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       ==== THE SOMNOLESCENT ART GALLERY (CAMMY) =============================
       Like what you see? Here's where you can find more of Cammy's art:
 (HTM) Cammy's Art Gallery (HTTP)
       ==== DRAWINGS =========================================================
       Images are sorted newest-first.
       CHUNKY MAC (JANUARY 4, 2024)
 (IMG) Chunky Mac [224KB]
 (GIF) Chunky Mac [small, 81KB]
       Cammy's main sona, a ginger badger named, uh, Cammy. This is his new
       desig with him in a maroon button-up and slacks, because he's a nerd
       and doesn't mind the dress code. This illustration was done for the
       "coming soon" page on mariteaux.somnolescent.net, hence the Compact Mac
       with the famous "HELLO" screen instead reading "WIP!".
       DEVON (NOVEMBER 11, 2023)
 (IMG) Devon [277KB]
 (GIF) Devon [small, 90KB]
       Gift art trying to welcome a now-former Somnolian back into the group.
       This was her sona, a European wildcat in a green sweater and glasses.
       The layered shading style and use of purple to shade was a pretty
       successful experiment, if I say so myself.
       TECHY CAMMY (OCTOBER 31, 2023)
 (IMG) Techy Cammy [216KB]
 (GIF) Techy Cammy [small, 130KB]
       Another one of Cammy, this time him sitting and working on a laptop
       drawn in an airbrush-y watercolor-y style. He works on people's PCs,
       for that is what Cammy does for a job in real life as well.
       ADVENTURE! (OCTOBER 13, 2023)
 (IMG) Adventure! [335KB]
 (GIF) Adventure! [small, 122KB]
       Featuring a magical Bunny and Setter, two of Caby and Cammy's sonas,
       respectively. A somewhat last-minute illustration for a section of
       cammy.somnol detailing his visit to Wales to see her.
       CRAIG (SEPTEMBER 30, 2023)
 (IMG) Craig [117KB]
 (GIF) Craig [small, 55KB]
       Something slightly belatedly done for dcb's birthday. This is an arctic
       wolf merchant character he has named Craig. What he lacks in wares that
       pass the smell test, he makes up for in gosh-darn spirit.
       WAVING KAPY (JULY 5, 2023)
 (IMG) Waving Kapy [149KB]
 (GIF) Waving Kapy [small, 53KB]
       Another of Caby's sonas, a strawberry tiger girl named Kaplan. She
       waves at you. This was one of the first drawings done with Cammy's big,
       shiny eye style and he's still very fond of it.