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       How to overcome 'savings guilt' when you're living paycheque to
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       Kalee Boisvert, a financial adviser at Raymond James Ltd.HO/The
       Canadian Press
       As the higher cost of living continues to squeeze household budgets,
       many Canadians find they have even less left over at the end of every
       month to squirrel away for the future.
       Some might be feeling shame that they weren't able to save enough over
       the past few months and are internalizing that emotion, Kalee
       Boisvert, a financial adviser at Raymond James Ltd., said in an
       "I would say it's more so people feeling guilty that they're not
       saving enough, that they wish they could do more," Ms. Boisvert said.
       "I'm hearing this from a lot of people, so, recognize that we're going
       through a really tough season."
       While the cost of mortgage payments, rent, consumer debt - essentially
       everyday life - has jumped exponentially over the past few years, many
       household incomes did not keep pace - slowly chipping away at monthly
       savings quotas.
       People often feel their inability to save enough is their personal
       responsibility, but the affordability crisis is happening externally,
       said Chantel Chapman, chief executive officer and co-founder of Trauma
       of Money.
       "If there are affordability issues, we need to ask, 'Whose shame is
       this,' or 'Whose guilt is this?"' Ms. Chapman said.
       Stress Test podcast: You're not bad at money - you're suffering from
       money shame
       Most of the household income could be going toward paying bills on
       time, maintaining a roof over their head and putting food on the
       table, she said. There may not be enough after that to put into
       "Those feelings of guilt - we need to question them," she said.
       She added people don't have control over external factors such as an
       economic slowdown, mass layoffs, high rental costs and interest rates.
       A December Coast Capital study showed more than a third of Canadians
       felt financial shame and half of survey respondents said their mental
       and emotional well-being was affected by the finances.
       But there's a way to break the guilt cycle, Ms. Chapman said.
       It starts with noticing the narrative. Pointing out what a person
       might be telling themselves - "I'm stupid and bad with money because
       I'm not saving [but] everyone else is saving," she said - and
       realizing its effect on the nervous system.
       The effects can be skin becoming flushed or throat constricted, Ms.
       Chapman explained. Once her clients start to notice the correlation
       between the narrative and the bodily response, she asks them to
       identify who the guilt belongs to - is it internal or external?
       This helps regulate the nervous system, Ms. Chapman said, and makes
       room for practical steps such as reviewing budgets, adjusting
       priorities around spending or simply talking about it with a friend.
       Depersonalizing guilt is the last step to breaking the cycle, Ms.
       Chapman said, especially for those who think it is entirely on them
       for not saving enough.
       "We [need to] zoom out of ourselves," she said.
       "The whole world has completely shifted, so of course money behaviours
       are going to shift," Ms. Chapman said.
       Ms. Boisvert said many workers who maintained their jobs during the
       pandemic were able to save huge portions of money during pandemic-
       related restrictions. As normalcy returned, so did the spending -
       travelling, dining out, going into the office, among others.
       "There's an element of comparison to what they were able to put away a
       couple of years ago," she said. "Now, they're feeling like it set a
       higher watermark for them."
       Comparison with others also plays a role in savings guilt, said
       Jessica Moorhouse, a money expert and host of the _More Money_
       podcast. While comparisons aren't new, social media has made it worse,
       she added.
       "The comparison game has shifted and now we just feel like, 'There's
       no way I can possibly keep up with anything,"' she said.
       And that guilt is often present across ages no matter how frugal
       people have been, Ms. Moorhouse said.
       For young people, the guilt is that they're not saving enough for a
       down payment on a home. People who have started families feel guilty
       for not saving enough for their kids. Those with retirement on the
       horizon have been feeling guilty for not meeting the savings goal they
       had in mind.
       While being frugal or cutting back on expenses could help, there are
       other ways to increase savings.
       Ms. Boisvert said people should take advantage of employee benefits
       and matching plans for extra savings and focus on long-term goals.
       "This could be for a season. This might not last forever," she said,
       suggesting to track progress on long-term goals.
       Getting creative and diversifying income streams can help boost your
       Ms. Moorhouse suggested getting a second job on the weekends, starting
       a side hustle or even changing jobs to increase your salary.
       "I tell people to spend less and earn more," she said. "That is the
       thing that works."
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