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       US builds world's most accurate atomic clock ever
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       Researchers at JILA, a US research institute, have developed a new
       light-based atomic clock that is so precise that it can measure the
       slightest effects, as predicted by Einstein's theory of general
       relativity. The clock will lead to a more precise definition of a
       second and could even lead to the discovery of new underground mineral
       deposits, an organizational press release said.
       Atomic clocks generally use microwaves to determine the length of a
       second. However, research has shown that illuminating atoms with
       visible light can help in much more accurate counting of the second
       since light waves have a higher frequency.
       Light-based or optical atomic clocks could potentially lose a second
       in 30 billion years compared to microwave-based clocks. However, to
       reach this accuracy, the clocks need to be high-precision, i.e., able
       to measure tiny fractions of the second.
       Representational stock image of a quantum computer where atomic
       manipulation is used to perform complex computations. Image credit:
       Peter Hansen/ iStock
       ## Improving the precision of the atomic clock
       Instead of using a beam of visible light, the researchers at JILA used
       a web of light, also known as an optical lattice, to measure tens of
       thousands of atoms simultaneously. This gave the atomic clock more
       data to arrive at a precise measurement of the second.
       Although the optical lattice approach has been used before, JILA
       researchers used a relatively gentler approach to make their
       measurements. This aided in reducing two sources of error: the laser
       itself measuring the atoms and the effect of the atoms bumping into
       each other when they are packed tightly together, the press release
       ## Measuring effects of relativity and beyond
       According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity affects
       time. A stronger gravitational field results in a slower passage of
       time. The JILA-developed clock is sensitive enough to detect the
       effect of gravity on timekeeping at a submillimeter scale.
       Researchers observed the subtle changes in the flow of time due to
       gravity, when the clock was raised or lowered even small distances.
       "It's pushing the boundaries of what's possible with timekeeping,"
       said Jun Ye, a physicist at JILA and NIST. However, the gains of the
       clock design go beyond these measurements and into the quantum realm.
       Quantum computers manipulate the properties of atoms and molecules to
       perform complex computations. Since the JILA clock can make precise
       measurements, the researchers plan to use it in the microscopic realm,
       where theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics intersect,
       to measure the distortions in the flow of time at scales distorted by
       At the same time, the clock's precision can also help scientists keep
       precise time over extremely large distances in space. "If we want to
       land a spacecraft on Mars with pinpoint accuracy, we're going to need
       clocks that are orders of magnitude more precise than what we have
       today in GPS," added Ye in the press release.
       "We're exploring the frontiers of measurement science, when you can
       measure things with this level of precision, you start to see
       phenomena that we've only been able to theorize about until now," Ye
       JILA is a joint institute between the National Institute of Standards
       and Technology (NIST) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
       The research findings will be published in the journal _Physical
       Review Letters_.
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       #### ABOUT THE EDITOR
        **Ameya Paleja** Ameya is a science writer based in Hyderabad,
       India. A Molecular Biologist at heart, he traded the micropipette to
       write about science during the pandemic and does not want to go back.
       He likes to write about genetics, microbes, technology, and public
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