_                          _______  _______  _______  _______  _______ 
       ( \      |\     /||\     /|(  ____ \(  ____ \(  ____ )(  ____ )(  ____ \
       | (      | )   ( |( \   / )| (    \/| (    \/| (    )|| (    )|| (    \/
       | |      | |   | | \ (_) / | (__    | (__    | (____)|| (____)|| (__    
       | |      | |   | |  ) _ (  |  __)   |  __)   |     __)|     __)|  __)   
       | |      | |   | | / ( ) \ | (      | (      | (\ (   | (\ (   | (      
       | (____/\| (___) |( /   \ )| )      | (____/\| ) \ \__| ) \ \__| (____/\
       (_______/(_______)|/     \||/       (_______/|/   \__/|/   \__/(_______/
       ------------------------ THE MATRIX HAS YOU... -------------------------
       This is just a landing page. To find out more about me, visit my resources on Gopher:
 (DIR) LuxPhlog (on HOI.ST)
       Now the phlog is even featured on Bongusta!
       Edited with my own text editor:
 (HTM) nne
       This page was generated from a Gemtext source with gmi2map.sh from Bopher Tools:
       cat fingerpage.gmi | bash ~/proj/bopher/tools/gmi2map.sh 95 | xsel -bi
       ## Finger-Gopher interoperability
       You can make a Finger query using a Gopher client because they are absolutely the same on the
       protocol level! Any Finger query to the user@server.tld translates to a 
       gopher://server.tld/0user URL. Or even gopher://server.tld/1user, in which case you can serve 
       Gophermaps via Finger, just like I do.
       --- Written by Luxferre, 2023 ---