* Index * Everything * RSS * RSS using HTML About me: My name is Solene Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(BSD OpenBSD Lisp cmdline gaming internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. OpenBSD developer solene@. Contact me: solene on, solene+www at dataswamp dot org or (mastodon). If for some reason you want to support my work, this is my paypal address: Explaining modern server monitoring stacks for self-hosting Written by Solene, on 11 September 2022. Tags: #nixos #monitoring #efficiency Comments on Fediverse/Mastodon !/bin/introduction SS Hello , it's been a long time I didn't have to take a look at monitoring servers. I've set up a Grafana server six years ago, and I was using Munin for my personal servers. However, I recently moved my server to a small virtual machine which has CPU and memory constraints (1 core / 1 GB of memory), and Munin didn't work very well. I was curious to learn if the Grafana stack changed since the last time I used it, and YES. There is that project named Prometheus which is used absolutely everywhere, it was time for me to learn about it. And as I like to go against the flow, I tried various changes to the industry standard stack by using VictoriaMetrics. In this article, I'm using NixOS configuration for the examples, however it should be obvious enough that you can still understand the parts if you don't know anything about NixOS. The components SS VictoriaMetrics is a Prometheus drop-in replacement that is a lot more efficient (faster and use less resources), which also provides various API such as Graphite or InfluxDB. It's the component storing data. It comes with various programs like VictoriaMetrics agent to replace various parts of Prometheus. VictoriaMetrics official website Prometheus is a time series database, which also provide a collecting agent named Node Exporter. It's also able to pull (scrape) data from remote services offering a Prometheus API. Prometheus official website Node Exporter GitHub page NixOS is an operating system built with the Nix package manager, it has a declarative approach that requires to reconfigure the system when you need to make a change. NixOS official website Collectd is a agent gathering metrics from the system and sending it to a remote compatible database. Collectd official website Grafana is a powerful Web interface pulling data from time series databases to render them under useful charts for analysis. Grafana official website Node exporter full Grafana dashboard Setup 1: Prometheus server scraping remote node_exporter SS In this setup, a Prometheus server is running on a server along with Grafana, and connects to remote servers running node_exporter to gather data. Running it on my server, Grafana takes 67 MB, the local node_exporter 12.5 MB and Prometheus 63 MB. USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND grafana 837975 0.1 6.7 1384152 67836 ? Ssl 01:19 1:07 grafana-server node-ex+ 953784 0.0 1.2 941292 12512 ? Ssl 16:24 0:01 node_exporter prometh+ 983975 0.3 6.3 1226012 63284 ? Ssl 17:07 0:00 prometheus Setup 1 diagram * model: pull, Prometheus is connecting to all servers Pros SS * it's the industry standard * can use the "node exporter full" Grafana dashboard Cons SS * uses memory * you need to be able to reach all the remote nodes Server SS { services.grafana.enable = true; services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true; services.prometheus = { enable = true; scrapeConfigs = [ { job_name = "kikimora"; static_configs = [ {targets = [""];} ]; } { job_name = "interbus"; static_configs = [ {targets = [""];} ]; } ]; }; } Client SS { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [9100]; services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true; } Setup 2: VictoriaMetrics + node-exporter in pull model SS In this setup, a VictoriaMetrics server is running on a server along with Grafana. A VictoriaMetrics agent is running locally to gather data from remote servers running node_exporter. Running it on my server, Grafana takes 67 MB, the local node_exporter 12.5 MB, VictoriaMetrics 30 MB and its agent 13.8 MB. USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND grafana 837975 0.1 6.7 1384152 67836 ? Ssl 01:19 1:07 grafana-server node-ex+ 953784 0.0 1.2 941292 12512 ? Ssl 16:24 0:01 node_exporter victori+ 986126 0.1 3.0 1287016 30052 ? Ssl 18:00 0:03 victoria-metric root 987944 0.0 1.3 1086276 13856 ? Sl 18:30 0:00 vmagent Setup 2 diagram * model: pull, VictoriaMetrics agent is connecting to all servers Pros SS * can use the "node exporter full" Grafana dashboard * lightweight and more performant than Prometheus Cons SS * you need to be able to reach all the remote nodes Server SS let configure_prom = builtins.toFile "prometheus.yml" '' scrape_configs: - job_name: 'kikimora' stream_parse: true static_configs: - targets: - - job_name: 'interbus' stream_parse: true static_configs: - targets: - ''; in { services.victoriametrics.enable = true; services.grafana.enable = true; = { path = with pkgs; [victoriametrics]; enable = true; after = [""]; wantedBy = [""]; script = "vmagent -promscrape.config=${configure_prom} -remoteWrite.url="; }; } Client SS { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [9100]; services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true; } Setup 3: VictoriaMetrics + node-exporter in push model SS In this setup, a VictoriaMetrics server is running on a server along with Grafana, on each server node_exporter and VictoriaMetrics agent are running to export data to the central VictoriaMetrics server. Running it on my server, Grafana takes 67 MB, the local node_exporter 12.5 MB, VictoriaMetrics 30 MB and its agent 13.8 MB, which is exactly the same as the setup 2, except the VictoriaMetrics agent is running on all remote servers. USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND grafana 837975 0.1 6.7 1384152 67836 ? Ssl 01:19 1:07 grafana-server node-ex+ 953784 0.0 1.2 941292 12512 ? Ssl 16:24 0:01 node_exporter victori+ 986126 0.1 3.0 1287016 30052 ? Ssl 18:00 0:03 victoria-metric root 987944 0.0 1.3 1086276 13856 ? Sl 18:30 0:00 vmagent Setup 3 diagram * model: push, each agent is connecting to the VictoriaMetrics server Pros SS * can use the "node exporter full" Grafana dashboard * memory efficient * can bypass firewalls easily Cons SS * you need to be able to reach all the remote nodes * more maintenance as you have one extra agent on each remote * may be bad for security, you need to allow remote servers to write to your VictoriaMetrics server Server SS { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [8428]; services.victoriametrics.enable = true; services.grafana.enable = true; services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true; } Client SS let configure_prom = builtins.toFile "prometheus.yml" '' scrape_configs: - job_name: '${config.networking.hostName}' stream_parse: true static_configs: - targets: - ''; in { services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true; = { path = with pkgs; [victoriametrics]; enable = true; after = [""]; wantedBy = [""]; script = "vmagent -promscrape.config=${configure_prom} -remoteWrite.url=http://victoria-server.domain:8428/api/v1/write"; }; } Setup 4: VictoriaMetrics + Collectd SS In this setup, a VictoriaMetrics server is running on a server along with Grafana, servers are running Collectd sending data to VictoriaMetrics graphite API. Running it on my server, Grafana takes 67 MB, VictoriaMetrics 30 MB and Collectd 172 kB (yes). USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND grafana 837975 0.1 6.7 1384152 67836 ? Ssl 01:19 1:07 grafana-server victori+ 986126 0.1 3.0 1287016 30052 ? Ssl 18:00 0:03 victoria-metric collectd 844275 0.0 0.0 610432 172 ? Ssl 02:07 0:00 collectd Setup 4 diagram * model: push, VictoriaMetrics receives data from the Collectd servers Pros SS * super memory efficient * can bypass firewalls easily Cons SS * you can't use the "node exporter full" Grafana dashboard * may be bad for security, you need to allow remote servers to write to your VictoriaMetrics server * you need to configure Collectd for each host Server SS The server requires VictoriaMetrics to run exposing its graphite API on ports 2003. Note that in Grafana, you will have to escape "-" characters using "\ -" in the queries. I also didn't find a way to automatically discover hosts in the data to use variables in the dashboard. UPDATE: Using write_tsdb exporter in collectd, and exposing a TSDB API with VictoriaMetrics, you can set a label to each host, and then use the query "label_values(status)" in Grafana to automatic discover hosts. { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [2003]; services.victoriametrics = { enable = true; extraOptions = [ "-graphiteListenAddr=:2003" ]; }; services.grafana.enable = true; } Client SS We only need to enable Collectd on the client: { services.collectd = { enable = true; autoLoadPlugin = true; extraConfig = '' Interval 30 ''; plugins = { "write_graphite" = '' Host "victoria-server.fqdn" Port "2003" Protocol "tcp" LogSendErrors true Prefix "collectd_" ''; cpu = '' ReportByCpu false ''; memory = ""; df = '' Mountpoint "/" Mountpoint "/nix/store" Mountpoint "/home" ValuesPercentage True ValuesAbsolute False ''; load = ""; uptime = ""; swap = '' ReportBytes false ReportIO false ValuesPercentage true ''; interface = '' ReportInactive false ''; }; }; } Trivia SS The first section named #!/bin/introduction" is on purpose and not a mistake. It felt super fun when I started writing the article, and wanted to keep it that way. The Collectd setup is the most minimalistic while still powerful, but it requires lot of work to make the dashboards and configure the plugins correctly. The setup I like best is the setup 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This blog is powered by cl-yag!