(???) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)          Archive of all posts made Apr/2023 : 640kb@happynetbox.com          |
 (???) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???) pril 26, 2023
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???) So I'm watching 'Lois & Clark' and an email system interface pops up on a
 (???) sweet looking, lo-rez, mid-90s, computer screen. It's a GUI screen that looks
 (???) like an easy conversion to text (though it would have definitely looked nicer
 (???) as a color ANSI screen). I had to make some modifications but close enough to
 (???) the original (in spirit). (640kb@happynetbox.com : 26apr2023)
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------,
 (???)                       The Lois & Clark e-mail system                         |
 (???) _____________________________________________________________________________|
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)     To: 1337.H4CK3r.DUD@someplace.on.fidonet.org                             |
 (???)    ___________________________________________________________               |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   |                    Composition Window                     | [ Messages ] |
 (???)   |___________________________________________________________|              |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   | > How are you even finding all of this?                   | [ Contacts ] |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   | A few ways but I really like:                             |              |
 (???)   |                                                           | [ Notes    ] |
 (???)   | http://www.altavista.com                                  |              |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   | I can't believe how fast they included my own site in     | [ Calendar ] |
 (???)   | their results. I keep asking myself... how was I even     |              |
 (???)   | getting around before?                                    |              |
 (???)   |                                                           | [ Dial Out ] |
 (???)   | Catch you later on the bbs?                               |              |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   | No one seems to want to hang there anymore...             | [ Fax-Modem] |
 (???)   |                                                           |              |
 (???)   |___________________________________________________________|              |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)                   [ Cancel ]           [ Send ]                              |
 (???) _____________________________________________________________________________|
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???) pril 27, 2023
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???)   ~~~~~~~~~~   { 640kb@happynetbox.com   ...   27-apr-2023 }   ~~~~~~~~~~  '
 (???) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
 (???)    So I left the comfort of comics & characters I'm familiar with in the   |
 (???)    DC and Marvel worlds. Everything following Irredeemable were online     |
 (???)    recommendations that told stories similar-ish to Irredeemable.          |
 (???)                                                                            |
 (???)    End result... some of the best reading I've ever done. I've taken a     |
 (???)    hiatus from reading comics: this is my current recommendation list. If  |
 (???)    you like Irredeemable, I think you'll like everything that follows it   |
 (???)    on this list.                                                           |
 (???) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???) _____________________________________   ____________________________________
 (???)                                      \ /                                    |
 (???)  * Secret Wars (I, II)                | * No Hero (2008, Warren Ellis)      |
 (???)  * Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars      |                                     |
 (???)                                       | * Sidekick (2013, Straczynski)      |
 (???)  * Civil War + Tie-ins                |                                     |
 (???)                                       | * Black Summer (2007, Warren Ellis) |
 (???)  * Irredeemable (BOOM! Studios)       |                                     |
 (???)                                       | * Halcyon (2010, Marc Guggenheim)   |
 (???)  * Absolution (2009, Christos Gage)   |   (ends in cliffhangar)             |
 (???)  * Absolution - Happy Kitty (2013)    |                                     |
 (???)  * Absolution - Rubicon (2013)        | * Leaving Megalopolis (2014/Simone) |
 (???)                                       | * Surviving Megalopolis (Part II)   |
 (???)                                       |                                     |
 (???) _____________________________________/ \____________________________________|
 (???) ======================  END ==================================================
 (???) --
 (???) ant another? finger thegoat@happynetbox.com