From 2006-2007 I blogged about Linux and Free/Libre Open-Source Software (FLOSS). The original blog is no more, but I had saved an export of my posts and was able to convert them to text format. In preparing them for gopher consumption [0] I also went through and checked the links, replacing those that were dead with links from the same time period. So it's a snapshot of an active and turbulent period in tech history, and I found it interesting to read and compare the situation then to now. Some of the more interesting posts are the interview with Richard Stallman [1], mainly because he talks about things he normally does not touch on in his standard talks. His comments on fascism are prescient. Another common theme in that time period was the OEM power of Microsoft, and how they used it to force consumers to use their OS and their software [2]. While consumer choice has ostensibly improved, I would not consider the choice of Google or Apple hardware as an improvement. The choice is there, sure, but it's a false one of data theft and loss of privacy on a closed system that is designed to lock you in once you start using those companies' services. If anything, the situation has gotten worse since then - not for those of us who like to install our own OS on our own hardware, but for the masses who just buy and use whatever is out there on Amazon or in Best Buy. The rapid adoption of services on large cloud providers like AWS perpetuates the problems I mentioned with proprietary software support [3], but in a different way. You can run whatever software you want, but you are locked into the AWS ecosystem and getting out of it is difficult unless you are running vanilla network services on a standard OS build. Few companies opt to do this. The good news is that VPS's are a commodity and there is far more choice available today, at far less cost than there was in 2006, if you just need a cheap Linux or BSD VPS to run a gopher server or whatever. [0]: gopher:// [1]: gopher:// [2]: gopher:// [3]: gopher://