(???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)                   (selected)  Blog Posts : February / 2024                  |
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 (???)                     home: finger://happynetbox.com/640kb                    |
 (???)                     blog: finger://happynetbox.com/debug                    |
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 (???) ==============================================================================
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 (???) ----------------{ Super Sunday : February 11, 2024 : 6:30pm }-----------------
 (???) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)                      .-----------------------------. .-----------------------.
 (???)                      |  1    2    3    4   OT    T | | Heart pounding game.  |
 (???) ---------------------------------------------------: | Overtime win! KC      |
 (???)  Kansas City Chiefs  |  0 :  3 : 10 :  6 :  6 | 25 | | needed this win to    |
 (???)  San Francisco 49ers |  0 : 10 :  0 :  9 :  3 | 22 | | cement their dynasty. |
 (???) ---------------------------------------------------' |                       |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------' 3 wins in the last 5  |
 (???)  years. 4 Super Bowl appearances in those 5 years. Back to Back Super Bowl   |
 (???)  wins - the first time in 20 years. Right now, those numbers mean very       |
 (???)  little. They'll mean an awful lot in time, in retrospect.                   |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  Every KC fan is living in the moment. The overtime game, the last second    |
 (???)  touchdown. The incredible play of KC's Special Teams that made such a       |
 (???)  difference in this game and help set the stage.                             |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  I didn't know what to expect when I started watching these playoffs. I      |
 (???)  certainly didn't expect that it would culminate in such an exciting finish  |
 (???)  (for KC fans).                                                              |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  These are the kinds of games you wish for. Doubts throughout the game,      |
 (???)  heroic moments, failures and finally... a game-ending finish that becomes   |
 (???)  a part of your own experience. The game ended late and still... I was too   |
 (???)  excited to sleep for a few hours afterwards.                                |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  After not having watched sports for so many years, I realized I missed the  |
 (???)  excitement of sports, the moments... the experience.                        |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  It's almost a shame the season is over... There's the aftermath, of course. |
 (???)  The interviews, the replays, the fans online analyzing the game.            |
 (???)                                                                              |
 (???)  I had so much fun, I wonder if I should get started with another sport.     |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???) -----------------------.                                 .-------------------.
 (???)  640kb@happynetbox.com |---------------------------------| February 12, 2024 |
 (???) -----------------------'                                 '-------------------'
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???)  ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------,
 (???)  | Repost... I find it nostalgically relaxing to look at this from time to |
 (???)  | time during the day. It somehow centers me.                             |
 (???)  |                                                                         |
 (???)  | The game itself, the ASCII screen, the Sci-fi players and that single   |
 (???)  | moment... frozen in time.                                               |
 (???)  |                                                                         |
 (???)  | Tweaked & Extended the UI from various DOS maxit game screens as well as|
 (???)  | previous modifications. Current game: Selma (Time Trax) and DARYL.      |
 (???)  '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 (???)  .---------------------------------------------------. .-------------------.
 (???)  |                    (( MAXIT ))                    | |  (( Activity ))   |
 (???)  |                                                   | |                   |
 (???)  |         .-------------------------------.         | | ----- Score ----- |
 (???)  |         | 1 |   | 1 |   | 2 |-4 | 0 |   |         | |                   |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | | 33: L/R: SELMA    |
 (???)  |         |   |-6 |   |   |-1 |   |-2 |<#>|         | | 29: U/D: DARYL    |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | |                   |
 (???)  |         |   | 6 |   | 1 | 3 | 0 |   |   |         | |  --- Current ---  |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | |                   |
 (???)  |         | 8 | 3 |   | 0 |-1 |   |   |   |         | | Turn: DARYL       |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | | Last: [ 5 ]       |
 (???)  |         |-3 |   | 2 |-9 |   |   |-4 |   |         | |                   |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | | --- Standings --- |
 (???)  |         |-5 | 9 |   |   | 7 |   |-2 |   |         | |                   |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | | DeepBlue :12 -  7 |
 (???)  |         |-2 |   |   |   |-1 | 2 | 2 |-1 |         | |.Selma    : 8 -  4 |
 (???)  |         |-------------------------------|         | | Skynet   : 6 -  3 |
 (???)  |         |-3 |-4 |   |   |   | 4 | 1 | 4 |         | |.Daryl    : 3 -  2 |
 (???)  |         '-------------------------------'         | | V'Ger    : 5 -  5 |
 (???)  |                                                   | | WOPR     : 3 -  8 |
 (???)  |     Arrow Keys: Move  -//-  Space Bar: Select     | | Hal.9000 : 3 - 11 |
 (???)  |                                                   | |                   |
 (???)  | F1=Quit  F2=Demo  F3=Rules  F4=Settings  F9=Sound | |  [ F10: Stats ]   |
 (???)  |___________________________________________________| |___________________|
 (???)  .-----------------------.                                  .--------------.
 (???)  | 640kb@happynetbox.com |----------------------------------| Feb 18, 2024 |
 (???)  '-----------------------'                                  '--------------'
 (???) ==============================================================================
 (???) --
 (???) ant another? finger nomad@happynetbox.com