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       Brazil protests break out over divisive abortion law
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       # Protests across Brazil over divisive abortion law
       14 June 2024
       By Malu Cursino, BBC News
       Thousands of people in Brazil have protested against a proposed
       nationwide law change which would equate abortion to homicide, even in
       cases where a pregnancy is the result of rape.
       It would mean women who terminate pregnancies after 22 weeks could be
       jailed for up to 20 years.
       Brazil's ruling party opposes the move but conservatives in Congress
       are attempting to push the bill through.
       Protesters have gathered in many Brazilian cities in recent days,
       including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasília.
       Some have carried placards reading "a girl is not a mother", with much
       of the anger focused on the impact the law change could have on
       Analysis of crime data shows children aged 13 and younger make up more
       than 60% of rape victims in the country.
       Currently under Brazilian law, abortion is legal in very limited
       circumstances - when someone has been raped, if there is risk to life
       or if there is a diagnosis of foetal brain abnormality - and can carry
       prison sentences of up to three years outside of those cases.
       If this change goes ahead, self-administering or consenting to an
       abortion could result in a jail sentence equivalent to those handed
       out in "simple homicide" cases, which range from six to 20 years.
       The law would also apply to health professionals carrying out the
       Simple homicide, under Brazil's penal code, is when a person kills
       another with intent.
       The bill has made quicker progress than expected after lawmakers
       bypassed some procedural stages, leading to outcry from opponents.
       "We will not accept a setback," councilwoman Monica Benicio told
       Reuters news agency.
       "We will not accept a conservative government negotiating spurious
       policies over our lives. We will continue to advance until legal
       abortion is a guaranteed right in Brazil," she added.
       After the vote was pushed through, deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante, who
       authored the law change, was buoyant and responded by writing "victory
       to life" on social media.
       The Brazilian government vehemently opposes the law change, with the
       country's human rights minister Silvio Almeida calling it "immoral".
       In a statement, Mr Almeida said: "It is difficult to believe that
       Brazilian society, with the countless problems that it has, is
       currently discussing whether a raped woman and a rapist have the same
       value in terms of law."
       His comments came as many activists highlighted the jail sentence for
       someone charged with rape is around 10 years.
       While Brazil is led by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's left-wing
       party, many of the country's lawmakers belong to former President Jair
       Bolsonaro's right-wing Liberal Party (PL) and other conservative
       PL are the largest party in Congress's Chamber of Deputies, but they
       will need support from other opposition lawmakers for it to pass.
       No date has been set yet for a vote in the Congress's Chamber of
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