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We're not strict on content - if it's vaguely IF-related, go ahead and submit! (this includes games and visual novels.) The votes shall decide which content is the strongest. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: * IFDB * IFWiki * GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary * [DEL:Free Twine hosting:DEL] RIP * Have a link suggestion? Send me a message and I'll take a look! Related subreddits: * /r/textventures * /r/writing * /r/visualnovels * /r/indiegaming --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: * No crypto or crypto-adjacent projects. This includes anything related to or utilizing NFTs. * Don't be an ass! Don't start shit! * Respect reddiquette. * Do not excessively self-promote. If your user page is mostly submissions of your things to various subreddits, your content will be removed. * Try not to spoil things. We have a spoiler tag - use that to hide your text! Usage: [putspoilerhere](/spoiler) putspoilerhere a community for 13 years MODERATORS * message the mods * Moderator list hidden. Learn More discussions in r/interactivefiction <> X 6 Why you need play Superstition (authorship of 13League) right now Exciting AI-powered Text Adventure Game (you can create your own games in less than a minute too!) 37 * 14 comments GPT-3 does an astonishingly good job creating both sides of an Interactive Fiction transcript 11 [rTX7Pkts] Dr. Chatelet: Faith (Early Access) - Immersive Visual Novel & Interactive story-driven 12 * 4 comments [WYPEBEzF] Latest Humble Bundle Has All The World Of Darkness Interactive Novels For $10-11USD 9 * 1 comment Interactive Fiction experiment over Twitter: Furina's Automaton 8 * 2 comments Kickstarter experience? 6 * 4 comments Problem with inform 6 18 * 6 comments Wordedly--Interactive Fiction News Site 7 * 10 comments [o6ATQUej] Any IF engine like this? Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. x 34 35 36 GPT-3 does an astonishingly good job creating both sides of an Interactive Fiction transcript (self.interactivefiction) submitted 1 day ago by raldi I've been experimenting with the GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence playground. If you're not familiar with it, you type some text and the computer attempts to add the next part. I decided to try giving it something that looked like the beginning of an Interactive Fiction session, and the results blew me away. Here's the transcript; the parts in bold were provided by me; everything else was written by the computer. --------------------------------------------------------------------- > OPEN DOOR WITH WRENCH You clamp the stub of the knob with the wrench and turn with all your might, but it's no use; the door is rusted shut. > BREAK DOOR WITH WRENCH You clamp the stub of the knob with the wrench and try to apply some leverage, but the wrench slips and strikes you in the face. You see stars, and your vision blurs. > USE WRENCH AS WEAPON You swing the wrench at the door, but the door is too thick. Your wrench bounces off, and you hear the sound of metal hitting metal. > EXAMINE DOOR The door is made of metal, and it is very thick. There is a small window in the door, but it is too dirty to see through. There is a knob on the door, but it is broken off. > INVENTORY You are carrying: * A wrench * A flashlight * A pocket knife * A lighter * A map * A can of food * A canteen of water > OPEN POCKET KNIFE You open the pocket knife and look at the blade. It is very sharp. > CUT DOOR WITH KNIFE You try to cut the door with the knife, but the knife is not strong enough. > STAB DOOR WITH KNIFE You try to stab the door with the knife, but the knife is not strong enough. > USE LIGHTER ON DOOR You hold the lighter to the door and light it on fire. The door burns for a few seconds, but it is too thick and does not catch fire. > POUR WATER ON DOOR You pour water on the door, but it does not extinguish the fire. > BREAK WINDOW WITH WRENCH You swing the wrench at the window, and the glass shatters. You reach through the window and unlock the door from the inside. > ENTER ROOM You enter the room and find yourself in a small, dark space. There is a table in the center of the room, and a chair next to the table. On the table is a lamp, and next to the lamp is a book. > EXAMINE CHAIR The chair is made of wood, and it is very old. It looks like it would be uncomfortable to sit in. > SIT IN CHAIR You sit in the chair, and it is very uncomfortable. You get up from the chair and examine it more closely. There is a hole in the seat of the chair, and something is hidden inside. > REACH IN HOLE You reach into the hole and feel around. Your hand brushes against something soft. > PULL OUT SOFT THING You pull out a small, soft toy. It is a stuffed animal, and it is very old. > EXAMINE STUFFED ANIMAL The stuffed animal is a bear, and it is very old. It is missing one eye, and its fur is matted and dirty. > USE KNIFE ON STUFFED ANIMAL You cut the stuffed animal open with the knife, and stuffing falls out. There is something hard inside the stuffed animal. > PULL OUT HARD THING You pull out a small, hard object. It is an electronic device, and it is very old. > EXAMINE ELECTRONIC DEVICE The electronic device is a radio, and it is very old. There is a power switch on the side of the radio, but it is broken. > USE LIGHTER ON RADIO You hold the lighter to the radio and turn it on. The radio crackles to life, and you hear a voice. "Hello? Is anyone there?" > RESPOND "Yes, I'm here. Who is this?" "This is Captain Jack Harkness of the Torchwood Institute. Who am I speaking to?" "My name is John Smith. I'm an American." "John, where are you?" "I'm in a room. I don't know where I