(???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)                          Blog Posts : March / 2024                          |
 (???) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 (???)                     home: finger://happynetbox.com/640kb                    |
 (???)                     blog: finger://happynetbox.com/debug                    |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 04, 2024 : Monday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  A large screen tablet | For the longest time I've been thinking about a    |
 (???) -----------------------' larger tablet. I really wanted something primarily |
 (???)  for reading comic books. It also had to be big enough so that I could avoid|
 (???)  having to zoom in.                                                         |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  My current 10.1" tablet always felt a tad small and the zooming served as a|
 (???)  distraction.                                                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Looked over quite a few today, including Samsung's Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra     |
 (???)  14.6" tablet - which would have been awesome for comics. It would have     |
 (???)  given them a larger than life quality. Each panel... super-sized! But at   |
 (???)  $1k and up... I just couldn't justify it.                                  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  In the end, I decided on a budget Lenovo: the Lenovo Tab P12-2023, 12.7",  |
 (???)  3k display and only $270! Lots to like about it. It'll also give me the    |
 (???)  size boost I was looking for (vs a 10.1" tablet):                          |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://www.displaywars.com/12,7-inch-d%7B10x16%7D-vs-10,1-inch-d%7B10x16%7D
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  So excited to get my hands on this! Equally excited to read comics on a    |
 (???)  display that feels just right.                                             |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 05, 2024 : Tuesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Final small cleanup of the file: finger://happynetbox.com/originsfinger    |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 06, 2024 : Wednesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Watched 'Pioneer One' over the last few nights. What a great script. What a|
 (???)  great mystery.                                                             |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  It was a web series funded entirely by user donations (kickstarter) and    |
 (???)  originally distributed via torrent in 2010-2011.                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Its major failing was that it never did a reveal. Despite this, they did a |
 (???)  great job of story-telling and keeping me immersed. I often can't say that |
 (???)  about lots of big-budget, studio produced stuff.                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_One                                  |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 08, 2024 : Friday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Creating the personal calendar file (640kbcalendar@happynetbox.com) turned |
 (???)  out to be a great idea. While I have lots of dates listed, most of the     |
 (???)  stuff can be grouped into just a few categories.                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I'm finding myself sometimes immersed in a specific category daily. It     |
 (???)  could be UFOS, Sci-fi, paper plane-making, retro computing...              |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 09, 2024 : Saturday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  The Lenovo Tab P12-2023 at 12.7" arrived a couple of days ago. It's        |
 (???)  beautiful...                                                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  This turned out to be an amazing purchase. This is going to be a tablet I  |
 (???)  use regularly for a long time. The comic books I've tested from various    |
 (???)  different eras all look beautifully vibrant!                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  The area is large enough that I may never have to zoom in again (unless    |
 (???)  it's to take in the scene, enjoy the art work):                            |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://www.displaywars.com/12,7-inch-d%7B10x16%7D-vs-10,1-inch-d%7B10x16%7D
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Turns out the the speakers here are really loud! The videos look amazing.  |
 (???)  This tablet is going to make a great video player. I even installed the    |
 (???)  "dreaded" TikTok and the full-screen videos look incredible.               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I've got a couple of readers installed: newsblur for my tech news and      |
 (???)  inoreader for non-tech stuff. I like to use various sites to see how they  |
 (???)  do things. I was on The Old Reader for the longest time.                   |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  The tablet also feels fairly light considering its size. The bezels are    |
 (???)  just large enough to be helpful.                                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Browsing on this thing feels so Desktop-like! Truly an entertainment       |
 (???)  powerhouse - but will mostly be used for comics. I have gone back and forth|
 (???)  with comics for the longest time because I never really had the right      |
 (???)  digital tool for the job. Now it's here. I should have done this a long    |
 (???)  time ago.                                                                  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Been very busy the last couple of days. Maybe Sunday I can take a little   |
 (???)  time to enjoy some comics.                                                 |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 12, 2024 : Tuesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  This tablet is making it so easy to just pick up and read a comic whenever |
 (???)  I want. I've already read a few this way. At no point did I have to zoom in|
 (???)  to make text legible. What an incredible difference.                       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  One thing I did not like about the tablet was the interface/launcher. The  |
 (???)  default is something called "Gesture Navigation". There were *no* soft     |
 (???)  buttons. I tried it for 3 days and never felt comfortable (that is... I    |
 (???)  hated it).                                                                 |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Anyway... General Settings -> System Navigation -> Virtual Key Navigation  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Gives you back the 3 soft buttons while still giving you the same general  |
 (???)  interface (which is pretty useful).                                        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  There's also a PC Mode. This is very nice. It's a Win XP / Mint Cinnamon   |
 (???)  style user interface. Feels like any desktop a person might be on.         |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I might have continued to use it but this mode forces you into landscape   |
 (???)  mode only. My tablet is in Portrait mode - almost always: browsing, comics,|
 (???)  file system navigation, RSS, etc... everything except videos and images.   |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Portrait mode gives me a nicely sized, document-friendly tablet - love it! |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Landscape mode gives me a small laptop (and lots of scrolling). I scroll a |
 (???)  lot less on this very readable 12.7" tablet (in portrait mode) than I do on|
 (???)  my 15.6" (16:9 aspect) laptop in landscape mode. I prefer it over the      |
