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       |_______||_____|   __||__|__|_____|__| |__|__||__||____|_____|_____
       If you can see this, it means that the installation of Gophernicus
       on this system was successful. You may now add content to this
       directory and replace this page.
       Generic information:
           your ip address:
           server time....: Wed  3 Jul 04:32:02 ADT 2024
           server uptime..: 10 days
           server version.: Gophernicus/3.1.1 "Dungeon Edition"
           server platform: Debian/11 aarch64
       Server configuration:
           config file....: /etc/sysconfig/gophernicus
           server hostname: gopher.spacehippie.ca
           root directory.: /var/gopher
           running as user: nobody
           output charset.: UTF-8
           output width...: 67 characters
 (DIR) etc                                   2021-May-14 20:19   --------
 (TXT) gophermap.default                     2023-Feb-27 13:37     1.5 KB
 (TXT) membership.txt                        2021-May-14 20:25     0.7 KB
 (TXT) purpose.txt                           2021-May-14 20:25     0.2 KB
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/11 aarch64