       \'\                    This is where I keep notes about things that I had
        \'\     __________     to find out at some point. I save them here, so I
        / '|   ()_________)     can find them easily again if/when needed. I have
        \ '/    \ ~~~~~~~~ \     no ambitions to present any universal truth. Do
          \       \ ~~~~~~   \     not expect information here to be structured,
          ==).      \__________\    clean, or consistent.
         (__)       ()__________)                               -- Mateusz Viste
 (DIR) Installing Debian 11.0 on an APU4 board
 (DIR) Migrating SVN content from one hosting to another (svnsync)
 (DIR) Upgrading OpenSUSE Leap online
 (DIR) Thinkpad power supply type detection (and how to fool it)
 (DIR) Setting up a gopher server on a RaspberryPi B+
 (DIR) Gnunet installation
 (DIR) BORG: a powerful, deduplicating backup system
 (DIR) Switching SVN authentication from clear-text to ssh+svn
 (DIR) About SVN and flexible hookers
 (DIR) Using paper as apocalyptic-resilient backup storage
 (DIR) Useful ffmpeg commands
 (DIR) The Usenet vs. mailing lists
 (DIR) Connecting a no-NIC 8086 PC to LAN through its parallel port
 (DIR) Detecting video adapter types (CGA/MDA/EGA/VGA)
 (DIR) DOS-USB, miracle driver from Japan does the unthinkable
 (DIR) Keyboard extended key codes on DOS
 (DIR) Create mdadm RAID on a RaspPi and store the / partition on it
 (DIR) Ethernet cable wiring
 (DIR) Thomson SIP phones firmwares: ST2022 & ST2030 models
 (DIR) Postfix SPF Error - postfix-policyd-spf-perl and SERVFAIL
 (DIR) Root a Samsung Galaxy ACE & extend internal mem with an SD card
 (DIR) Installing NanoBSD on my Alix mini router box
 (DIR) How to make the wifi module of Lenovo B590 work with Linux
 (DIR) Configuring and using a software RAID1 (mirroring) with mdadm
 (DIR) Where can I find repositories for Debian Lenny (5.0)?
 (DIR) How to make my OpenSUSE installation boot via PXE
 (DIR) How to disable NFS4 support on a Linux NFS server?
 (DIR) How to share a scanner via the network using SANE?
 (DIR) How to set a static IPv6 address on my Linux server?
 (DIR) How do I interpret some SMART values?
 (DIR) How to convert a MIDI file to WAVe?
 (DIR) How to convert some WAVe files to u-law, a-law or gsm on Linux?
 (DIR) How to create an iSCSI target (server) on Debian Lenny?
 (DIR) Mounting an ISO image in Linux
 (DIR) Postfix "cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied"
 (DIR) Get SASL authentication working with a Postfix mail server
 (DIR) How to change the http/https port of the VMware Server GUI?
 (DIR) How to auto-start a VMware Server guest on host's startup?
 (DIR) IPv4 network addresses, masks, notations, etc.
 (DIR) Setting the BLASTER environment variable
 (DIR) Le code IP
 (DIR) Linux tricks & commands
 (DIR) Les terminaisons de conjuguaison des verbes simples
 (DIR) Rozpiska kabli zasilajacych w standardzie ATX
 (DIR) Dopuszczalne wahania komputerowych napiec zasilania
 (DIR) Rodzaje ogniw ladowalnych
 (DIR) Options available in the MSDOS.SYS file in MS-DOS 7.x systems
 (DIR) Zaleznosc spadkow napiecia na uzwojeniach transformatora
 (DIR) Znormalizowane elektroniczne szeregi dekadowe.
 (DIR) Odczuwane wrazenia i reakcje organizmu na przeplyw pradu
 (DIR) Kilka wzorow uzywanych w elektrotechnice
 (DIR) Sections minimales normalisees des cables de courant
 (DIR) Wzor na ladowanie i rozladowanie kondensatora w czasie
 (DIR) Rzedy wielkosci
 (DIR) Brytyjskie miary dugosci, wagi, pojemnosci i temperatury.
 (DIR) Umowna reprezentacja tranzystorow bipolarnych za pomoca diod
 (DIR) Oznaczenie i rozmieszczenie przewodow w dwu-fazowym gniazdku