 (???)  laptop for lots of things now...                                           |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 13, 2024 : Wednesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Reading three series of comic books now:                                   |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  [0] Captain Marvel Vol. 1                                                  |
 (???)  [1] Earth X (trilogy)                                                      |
 (???)  [2] The Champions                                                          |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I still have five books left to read from 'The Champions' 17 issue series. |
 (???)  I always kind of liked this group with my core favorites being: Hercules,  |
 (???)  Ghost Rider and, in particular, Black Widow.                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I always thought Black Widow would have made a great leader.               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  No super powers but someone with superior combat and intelligence training.|
 (???)  I just never felt the writing of the time took advantage of this character |
 (???)  and this opportunity.                                                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  The only series I read before was 'The Champions'. That was so many years  |
 (???)  ago that it feels like I'm reading it for the first time.                  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I always wanted to read Captain Marvel and learn more about this character.|
 (???)  I'm already a few issues in and it's delivered reasonably good storytelling|
 (???)  for a series that began in 1968.                                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Earth X has been the most engaging so far; maybe because it's the most     |
 (???)  modern of this initial grouping.                                           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  After the Earth X series, I'm looking forward to starting:                 |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  [3] The End                                                                |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Enjoying my new tablet (the Lenovo Tab P12-2023, 12.7"). Already have many |
 (???)  more titles lined up.                                                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  [0] https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Marvel_Vol_1                    |
 (???)      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_(Mar-Vell)                |
 (???)  [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_X                                  |
 (???)  [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champions_(1975_team)                    |
 (???)  [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_(comics)                         |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 19, 2024 : Tuesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  What's up, Doc? | I came back from a final appt today with my ear doctor   |
 (???) -----------------' (ENT) to go over the MRI results.                        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Loved the testing performed:                                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  1. The Sound Room tests identified some hearing loss in my right ear but   |
 (???)     only while in the crowded room scenario. Otherwise, my hearing is great.|
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  2. MRI showed that everything is ok. There were some concerns... I really  |
 (???)     liked that he was thorough and ordered an MRI of the ear.               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I get to keep the DVD+R of the pics, so I'll be able to see all the scanned|
 (???)  images (once I find my external DVD player).                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 (???)  Before The Matrix | The best part of the day... I drove by a public library|
 (???) -------------------' in the area. I've not had a library card since the     |
 (???)  Cretaceous period, I think. I parked across the street and considered this |
 (???)  new fork on the road for a bit...                                          |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I smiled. I went in.                                                       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I showed the receptionist my driver's license and provided some contact    |
 (???)  info. Moments later... I had a brand new library card:) I felt like a kid  |
 (???)  again.                                                                     |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I know about the digital resources for library card holders these days but |
 (???)  I really like the idea of borrowing paper books, visiting the library and  |
 (???)  other 'brick & mortar' kind of stuff.                                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 (???)  The voice of the people (for now) | There is only so much "me time" in the |
 (???) -----------------------------------' day. Comic reading was put on hold for |
 (???)  a while because... TikTok. Occasionally TikTok draws me in.                |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  After the house bill (or whatever that ugliness was), I spent quite a lot  |
 (???)  of my "me time" hearing and reading what people had to say on the platform |
 (???)  about this.                                                                |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 21, 2024 : Thursday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  MRI, DICOM | Found my external DVD player. The MRI DVD came with a windows |
 (???) ------------' viewer for displaying the set of images. The viewer worked    |
 (???)  well under Linux/WINE and I was able to view all the head and neck images. |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  It turns out that Linux has quite a few free native DICOM[0] viewers[1]    |
 (???)  since it is both an Open and Industry Standard in the medical field. I will|
 (???)  probably install one in the future since I prefer native solutions.        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DICOM                                    |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  [1] https://www.geeksmint.com/linux-dicom-viewers-for-doctors/             |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 24, 2024 : Sunday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Fingerverse | I changed all links on this page from: finger @example.com   |
 (???) -------------' TO finger://example.com                                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  It was long due. Practically all clients use the latter format.            |
 (???)  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 (???)  Also really enjoyed adding the alternative OS section. I thought I was     |
 (???)  nearly done with any major updates to the fingerverse page until I stumbled|
 (???)  upon AmiGemini.                                                            |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I'm a huge fan of older OSes and current alternative OS efforts. I've run  |
 (???)  so many of them over the years. Not only are they orders of magnitude      |
 (???)  faster but they aren't surveilling their users. The smolnet and these OSes |
 (???)  make a great match.                                                        |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 26, 2024 : Tuesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  TEXT:// | I've been toying with the idea of creating an index page here on |
 (???) ---------' happynetbox.com. From my first post here, I loved the ASCII-page |
 (???)  centered focus of this site.                                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I've been posting here since about mid-Jan of 2023. I started off by using |
