# Requiring IE for Security Reasons - Huh? I had an amusing exchange recently when I was calling a big-name security vendor for support on behalf of a client. I had been mildly irritated that I couldn't access their support portal with Firefox, since I wanted to open a ticket online. I suspected it was one of those 'IE-only' sites you hear about. Becoming less-and-less frequent, those. No easy way for me to test it, not a Windows box in sight... > Me: "Are you aware your support portal doesn't work with Firefox? > Do other people complain about it?" Engineer: "Yes, we get > complaints about that. It only works with Internet Explorer, for > security reasons". Me: [Laughing out loud]..."You realize how that > sounds?" Engineer: "Yes, I use Firefox, too - for security > reasons." Me: "[More laughs]... Did they say if they would fix > it?" Engineer: "I don't think they will. Anyway, I don't have much > of a say in the decision." Wow. You would think a security company would know better. .