If you're used to non-Red Hat Linuxes and migrating to RHEL, be aware that as of RHEL 7, the OS can restrict access to /tmp per-service with what Red hat calls 'private tmp', essentially a privately mounted /tmp. This will break applications that rely on standard /tmp for storage, most commonly Apache applications. Disabling it is easy, here it how to do it in the case of the httpd service: root@quux:~# systemctl show httpd -p PrivateTmp PrivateTmp=yes root@quux:~# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/ root@quux:~# echo -e "[Service]\nPrivateTmp=false" > /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/disable-privatetmp.conf root@quux:~# systemctl daemon-reload root@quux:~# systemctl restart httpd root@quux:~# systemctl show httpd -p PrivateTmp PrivateTmp=no root@quux:~# This was designed to fix a class of security issues where a process writes to /tmp which is by design world-writable, and ideally applications should be changed to not rely on /tmp. But this is not always practical or even possible. So it definitely has a use, but at least you can make an informed decision about using it. And if you want to convert an application to using private tmp, just add one line in the systemd service definition: [Service] PrivateTmp=true