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       The Relaunch of the Brazil Caucus in the US Congress
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       Today marked the official relaunch of the Brazil Caucus in the US
       Congress, a significant step forward in strengthening Brazil's
       legislative advocacy and presence in the United States. The relaunch
       was anchored in a strong partnership with the Brazilian Embassy in
       After a hiatus that followed its dissolution in early 2023, the
       caucus's reactivation in September was a prelude to today's formal
       revival. This concerted effort aims to reinvigorate Brazil's
       engagement within the intricate political fabric of the US, navigating
       through the polarized climate to enhance bilateral relations and
       The caucus's leadership epitomizes political diversity, with
       **Democrat Sydney Kamlager-Dove from California and Republican Lance
       Gooden from Texas at the helm.** Their leadership, forged through
       shared interests in Brazil and facilitated by Ambassador Maria Luiza
       Viotti, is a testament to the power of diplomacy in bridging
       ideological divides.
       Last year, Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove's involvement in a
       Congressional Dialogue on the Amazon, organized by our team, deepened
       US-Brazil relations on the environmental front. On the occasion,
       Brazilian Congresswoman Goreth Sousa emphasized the need to consider
       the quality of life of the Amazonian population when discussing forest
       preservation. US Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove stressed the
       responsibility of the US Congress to appropriate funds for climate
       initiatives, including President Biden's $500 million pledge to the
       Amazon Fund.
       At the heart of the caucus's agenda lies the pursuit of Congressional
       approval for the American pledge to the Amazon Fund. The effort
       underscores the challenges at the intersection of environmental
       policy, international diplomacy, and domestic politics, with the
       energy transition also highlighted as a crucial focus area.
       The revitalized Brazil Caucus stands as a beacon of dialogue and
       cooperation as we celebrate 200 years of diplomatic ties between
       Brazil and the US. Its success in overcoming political divisions and
       advancing mutual interests is crucial for shaping the future of our
       bilateral relations.
       We are committed to closely monitoring the caucus's developments and
       activities and are ready to explore avenues for engagement and
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