am." "John, listen to me carefully. I'm going to help you, but you need to do exactly as I say, understand?" "Yes, I understand." "Is there a book in the room with you?" "Yes, there is." "Open the book to page one hundred and thirteen." You open the book to page one hundred and thirteen, and you see a map. "John, I need you to describe the map to me." You describe the map to Captain Harkness, and he tells you that you are in Wales. He gives you instructions on how to find the Torchwood Institute, and he tells you to come to the Institute as soon as possible. > HANG UP RADIO You turn off the radio and put it back in the stuffed animal. You put the stuffed animal in your pocket and stand up. You are about to leave the room when you hear a noise. > GO TO NOISE You follow the noise to a door. The door is slightly open, and you can see a light on in the room. > ENTER ROOM You enter the room and find yourself in a laboratory. There are tables with all kinds of equipment, and there are people in white lab coats working. > ASK ABOUT TORCHWOOD You approach a person in a white lab coat and ask them about the Torchwood Institute. They tell you that the Torchwood Institute is a secret organization that deals with aliens and other strange things. They tell you that the Institute is located in Cardiff, Wales. > LEAVE LABORATORY You leave the laboratory and find yourself in a long corridor. There are doors on either side of the corridor, and at the end of the corridor is a staircase. * 14 comments * share * save * hide * report all 14 comments sorted by: best topnewcontroversialoldrandomq&alive (beta) [ ] Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account [-]raldi[S] 8 points9 points10 points 1 day ago* (0 children) This also means that we can finally find out what happens next in the sample transcripts Infocom printed in the manuals of all of its games! For instance, if I prompt with the one from the Hitchhiker's Guide (Cmd-F sample trancsript), here's what comes next: [snip] >INJECT THE SUBJECT WITH THE SERUM The subject, whom you forgot to shackle to the table, pushes you away. In the ensuing struggle, you accidentally inject yourself with the serum. Lights whirl around your head. Especially red, yellow, and green lights. The lights slow down and finally stop whirling, and you realize that... Your taxi is stopped at a traffic light. It's been an hour since your last fare. Suddenly, someone pulls open the door and slides into the back seat. "Corner of Frobbington and Foominster, please." "Right you are, guv," you say, starting the meter. >DRIVE TO FROBBINGTON AND FOOMINSTER The ride to Foomingster and Frobbington is uneventful. The fare pays you in five one-pound notes. Foomingster and Frobbington You are on the corner of Foomingster and Frobbington. The sidewalk continues north and east. Because of the heavy traffic here, crossing the street is out of the question. >DRIVE NORTH You can't go that way in a taxi. >GET OUT OF THE TAXI You are now outside of the taxi. >WALK NORTH You can't cross the street here. >EAST Street Corner You are on a street corner on the outskirts of London. A signpost reveals that you are on the corner of Foomingster and Frobbington. The sidewalk continues north and east. Because of the heavy traffic here, crossing the street is out of the question. >NORTH You can't cross the street here. >CROSS THE STREET You can't cross the street here. >WAIT You wait around for a while. A police car drives by. The policeman in the passenger seat looks at you funny. >WAIT You wait around some more. A truck drives by, and the driver throws a newspaper at you. >LOOK AT THE NEWSPAPER The headline reads "GRANOLA SALESMAN FOUND DEAD." The article says that Chester Smith, a local granola salesman, was found dead in his apartment of unknown causes. His briefcase, which was found next to his body, contained nothing but granola samples. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]raldi[S] 3 points4 points5 points 1 day ago (1 child) Let's see if it can do sci-fi. --------------------------------------------------------------------- > LOOK Deep Space, outside the Lovana D'orah You are floating in space, tethered to the Lovana D'orah by a cord. Your suit is keeping you alive. > EXAMINE CORD The cord is a safety feature, in case you are accidentally ejected from the ship. It can be detached if you need to. > EXAMINE SUIT Your suit is a standard issue space suit. It has a helmet, gloves, and boots, all of which are airtight. The suit also has a supply of oxygen, which will last for several hours. > EXAMINE HELMET The helmet is made of transparent plastic, and it covers your entire head. It has a built-in microphone and speakers, so you can communicate with the ship. > EXAMINE GLOVES The gloves are made of a flexible material, and they cover your entire hand. They have built-in sensors that allow you to interact with the ship's controls. > EXAMINE BOOTS The boots are made of a sturdy material, and they cover your entire foot. They have built-in magnets, which allow you to walk on the ship's hull. > JUMP You detach the cord from the ship and begin to float away. > WAIT You float aimlessly for a while. > WAIT You continue to float aimlessly. > OXYGEN You check your oxygen levels, and you see that you have about half a tank left. > WAIT You continue to float aimlessly. > OXYGEN You check your oxygen levels again, and you see that you have about a quarter of a tank left. > TALK TO SHIP You activate your helmet's microphone and speak into it. "Ship, this is astronaut Jones. I'm currently detached from the ship and running low on oxygen. Requesting assistance." There is no response from the ship. > TALK TO SHIP You speak into your helmet's microphone again. "Ship, this is astronaut Jones. I'm running out of oxygen. I need assistance." There is still no response from the ship. > INVENTORY You check your suit's pockets, and you find a small multitool. > THROW MULTITOOL AT SHIP You take aim and throw the multitool at the ship. It bounces off the hull and floats away. Suddenly, the ship begins to move away from you. > WAIT You float through space for hours, until you eventually run out of oxygen. You die. