(???)     _                                                                  _
 (???)    (_)  .----------------------------------------------------------.  (_)
 (???)    |_|  |                   The Spartan Protocol                   |  |_|
 (???)    |_|  '----------------------------------------------------------'  |_|
 (???)    |_|                                                                |_|
 (???)    |_|                       S P A R T A N : / /                      |_|
 (???) =========o                                                        o=========o
 (???)    | |  .----------------------------------------------------------.  | |
 (???)    | |  |                        Core Links                        |  | |
 (???)    | |  :----------------------------------------------------------:  | |
 (???)    | |  | Home      | spartan://spartan.mozz.us                    |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | Wares     | spartan://mozz.us/software.gmi               |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | Activity  | spartan://mozz.us                            |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | Specs     | spartan://spartan.mozz.us/specification.gmi  |  | |
 (???)    | |  '----------------------------------------------------------'  | |
 (???)    | |                                                                | |
 (???)    | |  .----------------------------------------------------------.  | |
 (???)    | |  |    Clients I'm currently using (more in Wares section)   |  | |
 (???)    | |  :----------------------------------------------------------:  | |
 (???)    | |  | Lagrange  | https://gmi.skyjake.fi/lagrange/             |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | mozz.us   | https://portal.mozz.us                       |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | bollux    | https://git.sr.ht/~radiocane/bollux          |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | Selected help from man page:                 |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | ./bollux [URL]     (gemini, spartan, gopher) |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | o : open link on the current page            |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | g : goto a new URL                           |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | G : goto new URL, current URL pre-filled     |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | [ : previous page                            |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | ] : next page in history                     |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | q : quit                                     |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | Reference | spartan://spartan.mozz.us/spartan_client.py  |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | Great job of connecting, getting raw page,   |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | disconnecting. Clean, fast, script-friendly. |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | ref.client.py [-h] [--infile INFILE] url     |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | -------------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | Use gmir (listed below) as a viewer for the  |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | raw pages this script retrieves:             |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           |                                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  |           | ref.client.py spartan://mozz.us | gmir       |  | |
 (???)    | |  '----------------------------------------------------------'  | |
 (???)    | |                                                                | |
 (???)    | |  .----------------------------------------------------------.  | |
 (???)    | |  |           Other tools (not currently in Wares)           |  | |
 (???)    | |  :----------------------------------------------------------:  | |
 (???)    | |  | Dillo: https://dillo-browser.github.io/                  |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                                                          |  | |
 (???)    | |  | https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo-plugin-spartan    |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                                                          |  | |
 (???)    | |  | Flawless install (~/.dillo/dpi and dpidrc) but none of   |  | |
 (???)    | |  | the spartan pages load/render. Both the gemini and gopher|  | |
 (???)    | |  | plugins are working great.                               |  | |
 (???)    | |  |----------------------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | gmir: https://github.com/codesoap/gmir                   |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                                                          |  | |
 (???)    | |  | This util is a reader for gemtext files (gmi). It makes  |  | |
 (???)    | |  | it an ideal helper for browsers that retrieve raw gmi.   |  | |
 (???)    | |  | Also makes a great standalone gmi viewer (gmir -h for    |  | |
 (???)    | |  | display of key bindings).                                |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                                                          |  | |
 (???)    | |  | The .tar.gz file contains the single portable binary.    |  | |
 (???)    | |  '----------------------------------------------------------'  | |
 (???)    | |                                                                | |
 (???)    | |  .----------------------------------------------------------.  | |
 (???)    | |  |     Communities/signups/general (more in Core Links)     |  | |
 (???)    | |  :----------------------------------------------------------:  | |
 (???)    | |  | Community | spartan://tilde.team               (sign-up) |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | Community | spartan://tilde.cafe               (sign-up) |  | |
 (???)    | |  |-----------|----------------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | ASCII Art | spartan://ascii.mozz.us:7070                 |  | |
 (???)    | |  '----------------------------------------------------------'  | |
 (???)    | |                                                                | |
 (???)    | |  .----------------------------------------------------------.  | |
 (???)    | |  |                          Gemtext                         |  | |
 (???)    | |  :----------------------------------------------------------:  | |
 (???)    | |  | Line Types     | Description / Example                   |  | |
 (???)    | |  |----------------|-----------------------------------------|  | |
 (???)    | |  | [# | ## | ###] | [Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3]     |  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [ > ]          | quote line                              |  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [ * ]          | bullet list item                        |  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [```]          | Preformatted Text (``` above/below text)|  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [ => ]         | Internal Links                          |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                |                                         |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                | [ => . ] [ => .. ] [ => page.gmi ]      |  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [ => ]         | Exernal Links                           |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                |                                         |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                | => https://duckduckgo.com   SiteName    |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                | => gemini://geminispace.info/           |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                | => gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/v2    |  | |
 (???)    | |  | ---------------|---------------------------------------- |  | |
 (???)    | |  | [ =: ]         | Prompt                                  |  | |
 (???)    | |  |                |                                         |  | |
 (???)    | |  | spartan only   | =: /test.gmi upload text                |  | |
 (???)    | |  '----------------------------------------------------------'  | |
 (???)    | '----------------------------------------------------------------' |
 (???)    '--------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
 (???)                (edited) blog post from : Apr 01, 2024 : Monday               |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  I found two posts related to discussions of a Gemini browser for DOS:       |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  - https://redd.it/sis7lb                                                    |
 (???)  - https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/forum_entry.php?id=17743               |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  The major problem facing older systems like DOS (and others) is trying to   |
 (???)  provide TLS support.                                                        |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  This led me to review the other various emerging smolnet protocols. Spartan |
 (???)  stuck out because it's basically Gemini/Gemtext without the TLS requirement.|
 (???)  The differences between gemini and spartan are highlighted below:           |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  * spartan://spartan.mozz.us                                                 |
 (???)  * https://her.st/usr/bin/atlas-gemini-server.html                           |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  Spartan also helps show how the various smolnet protocols aren't necessarily|
 (???)  competing with each other but rather... helping to extend the smolnet in    |
 (???)  various useful ways.                                                        |
 (???) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)   ,,,                                                                   ,,,
 (???)  (o o)         .---------------------------------------------.         (o o)
 (???)  ( ' )         |           CC0: No Rights Reserved           |         ( ' )
 (???) --m-m----------'---------------------------------------------'----------m-m--.
 (???)                 https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/CC0_FAQ                |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???) -----------------------------.    .--------------.    .----------------------.
 (???)  spartanware@happynetbox.com |----| May 05, 2024 |----| 640kb.neocities.org  |
 (???) -----------------------------'    '--------------'    '----------------------'
 (???) --
 (???) ant another? finger andywalpole@happynetbox.com