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       Brightest meteor shower will be visible in Ontario next month
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       # Brightest meteor shower will be visible in Ontario next month
       Preferred Region  How does this work?
       One of the most prolific showers of the year, producing abundant,
       bright streaks with rates reaching up to hundreds per hour, is set to
       dazzle observers next month in Ontario.
       The annual Perseid meteor shower, active from mid-July to late August,
       will peak on Monday, August 12, continuing into the early hours of
       Tuesday, August 13.
       The Perseids derive their name from how it seemingly appears to streak
       toward our planet from Perseus's constellation.
       According to _Space.com_ , the phenomenon occurs as the Earth passes
       through the orbit of the comet 109P or Swift-Tuttle.
       When's the perfect time to catch this stunning view?
       With the moon in its waning phase, the meteors will be highly visible
       against the dark contrast of the night sky. Astronomers suggest tuning
       in between 12:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. for the best experience.
       If the skies are clear, an anticipated rate of 60 to 100 meteors per
       hour is expected as Earth journeys through the comet's most heavily
       populated debris zones.
       If you are a first-time stargazer or an astronomy aficionado, here are
       some items to be prepared with as recommended by _Space.com:_
       **Red flashlight** — Fainter meteors require eyes to adjust to the
       dark, especially when using a night-sky map. The red light will help
       preserve your night vision.
       **Warm clothing—** It can get pretty chilly as you wait for the meteor
       showers. If you're staying outdoors for a long period of time, grab a
       warm hat, coat, scarf, and sleeping bag.
       **Hot drink—** A hot beverage will help keep you warm. Tea and coffee
       are often the go-to choices, as they also help you stay awake.
       **Deck chair—** Looking up for hours at a time could strain your neck.
       For maximum comfort, it's advised to use a deck chair that keeps you
       in an inclined position.
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