, Steve Perry The Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics by Leonard Susskind, George Hrabovsky Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived by Paul S. Kemp Brevisima Historia del Tiempo by Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys by Michael W. Lucas El Rey de Amarillo by Robert W Chambers El Boson de Higgs No Te Va A Hacer La Cama by Javier Santaolalla Book Of Sith: Secrets From The Dark Side by Daniel Wallace, Chris Reiff, Jeff Carlisle, et al. Sudo Mastery: Access Control for Real People by Michael W. Lucas El Bosón de Higgs by David Blanco Laserna El Principito by Antoine de Saint-Exupèry Physics Essentials for Dummies by Steven Holzner Breve Historia del Tiempo by Sthephen Hawking The Einstein Theory of Relativity by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz La Materia Oscura by Alberto Casas El Arte de la Guerra by Sun Tzu Los Agujeros Negros by Antxon Alberdi The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson Inteligencia Matematica by Eduardo Saenz de Cabezon Marie Curie by Ariadna Castellarnau Star Wars: Dawn Of The Jedi. Into The Void by Tim Lebbon El Cosmos en la Palma de la Mano by Manuel Lozano Leyva