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       Longevity science is progressing slowly amid the anti-aging craze
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       Jonathan An tries to ignore the hype about new life-extension
       treatments, but it's caught up to him anyway.
       He has heard the gospel of the longevity influencers, including that
       one multimillionaire who has been on a media campaign for months
       claiming that the 111 pills he takes each day will help him live
       forever. An, an assistant professor of oral sciences at the University
       of Washington, doesn't buy it. But he recently found himself
       inadvertently ensnared by the fervor around anti-aging — thanks to his
       An has studied mice suffering from periodontal disease, a bacterial-
       induced inflammatory infection of the gums that can lead to tooth
       loss. Mice (and more than 60 percent of human adults over 65) have to
       deal with this uncomfortable oral illness — and they don't have much
       choice but to cope. When people's teeth fall out, dentists like An
       replace them. But he would rather not have to remove so many.
       While studying for his doctorate in dentistry at the University of
       Washington, An pursued a joint PhD to research preventive dental
       measures. He experimented with giving mice chow infused with the drug
       rapamycin each day to see if it would improve their oral health.
       It worked. Mice treated for eight weeks with the drug — traditionally
       used to help prevent organ-transplant rejection — not only experienced
       delayed symptoms of periodontal disease, but saw regrowth of their
       tooth-supporting jaw bones.
       This year, An is planning to test rapamycin in humans. If it has the
       same effect in adults as it did in mice, people might eventually be
       able to pick up a drug at the pharmacy that helps them avoid unwanted
       trips to the dentist's office.
       Better dental health would be a pleasant effect, but that's not why
       An's research drew an unusual amount of attention. Because the drug An
       chose to test was rapamycin, the longevity field took notice. In
       separate lab experiments over the past decade, rapamycin has been
       found to extend the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies, and
       mice. It has helped mice delay or reverse immunity decline, muscle
       decline, cognitive decline, and cancer growth.
       This string of successes for rapamycin, which belongs to a class of
       drugs that stifle one biological pathway for cell growth, has caught
       the eyes of renowned longevity researchers. It's also attracted the
       attention of wealthy lifehackers and the clinics, supplement
       companies, and biotech investors who — out of true belief,
       opportunism, or a combination — stand to make money from people
       seeking an elixir for longer life.
       Since An's study was published in 2020, longevity clinics from across
       the country have asked him how they can incorporate rapamycin into
       their practices. Some scientists consider rapamycin a strong candidate
       for life-extension purposes both because it has helped lab species
       live longer and because it has already been approved as an
       immunosuppressant in humans. Today, doctors can and do prescribe
       rapamycin for off-label use — including for longevity.
       An wants to believe that these clinics — part of a fledgling longevity
       industry that includes between 50 and 800 providers across the US,
       according to the Wall Street Journal — are genuinely trying to improve
       their clients' health. But he suspects that may not always be the
       He tells the longevity crowd what he does know, which is less exciting
       than they might hope. When it comes to human health, "I don't know
       what rapamycin does," he said. "But I always tell them to make sure to
       have a dentist on hand because some of the side effects are oral-
       Other companies want him to help with their own studies, the results
       of which they plan to keep private. An says no. "I'm a dentist," An
       said. "Not a salesperson."
       A longer, healthier life is one of the easiest products in the world
       to sell. According to a Deloitte report, the 50 biggest longevity
       companies raised more than $1 billion in venture capital funding as of
       2020 — a number that the company said would rise "due to the growing
       conviction that the longevity market could outstrip the existing
       health care market." Altos Labs, a "rejuvenation" biotech whose
       investors include Jeff Bezos, announced in 2022 that it had raised $3
       billion in funding.
       An astronomer's discovery of a neutron star has much less commercial
       potential and therefore generates much less interest than a
       researcher's discovery that the micronutrient resveratrol helps yeast
       live longer — even if it's likely that neither ultimately affects
       human lifespan. The attention paid to billionaire-funded research
       risks obscuring whether the longevity field is genuinely on the verge
       of a breakthrough or whether a clinic is just saying that to promote
       their experimental blood transfusion.
       In reality, longevity research is advancing — but slowly. Clinical
       trials are moving forward on select uses for longevity drugs, younger
       researchers are taking the field more seriously, and private
       organizations are pledging significant support to research: The Saudi-
       based Hevolution Foundation has promised up to $1 billion in funding
       annually for biotech startups and academic researchers.
