       A collection of Mac origami in pdf format ready to print and
       fold. Open them with Acrobat 5 and print them on hard paper.
       Have fun folding your own personal collection of System 7 Macs!
       Note: System 7 Today is not the creator of the origami.
       We believe them to be 90's originals from the japanes edition
       of MacUser magazine. Since it is long gone, we provide them
       here in good faith and with no commercial intent.
 (???) ColorClassic.pdf
 (???) Mac-16-RGB-disp.pdf
 (???) MacIIci.pdf
 (???) MacLCII.pdf
 (???) Performa-LC520.pdf
 (???) Performa5220.pdf
 (???) Performa6420.pdf
 (???) Plus.pdf
 (???) PowerBook550c.pdf
 (???) Quadra840AV.pdf
 (???) SE30.pdf
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