How to set up Crypto Ancienne as a TLS proxy Crypto Ancienne is Cameron Kaiser's great TLS library for the Internet Of Old Things. Crypto Ancienne can be run in proxy mode, which is a great way to offload SSL/TLS encryption from your 68k or PowerPC Macintosh and be able to browse the modern web again using e.g. MacLynx. Let's set it up on a Linux machine running a Debian Linux derivative (like Ubuntu, Raspbian, Rasberry Pi OS etc). First, let's install the tools you'll need if you don't already have them on your machine. Run the following command with root priviledges to install some software prerequisites: apt-get update && apt-get install gcc xinetd git Next, let's get the current Crypto Ancienne source code: git clone Now you'll have a folder called cryanc as a sub directory from where you ran the command. Move into cryanc using the command: cd cryanc Let's compile carl, the included proxy application using Crypto Ancienne as it's TLS library. Run the following command within the cryanc folder to compile carl: gcc -O3 -o carl carl.c You should now have a binary in the cryanc folder named carl. Let's make make it executable using the following command: chmod +x carl Let's move carl to somewhere better, like /usr/local/bin where we intend to run it from: mv carl /usr/local/bin Now let's configure and enable xinetd, the deamon that will run carl as a service on our machine. Let's go into the xinetd configuration directory: cd /etc/xinetd.d And let's create a new configuration file using our favorite editor. I'll use GNU Nano for this guide: nano carl Let's configure carl like this: service carl { disable = no socket_type = stream protocol = tcp port = 8765 wait = no user = root server = /usr/local/bin/carl server_args = -p -t } The server argument -p is to tell carl to run in proxy mode and -t is to turn off the timer (to let our old Macs respond when they can without timing out). Let's enable and start xinetd using the following command: systemctl enable xinetd && systemctl start xinetd Everything should now be up and running and you should be able to reach carl (and Crypto Ancienne) on port 8765. Happy surfing! .