       But while there likely remain many promising treatment candidates that
       have yet to be identified, they would take decades to reach clinical
       trials. Even academics who are bullish on the promise of longevity
       research fear that, for all the fanfare, the field has become too
       fixated on a few drugs and lifestyle adjustments that have been under
       investigation for years, while neglecting the basic research that
       could reveal novel pathways to slow down human aging.
       For now, the three best ways to extend your life remain boring: eating
       a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping well. We aren't
       going to add decades to human life any time soon; living to 150 or 200
       remains in the realm of science fiction. But in decades to come,
       advancements in the science of aging may still lead to therapeutic
       breakthroughs that lengthen human healthspan — the period of life
       spent in good health. Perhaps a few more people will become
       centenarians, but the real success would be having more years when you
       can live well.
       ### How longevity went mainstream in academia
       Matt Kaeberlein, a longevity researcher at the University of
       Washington, remembers a time when few in academia took the study of
       aging — much less the idea of longevity — seriously.
       "When I came into the field as a graduate student in 1998, there was
       nobody who went to graduate school to study aging," he said. "The
       perception among the broader scientific community was that it was
       mostly snake oil and crap. There's still a lot of snake oil and crap,
       but it is more accepted now than it used to be."
       The field began gaining wider recognition in 1993 when Cynthia Kenyon,
       a pioneer in aging research who now works at the Alphabet-owned life
       sciences company Calico Labs, discovered that mutating a single gene
       of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans doubled its lifespan. Other
       scientists soon figured out why. Gary Ruvkun, a professor of genetics
       at Harvard Medical School, and his colleagues found that the altered
       gene regulated an insulin-signaling pathway similar to one in humans
       that might play a role in slowing cell growth and metabolism.
       Researchers like Andrzej Bartke found similar mechanisms in mice,
       which have been the subject of much of the relevant research so far.
       "One of the key things that's happened is that the evidence that you
       can actually slow down and interfere with the aging process in mammals
       … has become so overwhelming that only the willfully blind can ignore
       it," Richard A. Miller, who leads the University of Michigan's Paul
       Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research, told me.
       In the last two decades, scientists have performed hundreds of lab
       experiments — mostly on animals — on drugs like rapamycin,
       canagliflozin, acarbose, empagliflozin, metformin, and on
       interventions like calorie restriction in diets and removal of
       nondividing senescent cells. Instead of testing the effects of these
       treatments on specific illnesses, many of these studies test whether
       certain interventions slow down animals' aging processes and help them
       live longer.
       The expansion of longevity research has unearthed some potentially
       useful information about which biological mechanisms control aging and
       how to alter them. In mice and other species, changing a single
       pathway has the power to extend life by significant margins, raising
       hopes that if humans respond similarly, certain drugs could extend
       human lives by years.
       "We just have a better understanding of what those pathways are," said
       Tom Rando, director of the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center, "even
       if we don't have a complete understanding of why they work and why
       they extend lifespan."
       Though most experiments with potential longevity drugs and other
       interventions like blood transfusions are still being tested on lab
       animals, two dozen candidate drugs have moved to clinical trials with
       human patients. Daniel Promislow, a University of Washington professor
       of medicine and pathology, told me that when he got into the field
       three decades ago, researchers talked hopefully about early
       developments someday making it to the lab. "Fast forward 25, 30 years,
       and many of these lab-based discoveries are now at the heart of a
       large number of clinical trials," he said.
       The clinical trials could allow researchers to produce evidence for
       interventions — besides diet, exercise, and sleep — that might help
       people live longer. Coleen T. Murphy, professor of molecular biology
       at Princeton, wrote in her 2023 book _How We Age_ that, "What drugs
       can I take to live longer?" is becoming an increasingly tangible goal.
       "A few years ago I might have chuckled at the naivety of this
       question," she wrote, "but now it's not so crazy to think that we will
       be able to take some sort of medicine to extend our healthy lifespans
       in the foreseeable future."
       The horizon for this future is still far off. Most researchers I spoke
       to didn't believe that humans were going to experience a rapid
       increase in life expectancy any time soon — or maybe ever. They
       believed progress would instead be made in healthspan, helping people
       stay healthier for longer and avoiding long periods of physical and
       cognitive decline as they get older.
       Such results probably won't lead to someone living an extra decade.
       But they could make old age less burdensome. That would matter
       enormously for individuals, who could enjoy more years in good health,
       and society, by potentially reducing the high costs of late-in-life
       medical care.
