I don't trust cloud storage. But let's face it, the term "cloud" is marketing-speak for "the internet but more expensive", so it's probably more accurate to say that I don't trust online storage. I always make local backups of anything I store online, to include content hosted on the web or gopher. You just never know when a service you rely on might go offline or become inaccessible. Self-hosting is preferable, but online services can be convenient if you're careful, and I'm aware that not everyone has the technical know-how to self-host. So they are here to stay. As an example, my RPG blog has been hosted at wordpress.com since 2013. Wordpress, while considered a heavyweight blogging platform, does make it easy to export or import your data, and their XML export files are widely supported by other blogging platforms and conversion utilities. I don't self-host wordpress because it requires constant maintenance, so it's been easier to let wordpress worry about that. It has worked well for over a decade for my purposes. Still, I think if I had to start over with a blog like that, I'd just opt for self-hosted, static HTML or gopher. It's far easier to backup and restore a static site, and is more secure than a dynamic one.