 (???)  finger most of the time (finger @site). Loved having another reason to be  |
 (???)  on the command line, loved knowing that I was dealing only with content and|
 (???)  not any of the other stuff that bloats and embeds itself to the content.   |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Even simple ASCII-based creative design efforts are focused on highlighting|
 (???)  the content or is oftentimes... the content itself.                        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  After a while, I wanted to see what else was out there besides the command |
 (???)  line finger client. Found lots of other clients and tips scattered about   |
 (???)  and eventually the (public domain) fingerverse page emerged from that.     |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Over the last couple of months, I've been using https://portal.mozz.us/    |
 (???)  more and more to access the smolnet through my regular browser.            |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  The main reason for this switch to portal.mozz.us was because it does such |
 (???)  a nice job of identifying a protocol and converting it into a clickable    |
 (???)  link (useful with finger://). This little tweak suddenly makes the pure    |
 (???)  text-based finger protocol also a pseudo text:// protocol. Try it:-)       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://portal.mozz.us/finger/happynetbox.com/fingerverse                  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  note: For some reason, I get some minor alignment issues with this site and|
 (???)  the Firefox gopher proxy extensions.                                       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  None of the other clients I tested just now have the option of creating    |
 (???)  clickable links. It's not a negative, as text should always default to     |
 (???)  plain text. But...                                                         |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Since we currently don't have the kind of support for the emerging (?)     |
 (???)  text:// protocol for the 1/2 dozen of us or so who really dig communicating|
 (???)  in 7-bits:-) the combination of happynetbox and portal.mozz.us makes a nice|
 (???)  compromise solution.                                                       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  This need surfaced because there are a few more pages I'd like to create   |
 (???)  in the future. I post nowhere else and would love to give these pages a    |
 (???)  a permanent and easy to navigate home.                                     |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 27, 2024 : Wednesday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Linux Mint | Have always been a fan of Wil Wheaton. Just learned that he's |
 (???) ------------' a Linux Mint user. Apparently this has been common knowledge  |
 (???)  but it was fun to find this out just now.                                  |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://redd.it/wlwfmh                                         (11aug2022) |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://facebook.com/itswilwheaton                    (search for 'linux') |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 (???)  It's the little things | During the mid-90s, I had a few web pages online  |
 (???) ------------------------' thru an ISP. In 1997, I let my subscription lapse |
 (???)  because... life. I regretted that I not only lost my most visited page but |
 (???)  one that was a labor of love.                                              |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  To the site's visitors, I had vanished, suddenly, without a trace. I felt  |
 (???)  guilty about that for a long while.                                        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  A few years later - circa 2000 - I discovered that someone had recovered   |
 (???)  the home/core page of the original site from their browser's cache. They   |
 (???)  had kept it online for the last few years. I was thrilled to see it!       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  27 years later, it makes me happy to see that the page is still online.    |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 28, 2024 : Thursday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  TEXT:// | portal.mozz.us led me to a site that was hosting a page using    |
 (???) ---------' the text:// protocol today:                                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  https://portal.mozz.us/text/asdfghasdfgh.de/                               |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  As far as I know, the only way to access the text:// protocol is via       |
 (???)  mozz.us itself or netcat (as seen on https://github.com/textprotocol/).    |
 (???)  Good to see an actual site in the wild using this protocol:-) I didn't     |
 (???)  think any existed.                                                         |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 29, 2024 : Friday
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  codepage 437 | Sometime in 2023, I created a codepage 437 file (UTF-8)     |
 (???) --------------' because I was curious how finger/gopher clients would handle|
 (???)  8-bits (I was also thinking about DOS-related stuff).                      |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  I had noticed that an occasional post would contain some 8-bit characters. |
 (???)  At the time, I was using the cli finger client almost exclusively and those|
 (???)  characters would appear 'garbled'.                                         |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  After testing the clients I had listed (on a Linux System), I was surprised|
 (???)  at how well so many of them handled 8-bits. I'm glad that despite the      |
 (???)  apparent support for extended ASCII, finger remains a 7-bit medium.        |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  The codepage 437 file was meant to be temporary while I did the testing and|
 (???)  so I put it in an account named finger://happynetbox.com/debug . I'd like  |
 (???)  to give it a permanent home now and so created:                            |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  finger://happynetbox.com/codepage437                                       |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Lagrange, Kristall, bopher-ng (below) and even telnet (below), among       |
 (???)  others, will display the file just fine.                                   |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  bopher: ./bopher-ng.sh gopher://happynetbox.com:79/0codepage437            |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  telnet: cat <(echo codepage437) - | telnet happynetbox.com 79              |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  As far as the debug account? I rather like the name:-) I have something    |
 (???)  planned for it in the near future.                                         |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Mar 30, 2024 : Saturday (final post of March/2024)
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???)  Geek Calendar | The personal geek calendar was ridiculously long because of|
 (???) ---------------' all the commentary and additional links I added.           |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  Reduced the file from 466 to 250 lines today. I still plan on reducing     |
 (???)  further in the future.                                                     |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  finger://happynetbox.com/640kbcalendar                                     |
 (???)                                                                             |
 (???)  * updated/edited Mar 29 (Friday) post.                                     |
 (???) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (???) --
 (???) ant another? finger zubaz21@happynetbox.com