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       'Exiled' Labor senator's donations to Barbie-hating Islamic TV studio
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       Exiled Labor Senator Fatima Payman is poised to quit the Labor Party
       as early as this week as her links with a $1 million Islamic
       television studio that campaigns against "homosexuality" in Barbie
       movies and dangerous "feminist propaganda" emerge.
       The Labor Senator will be able to keep her $233,000-a-year salary if
       she quits the party over her support of Palestine and won't need to
       stand for election for years.
       But she is now on a collision course with Prime Minister Anthony
       Albanese after he suspended her indefinitely from caucus over
       threatening to cross the floor again over Palestine.
       Speaking in Parliament, the Prime Minister confirmed just after 2.30pm
       that he expects Senator Payman will make a statement soon, hinting she
       may quit the ALP.
       "Senator Payman, of course, has made a decision to place herself
       outside the Labor Party, that is a decision that she made. I expect
       further announcements in the coming days," he said.
       "Which will explain exactly what the strategy has been over for more
       than a month."
       She now says she's been "exiled" and excluded by her Labor colleagues.
       "I have been removed from caucus meetings, committees, internal group
       chats and whip's bulletins," she said.
       "These actions led me to believe that some members are attempting to
       intimidate me into resigning from the Senate."
       She was elected for a six-year term in 2022 after riding the wave of
       ex-premier Mark McGowan's popularity to secure a usually unwinnable
       third Senate spot on the ALP ticket.
       But it's her links with pro-Palestine groups that is now set to come
       under scrutiny, including her donations to TV studio the One Path
       The One Path Network films and edits videos for its YouTube channel,
       including interviews with local sheikhs about Islamic teachings and
       current affairs and includes pro-Palestine videos calling for trade
       boycotts against Starbucks and McDonald's claiming the companies have
       links with Israel.
        **Senator Payman donates to The One Path Network**
       Under the rules of the Senate register of interests, Senator Payman
       must declare any organisation that she supports if she is donating
       more than $300 a year. One of the organisations she declared include
       the One Path Network.
       The media company that produces content for TikTok and YouTube, is
       already promoting videos hailing Senator Payman as "a hero" for
       standing up to "rats" in the mainstream media.
       "They have no shame. Senator Fatima Payman took a stance that the
       world will remember. Palestine will be free!" the video states.
       The One Path Network teaches Barbie movie is "dangerous" and "feminist
       But it's the group's teachings on homosexuality and pop culture that
       are set to raise eyebrows, with one video featuring a woman in a niqāb
       arguing that the Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie is "dangerous".
       In the video, the woman criticises the Barbie movie as dangerous
       because it includes "feminist propaganda" and homosexuality.
       It's not clear whether Senator Payman supports these views, only that
       she is donating over $300 a year to the company that creates the
       The register does not require MPs to detail the exact donation.
       Senator Payman has been contacted for comment.
       On YouTube, the video is titled 'Muslim REACTS - Barbie is NOT what
       you think!!'
       "Far from being a children's film, this is a highly politicised film
       filled with messaging that is inappropriate for children, everything
       from crude sexual innuendos a plot around an existential crisis,
       homosexual references a transgender Barbie doll, and, of course,
       aggressive feminist propaganda,'' the One Path network TikTok account
       "They are greeted by a world where men are perverts, police make
       sexual advances on women, and a world where men are in charge of
        **One Path Network promotes Australian Islamic preacher Abu Bakr
       The channel also promotes Australian preacher Abu Bakr Zoud, who has
       previously argued that homosexuality leads to anal cancer, Monkeypox
       and suggested "every rainbow flag should have a picture of a person
       with STDs".
       On August 30, 2022, Abu Bakr Zoud posted to his YouTube channel a
       lecture titled "Amazing Historical Analysis of #LGBTQ & Its Untold
       "These organs are called the human reproductive system. This is what
       they taught us. So the purpose of this organ and this organ is to
       reproduce. That's the purpose. So anyone who uses his organ for other
       than the purpose it was created — you're not using your intellect,''
       he said.
       "Did you know that anal penetration is the most risky form of sexual
       behaviour that a person can conduct? It is the riskiest form of sexual
       practice. There is high risk of developing viral hepatitis, including
       hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C — and there is no cure for
       hepatitis A and B. That means a person will go on treatment for life.
       "I believe that on every rainbow flag there should be a picture at the
       top of a person with anal cancer. This is serious. It is a warning.
       And the genital warts that can happen. There should be a picture, to
       warn the people as to what will happen, what you're going down in.
       "This is a path of no return. There is no cure, there is no treatment
       for these matters. Shouldn't people know? There is danger in this. And
       in addition to this, the punishment of Allah, the curse of Allah."
        **Why does Islam prohibit homosexuality?**
       The One Path Network also includes an explainer titled 'Why is
       homosexuality prohibited in Islam?'
       It describes a conversation with a friend explaining Islamic
       scholarship on the issue.
       "Look, almost everything you've said so far makes perfect sense. Yet I
       can't help but wonder why is your God so bothered about two men that
       just so happen to love one another?"
       "Well, the answer is in fact quite simple and it all comes down to the
       very definition of Islam in and of itself - and that is submission.
       Islam by its very essence means to submit to whatever Allah ordains
       for humanity. No ifs, no buts, no why's? No how come, just complete
       utter submission and servitude to God - and that's what makes you a
       Allah says in the Quran:
       فَلَا وَرَبِّكَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ حَتَّىٰ يُحَكِّمُوكَ فِيمَا شَجَرَ
       بَيْنَهُمْ ثُمَّ لَا يَجِدُوا فِي أَنفُسِهِمْ حَرَجًا مِّمَّا قَضَيْتَ
       وَيُسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا
       "So irrespective of social norms, trends or cultural practices,
       Islamic principles and prohibitions especially those that are clearly
       mentioned in the Quran and unanimously agreed upon are final - whether
       it's homosexuality, interest, gambling, intoxicants, or adultery.
       "Even if the whole world were to disagree and argue that it was for
       the betterment of society, that it was for equality, as Muslims our
       obedience and reliance shall remain in Allah alone."
       News.com.au has contacted Senator Payman for comment.
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