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]raldi[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) lol: --------------------------------------------------------------------- > UNDO You rewind time and return to the moment when you were ejected from the ship. > DO NOT JUMP You stay tethered to the ship and avoid floating away. > WAIT The ship eventually comes to a stop, and a hatch opens. A figure in a space suit comes out and begins to tow you back to the ship. > WAIT You are towed back to the ship and brought inside. The figure removes their helmet, and you see that it is a woman. "Welcome back, astronaut Jones," she says. "We thought we'd lost you." She helps you out of your suit and leads you to the infirmary. You are informed that the Lovana D'orah has been damaged and is not able to continue its mission. You and the other crew members are being evacuated to a nearby space station. * permalink * embed * save * parent * report * give award * reply [-]bjorn_cyborg 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Very cool. How did it come up with inventory? Was there previous text that explained the flashlight, pocket knife, etc? I've played AIDungeon but found it too open ended. It would be great to use something like for accomplishment-based game play, though it seems tricky due to the nature of these models. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]BussinBarbossa 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (1 child) Is there a way to run this locally without having to pay for more usage, or is it unreleased? * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]raldi[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) I believe anyone can create an account and just start playing. Here's the link again: * permalink * embed * save * parent * report * give award * reply [-]bCollinsHazel 1 point2 points3 points 23 hours ago (0 children) youre incredible. this is amazing. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]ArseAssassin 1 point2 points3 points 14 hours ago (1 child) It's been years since you left the force to become a private detective. Once a bright eyed youth, you barely remember what it was like to have friends other than your bottle of whiskey. It was a night like any other, until the ringing of your phone echoed through the office, changing your life forever... ring-ring You answer the phone and hear a frantic voice on the other end. It's your old partner, Jake. He's in trouble and needs your help. Ask Jake about his problem Jake tells you that he's been framed for a murder he didn't commit. He's been set up by a powerful crime boss, and he's about to be sent to prison for life. He needs your help to clear his name and take down the crime boss. Tell Jake you're on your way You hang up the phone and head to Jake's apartment. When you arrive, you find Jake has been beaten and is barely conscious. You call an ambulance and take Jake to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors tell you that Jake has suffered severe brain damage and will never be the same again. Ask if Jake can speak The doctors tell you that Jake can't speak or communicate in any way. He is effectively a vegetable. Visit Jake in the hospital You visit Jake in the hospital and sit with him for a while. You hold his hand and tell him that you're going to find the people who did this to him and make them pay. Jake dies a few days later. You are devastated by Jake's death. You were never able to clear his name or take down the crime boss. You retire from being a detective and spend the rest of your days drinking yourself into oblivion. Well this is depressing. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]raldi[S] 0 points1 point2 points 12 hours ago (0 children) Which parts of that were your prompt, and which were generated? * permalink * embed * save * parent * report * give award * reply [-]sleepingfrenzy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) This is epic, and a novel use for GPT. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]enspiralart 0 points1 point2 points 9 hours ago (0 children) When 3d interactive environs are as interactive as this nobody will want to leave vr * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]summerstay 0 points1 point2 points 4 hours ago (0 children) This is how AI Dungeon works, at a very rough level. * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply [-]mankyd 0 points1 point2 points 1 hour ago (0 children) How much history does something like this let you maintain? Can you type in a novel worth of back and forth, or is there some limit where you have to truncate older input to make room for the new? * permalink * embed * save * report * give award * reply * about * blog * about * advertising * careers * help * site rules * Reddit help center * reddiquette * mod guidelines * contact us * apps & tools * Reddit for iPhone * Reddit for Android * mobile website * <3 * reddit premium * reddit coins Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. (c) 2022 reddit inc. All rights reserved. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. [pixel] p Rendered by PID 22375 on reddit-service-r2-loggedout-9b5669b8b-cx8bd at 2022-10-25 23:00:34.289499+00:00 running bd1466e country code: US.