I can't recall a situation where an automatic update to a server, OS, or piece of software improved its functionality or usability. Best case - the update doesn't noticeably change anything, and you carry on hoping the next update doesn't fuck you over too badly. On the other hand, I have plenty of anecdotes where an automatic update resulted in worsened performance or usability, or even breakage. On Linux servers in particular, I make sure package updates are _never_ automatic. Firefox seems to have taken the automatic update thing a bit too far, in the latest builds it is no longer possible to turn off updates in the user settings. They've completely removed all the update options that used to be there, and now only allow you to view update history or check for new updates. However, there is a way to disable Firefox's updates by creating a policy file. Here is what to do for a Linux or BSD host: 1) Create a directory 'distribution' under the top-level Firefox install directory. In my case this was /usr/local/bin/firefox/, so I just did a 'mkdir /usr/local/bin/firefox/distribution'. 2) Create a file 'policies.json' in that directory, with the following content: { "policies": { "DisableAppUpdate": true, "DisableFirefoxStudies": true, "DisableSystemAddonUpdate": true, "DisableTelemetry": true } } This is what appears to be the bare minimum to disable auto-updates and turn off all the telemetry Mozilla turns on by default, however you can change quite a few other settings (although note that the telemetry can be disabled in the user settings). I recommend the 'enterprise policy generator' addon [0], which requires no permissions and will simply present a page of settings you can toggle individually, while showing you the generated policies.json that you can just copy/paste into the above directory. It also displays help text on where to place the policy file on Linux, Windows and Mac. Once done, restart Firefox and in your update settings you will now see 'Updates disabled by your system administrator'. You can also see your currently active policy in 'about:policies'. [0]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/enterprise-policy-generator/