|  _       ___           ______      ____
       | | |     / (_)_______  / ____/_  __/ / / ____  _________ _
       | | | /| / / / ___/ _ \/ /_  / / / / / / / __ \/ ___/ __ `/
       | | |/ |/ / / /  /  __/ __/ / /_/ / / /_/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /
       | |__/|__/_/_/   \___/_/    \__,_/_/_/(_)____/_/   \__, /
       | Hosting, hardwired                              /____/
       |  _.     _. o |  _. |_  |  _     _  _  ._   o  _  _   _
       | (_| \/ (_| | | (_| |_) | (/_   _> (/_ | \/ | (_ (/_ _> :
       * GNU/Linux virtual servers
       Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 'etch' sparc64
       * Web hosting
       PHP 5.2.0 / Apache 2.2.0 / MySQL 5.0 on Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 sparc64
       SSL if needed
 (DIR) * Gopher hosting
       Subdirectory of gopher://gopher.wirefull.org (free) or dedicated name ;)
 (DIR) * IRC to Gopher gateway
       * E-mail hosting
       Virtual hosting based on postfix/MySQL
       including antispam (postgrey+spamassassin), antivirus (clamav)
       webmail, SMTP relaying
       * instant messaging services
       public IRC server (linked to geeknode)
       public psyc server
       public jabber server
       bitlbee server
       |         _          __      _ _
       | __ __ _(_)_ _ ___ / _|_  _| | |
       | \ V  V / | '_/ -_)  _| || | | |
       |  \_/\_/|_|_| \___|_|  \_,_|_|_|
       | e-mail: contact_at_wirefull.org
       | IRC: irc://irc.wirefull.org/#wirefull