       "I can't fathom saying, 'Yeah, we're going to try to extend someone's
       lifespan by nine years,'" An told me. "There's really no way to do
       ### Behind the hype, longevity research is moving — but slowly
       In a way, some of the biggest improvements to human lifespans have
       already been made. Initiatives in public health — water sanitation,
       vaccination campaigns, sewage systems — have added decades to the
       average person's life over the past few centuries. Since 1900, the
       average lifespan of a newborn has more than doubled worldwide — from
       32 years old to 71 years old.
       But the very fact that humans already live far longer than a lab
       animal is part of the reason that longevity research is so slow and
       difficult. For experimental purposes, laboratory mice live less than
       three years. Researchers have tested rapamycin in both young and old
       mice at a range of doses and then waited for them to die. Doing the
       same in humans would be far more expensive and take much longer. ****
       It's also not strictly legal. **** The Food and Drug Administration
       doesn't classify aging as a disease, which means that clinical trials
       can't set out solely to test how much longer an intervention keeps
       someone alive. Instead, researchers must study age-related indicators
       like cardiovascular function and cognitive impairment instead of
       "aging" itself.
       To compensate, longevity researchers are looking for other ways to
       measure aging that don't require a patient's death. They have
       identified several biomarkers that could serve as surrogate endpoints,
       but none have reached a scientific consensus. These include "aging
       clocks," predictive models that purport to measure biological age or
       the age of specific biological organs; Bryan Johnson, the
       multimillionaire tech founder who calls himself a "professional
       rejuvenation athlete," touts such data as proof that he has reversed
       his aging.
       These tests are ostensibly based on the research of Steve Horvath, a
       former professor at UCLA who now works at Altos Labs. He has used age-
       related DNA methylation to determine biological age. Though most
       researchers I spoke to expressed cautious optimism about the potential
       of Horvath's findings, they were skeptical of the extant consumer
       "We're not really sure if the age we tell you is accurate and if it's
       going to be the same tomorrow and whether it has any value," said Tony
       Wyss-Coray, a Stanford professor of neurology who has found that
       elderly mice given the blood of younger mice see improvements in brain
       function. "And of course, no company wants to tell you that, but
       that's just a fact."
       Most longevity researchers think about their research environment the
       same way: The flashiest stories are usually pretty removed from the
       actual state of the field. A drug that just helped mice live 50
       percent longer is unlikely to do exactly the same for humans, no
       matter what a press release implies. Human bodies are much better at
       repairing their DNA than mice are, which makes them less susceptible
       to diseases like cancer. Plus, studies that would definitively prove a
       certain intervention would aid human life would take decades, and
       experts believe they could struggle to demonstrate their effectiveness
       to the FDA.
       "You'll rarely find a scientist funded by the [National Institutes of
       Health] who's doing work in the biology of aging who would claim that
       their research could or will allow people to live to 140," Rando told
       me. "It's really coalesced around the idea that our main successes
       will be in reducing the burden of disease."
       It reflects a realism among the real experts. In longevity, there is
       not going to be a moment when a chrysalis bursts and a butterfly flies
       out, Miller said, a sudden leap forward in people's life expectancy.
       "It's more like the evolution of land plants. Gradually, they creep up
       over the beach, and then onto the meadow and then into the meadows.
       This is sort of creeping through the scientific community — too
       According to many researchers, part of the reason for the relatively
       slow progress in longevity treatments is lack of funding in the field.
       For all the flashy announcements about companies like Calico and Altos
       Labs, academic researchers struggle to find financial support. The
       National Institute on Aging, the NIH division that funds research on
       the aging process, projects that it will spend about 9 percent of its
       budget on the biology of aging in 2024 and just under 60 percent on
       neuroscience-specific research. (The NIA's total projected budget in
       2024 is about $4.4 billion of the NIH's $47.1 billion.) Promislow and
       Kaeberlein, who co-run a long-term study on biological and
       environmental factors that could contribute to aging in dogs, are
       currently fighting to keep their project alive with their NIH funding
       expected to end in June.
       "I think there's an assumption by a lot of people that there's a ton
       of money in aging research," Murphy told me. "If you're an academic
       trying to get funding from the NIH, it's actually not true."
       The lack of funding also draws university researchers out of their
       scholarly institutions and to companies like Calico and Altos Labs.
       "The idea of working with very smart people with lots of resources,
       all that's really attractive," Miller told me.
