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       Could cannabis treat cancer someday? Here's what the science says so
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       Research into the potential medical benefits of cannabis has exploded
       in recent years, raising one intriguing question: Could cannabis treat
       It may sound far-fetched that weed — the high-inducing plant that
       propagandists once warned would cause " _reefer madness_ " — could
       contain ingredients that shrink tumors. However, experts told Live
       Science that there is some early evidence that some cannabinoids, the
       active ingredients found in cannabis, do have anticancer effects.
       "There's no two ways about it: [Cannabis] has anticancer properties,"
       _Wai Liu_ , a senior research fellow at St George's, University of
       London, told Live Science. "But the problem is, how do you translate
       that into the clinic — and that's the difficult question to address."
       Here's what we know so far about Mary Jane's cancer-fighting powers.
        **Related:** _ **Runners enjoyed their workouts more after using
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       ## What are cannabinoids, and can they treat cancer?
       The cannabis plant comes in _more than 700 varieties_ , with famous
       examples including _Cannabis sativa_ and _Cannabis indica_. Cannabis
       plants contain substances called cannabinoids, or chemicals that
       interact with the endocannabinoid system in the _brain_.
       Endocannabinoids made by the body help regulate a plethora of
       _biological functions_ , including eating, learning and _pain
       Plant-made cannabinoids, of which more than 100 have been identified
       by scientists, plug into this same system and affect its activity.
       These plant-made molecules include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which
       is largely responsible for the _characteristic "high"_ associated with
       cannabis, and cannabidiol (CBD), which doesn't produce a high but has
       been studied for its _potential medicinal effects_.
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       These and other cannabinoids can now be made synthetically in the lab,
       as well. In fact, two drugs that contain synthetic THC — _dronabinol
       and nabilone_ — are already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
       Administration to treat the nausea and vomiting triggered by
       However, research studying whether cannabinoids directly shrink tumors
       is in its very early days. At this point, it's been mainly limited to
       _preclinical studies_ in human or mouse cells in lab dishes and in
       animals such as mice. For instance, synthetic and plant-made
       cannabinoids have been shown to impede the growth of _breast cancer_
       in mice; in these experiments, cannabinoids were injected into the
       area directly around the tumor, as well as _colorectal cancer_ ,
       _prostate cancer_ and _skin cancer_ in cells.
       There are _several ways_ in which cannabinoids have been shown to have
       anticancer properties, Liu said. For example, in rodent studies,
       cannabinoids have been shown to _inhibit cancer cell growth_ by
       flipping specific molecular switches in tumor cells. And in cell
       studies, cannabinoids have damaged tumors by flooding them with
       harmful molecules called _reactive oxygen species_ , he said.
       However, it's not all positive — under certain circumstances, THC has
       been shown to _promote tumor growth_ in animal models. These
       differences could partly be explained by studies using varying doses
       and investigating distinct types of cancer, the authors suggested.
       **Related:** _ **Cannabis poisonings in young kids skyrocketed
       following legalization of edibles**_
       Despite significant scientific interest, no cannabis-related compound
       has been shown to treat cancer in humans. (Image credit: janiecbros
       via Getty Images)
       ## Have any cannabinoid-based cancer treatments been tested in humans?
       For any cannabinoid-based cancer treatments to reach the market,
       they'd need to be tested in humans.
       "There's a big difference between what you observe in a cell line in a
       petri dish compared to what will happen if you treat a human who has
       that cancer," _Dr. Mikael Sodergren_ , head of the Medical Cannabis
       Research Group at Imperial College London, told Live Science.
       However, so far, there have been only a few small clinical trials, and
       all have focused on just one type of cancer: _glioblastoma_ , the most
       aggressive form of brain cancer. Current treatments for glioblastoma
       have poor survival rates meaning that _new approaches are urgently
       In the first trial, conducted in 2006, scientists showed that THC
       injections directly into the tumors of patients with brain cancer
       could safely and effectively _inhibit their growth_. The trial
       included just nine patients with glioblastoma. So, although these
       results were encouraging, the sample size of the study was too small
       to make any firm conclusions about the drug's safety and efficacy.
       In 2021, a separate research group _published the results_ of another
       early clinical trial, which included 27 people. One group of
       participants used a mouth spray containing a mixture of CBD and THC in
       combination with a traditional chemotherapy drug called temozolomide.
       They received between 3-12 sprays a day (up to 30 milligrams of CBD
       and 32.4 mg of THC), depending on their maximum tolerated dose. All of
       the patients had glioblastoma that had returned following standard,
       first-line therapy.
       This trial included a comparison group that did not use the
       cannabinoid spray, and by comparison, almost twice as many patients
       who received the spray were alive after one year.
       It's still unknown how the spray may affect tumor growth, but it's
       possible that these compounds help push brain tumor cells toward cell
       death, thereby enhancing the antitumor activity of temozolomide, _Dr.
       Susan Short_ , a professor of clinical oncology at the University of
       Leeds in the U.K. who led the research, told Live Science.
       The centres that are running the study are now aiming to recruit
       around 240 patients into a larger, midstage clinical trial. They hope
       to be able to share the results of that trial within two years from
       now, Short said.
       Clinical research has focused on the most aggressive form of brain
       cancer, glioblastoma, shown in high detail under the microscope above.
       (Image credit: Nephron, CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED, via Wikimedia Commons
       ## What's still unknown?
       Despite this progress, _many questions remain_ about how cannabinoids
       might fight cancer at the molecular level, as well as which dosage and
       administration route would work best in humans.
       And, if approved as a cancer treatment, THC would likely have to be
       _combined with another form of cancer therapy_ , because only low
       doses could be given to patients to avoid inducing a high, he said. In
       clinical trials, it would also be unethical to exclude proven
       treatment methods from patients, so testing the effects of cannabinoid
       treatment by itself could be tricky.
       In the meantime, the positive signals scientists have seen in cellular
       models are certainly worth investigating further, _Dr. Brooke Worster_
       , an assistant professor of medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in
       Pennsylvania, told Live Science. Such studies could help clarify how
       cannabinoids affect cancer cells and which are most promising as
       In the meantime, though, patients should take the results of these
       studies with a grain of salt, she said. No one should use the early
       data about cannabinoids to avoid taking treatments that are already
       known to be effective against cancer, such as _immunotherapy_ and
       _radiation therapy_ , she said.
       There's a _misconception that "natural"_ treatments _are always
       better_ for you. But given that there isn't gold-standard proof that
       cannabinoids can treat cancer, opting for weed over chemo wouldn't be
       advisable, Worster added.
       _This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to
       offer medical advice._
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