(DIR) cdn.preterhuman.net
        CP/M 68,86 DOCS; IBM 7043 Docs
 (DIR) cd.textfiles.com
           CP/M 68 stuff
                 SOZOBON   Sozobon (NO BOZOS backwards) C compiler version
                  This folder includes the complete compiler, English docu
                 and the source code for the compiler.
                  HSC140    Ian's Heat-and-Serve C version 1.40.  THIS IS
                 A MODIFIED VERSION OF SOZOBON C! This version has been 
                 customized by Ian Lepore, and is NOT  an official release
                 Sozobon, Ltd.  Includes extensive ENGLISH documentation.
 (DIR) hampa.ch
         TurboC for Atari ST
         [Concurent] CP/M 86 files, Turbo Pascal, Wordstar; Concurent DOS
         SCO Xenix 286/386
 (DIR) www.coris.org.uk
        SUN manuals
 (DIR) electrickery.xs4all.nl
        Olivetti M15 Docs
 (DIR) ftp.mrynet.com
       contains operatingsystems/HP-MPE/docs.hp.com/en/B2355-90053 "Config
       HP-UX for Peripherals HP 9000" book
       also mirrored at 
 (DIR) dynalabs.de
        here the small HPUX audio mixer utility 
        with the source.
 (DIR) ftp.kiae.su
        Some files for HP Vectra 486
 (DIR) ftp.cisc.usp.br
        3COM Superstack 4200 & 4400 series CD
 (DIR) ftp.3com.com
        Some old 3com files
 (DIR) 040.digital-bless.com
        unoficial Sun Blade 100 FAQ
 (DIR) DrDobbs_Z80_ToolBook
 (DIR) ftp.zyxeltech.de
        Some files for SDSL/SHDSL Zyxel modems, as well for analog modems
 (DIR) homepage.ntlworld.com
        Some C68 compiler by Christoph van Wullen, Keith Walker
        Dave Walker, Ivo Oesch
 (DIR) www.fermit.org.uk
        Here is the initial/default config for Zyxel 782 modem
 (HTM) sozobon_notes.html
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.5