# Comments on "Does Installing SSH Enable More Exploits Than it Solves?" There is an article up at InformIT by John Tränkenschuh titled [SSH Issues: Does Installing SSH Enable More Exploits Than it Solves?][1]. The basic premise of the article is that SSH usage is enabling security holes, in most cases quietly, that otherwise would not have been present. The specific example given is that of SSH agent forwarding, and how compromise of the agent-forwarding host would result in intruder access to any of the end systems. While I agree that SSH can be configured in a way that makes it less secure, I don't think ceasing use of SSH is the answer (the author never states explicitly that this is his goal, however, the title of this article certainly suggests this). SSH can be configured securely, but like any other complex security system, it takes a little effort. I think most admins would accept the basic premise that remote connectivity is a must in today's always-on IT environment. Widespread adoption of SSH (and OpenSSH in particular) has been responsible for a welcome downturn in the use of telnet and the Berkeley r-tools (rsh, rlogin, etc.). While most admins would also agree that discontinuing use of any remote connection protocol would enhance security, I think it is unrealistic to assume suddenly discontinuing SSH usage would fix anything. Most sysadmins would find a way to do work remotely, whether by falling back to insecure protocols, or by using VPN clients. In any case, the same or worse risks would be present as with SSH. Interestingly, the compromise of the intermediate agent-forwarding host in the author's example may not be the worst security risk in that case - the admin's client may be a weak link in the authentication chain if it has, say, SSH root login and password authentication enabled. The unsophisticated attacker that compromises an admin's home workstation and non-root user account with an SSH brute-force login script would be able to jump to other systems by simply scanning a shell history file and setting a few environment variables (assuming an ssh-agent running that had cached credentials). The same problem exists with home VPN's used by telecommuters. A compromise of the VPN client while the VPN tunnel was active would lead to corporate LAN access. It's why companies like Check Point provide VPN clients that can be remotely configured during connection initiation to disallow any non-VPN traffic while a tunnel is active. Anyway, raising awareness of insecure SSH usage is certainly beneficial, so in that respect, I think the article is a good one. I think the title could have been a bit less sensational, however. ## Comments **[Anonymous](#18 "2007-12-29 14:46:00"):** My thanks for your insightful review of my old article. We both agree that great SSH awareness of the VPN risks is always a good thing. Like you, I don't think people must de-install SSH. JT. [1]: http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=471099&rl=1 .