       But that drift to the private sector could actually slow down aging
       research, already a sluggish endeavor, even more in the long run. The
       field is trending toward investor-driven research, while the basic
       research studies necessary for the next generation of possible
       interventions languish because they depend on public or philanthropic
       Drugs like rapamycin have already taken decades to enter clinical
       trials, but it's possible that none of the current leading longevity
       candidates work. Researchers don't even agree on which of the current
       drugs and interventions is the most promising: Miller, for example,
       told me he thinks that rapamycin is "the wrong drug" and that more
       funding should go to canagliflozin, which has increased median
       survival age in male mice by 14 percent and for which human side
       effects are better known due to its use in treating type 2 diabetes
       since 2013. Still, he doesn't think it's easy, "from our limited
       amount of knowledge, to be confident as to whether rapamycin, or
       canagliflozin, or any other promising drug would produce major
       benefits in people with acceptably low side effects." Most aging-
       related biotechnology companies use investor money to test aging
       interventions already proven in mice. Few are conducting the basic
       research to find new possible pathways for future therapies.
       The more aging-related pathways scientists can find, the more possible
       targets for longevity drugs they would have. Each discovery opens the
       possibility for new interventions. Kaeberlein said that though the
       field has expanded in terms of the number of studies on certain drugs
       and mechanistic pathways, it's also become in a sense more narrow.
       "We think, 'This is how the system works. So we're going to test these
       parts of the model,' instead of the more exploratory science that was
       being done when I was a graduate student, which was, 'We have no
       frickin' clue how the system works. Let's go do some unbiased screens
       to figure out what's happening here,'" he said.
       Longevity researchers may be playing in a tiny corner of the sandbox,
       investigating just a few pathways while ignoring other possibilities.
       Scientists blame such myopia for the long gap between breakthroughs.
       The most consistently effective intervention for extending animal
       lifespan has been known for decades: restricting the number of
       calories they eat.
       "I think that shift in mentality has led to more incremental results
       and fewer big, exciting, new discoveries," said Kaeberlein, "and I
       think, personally, that's why nobody has done better than rapamycin in
       15 years and no one has done better than caloric restriction in 50
       There's also the possibility that drugs that have worked consistently
       across different species will work for some humans but not others.
       "The vast majority of studies in our field are done in one genetically
       identical strain of mouse," Rando said. "It's sort of like running a
       clinical trial in humans and only using identical twins. … Even if
       something could work, it's likely to work in a subset of the
       population and not in everybody."
       Oddly, even the most brazen of the (non-expert) anti-aging boosters
       have uninspiring perceptions of the current state of longevity
       research. I was surprised when Bryan Johnson explained to me that,
       despite having a team of doctors who track the age of his organs and
       feed him a daily canister of pills, his choices weren't really made
       based on today's advancements in health and wellness.
       He instead puts his faith in the continued evolution of artificial
       intelligence capabilities, which has advanced greatly over the past
       few years. He sees AI continuing to develop at an exponential rate —
       and longevity research eventually progressing at a more rapid speed
       than human researchers could hope to replicate.
       "It's an observation that we are baby steps away from super
       intelligence," Johnson told me, "and it's improving at a speed that we
       can't imagine."
       It's that, he hopes, that will bring about eternal life. The mice
       studies are less relevant.
       ### A more realistic future for the longevity field
       Immortality is enticing, but it's not coming anytime soon. Neither is
       living to 150. Some people — hopefully more than now — will live to
       100, but they will still be the exception. The way longevity research
       might push the field forward could look very similar to the treatments
       we already have. For people with a high risk of cardiovascular
       disease, statins are a sort of longevity drug. For those dealing with
       certain cancers, chemotherapy can be considered a longevity treatment.
       The future of longevity likely looks more like the world where we
       discover that rapamycin — a drug that can extend the lives of mice and
       help humans accept a new organ — can also treat elderly patients for
       periodontal disease. It could mean that people take a blood sugar-
       regulating drug like canagliflozin and suffer from fewer heart attacks
       and cancers.
       "I don't really care about life extension because there's no way to
       measure it," An said. "It's really about your health."
       Even in slow motion, the field keeps advancing. Murphy told me she was
       excited to see trial results from the longevity company Unity
       Biotechnology back in 2020. The drug UBX0101, which interacts with a
       tumor-suppressing pathway, cleared a phase 1 clinical trial.
       When it moved to phase 2, though, it failed to achieve its aim of
       helping patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. A success could have
       been a promising sign for treatments to get rid of non-dividing
       senescent cells. But even a failure was valuable. It might not have
       been the result that anyone wanted, but it was a result, and it was
       "That's progress for our field," she told me. "This is moving
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