(DIR) < Back to gopher.somnolescent.net
       ==== W2KREPO ON GOPHER ================================================
 (TXT) About w2krepo on Gopher (for non-compliant clients)
       w2krepo is a software repository serving roughly the 1998-2004 time
       period. While it takes its name from Windows 2000 (and many of its
       programs are picked specifically to run under it), that's not all it
       caters to--Palm, PocketPC, and Windows Mobile software also feature.
       All downloads are either freeware, shareware, demos of commercial
       software, or abandonware.
       This Gopher edition of w2krepo is offered for ease of browsing on older
       machines with Gopher clients. As Gopher doesn't protect against abrupt
       disruptions in the download stream, files over 50MB are not offered
       over it. Instead, links to the software in question on the HTTP version
       of w2krepo are offered on their respective menus. These should work on
       any PC with a functioning web browser.
       Any feedback, questions, or donations of software sent to the
       submission center are greatly appreciated.
 (TXT) w2krepo Changelog
 (HTM) w2krepo on the Web
 (HTM) Submission Center (HTTP)
       ==== CATEGORIES =======================================================
 (DIR) Accessories
       Utilities, productivity gadgets, and stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.
 (DIR) Networking
       All manners of programs for navigating the internet.
 (DIR) Audio
       Programs for playing and mixing music.
 (DIR) Games
       Have a break!
 (DIR) Development Tools
       More nitty-gritty applications for development and the such.
 (DIR) Graphics
       Software that deals with image viewing and editing.
 (DIR) Virtualization
       Tools for VM guests (and hosts).
 (DIR) Patches and Updates
       A good place to start as any. Get (relatively) up to date. Kernel
       extensions allow Windows 2000 to run later programs.
 (DIR) Windows Media Player
       Visualizations, skins, and add-ins for Windows Media Player.
 (DIR) Adobe Flash
       Versions of Adobe's Flash browser plugin.
 (DIR) dotNet Framework
       Run programs developed in VB.NET and C# that target .NET
       Framework 2.0.
 (DIR) Windows XP
       Software useful for mid-era NT machines running XP and Vista.
 (DIR) Windows Mobile
       Software useful for Windows Mobile and Pocket PC devices.
 (DIR) Palm
       Palm Desktop and applications for Palm devices.
 (DIR) Astraware
       Saved off of the Internet Archive. Includes PopCap demos for PC, Palm,
       and Pocket PC.
       ==== OTHER HELPFUL REPOSITORIES (ALL HTTP) ============================
 (HTM) sdfox7.com
 (HTM) WinWorld (modern browsers only)
 (HTM) PalmDB Lite
 (HTM) windows-media-player.com (versions and more)
 (HTM) Macintosh Garden (for Mac software)
 (HTM) Operating System Revival (many modern apps backported to 2000)
 (HTM) soggi's BIOS & Firmware Page (several tools and things you may want)
 (HTM) Windows 2000 files on i430vx's site
 (HTM) Windows 3.x Resources
 (HTM) Danika Sidoti's Windows 2000 Support Page