Skip to main content Patterns LogoPatterns Logo MarketplacePricingBlogDocsSign up Search ** Build next-gen AI systems Ship AI apps and automations that connect to your systems and drive actions. Develop with Python and SQL, deploy in minutes. Start Building play preview Explore Patterns Anatomy of an AI Operating System Patterns AI Operating System(tm)[?] connects powerful Python and SQL processing, industry-standard AI models, input data sources, and business actions with cloud infrastructure in a unified platform. End-to-end data system illustration Accelerate development with powerful building blocks Patterns provides powerful data abstractions called nodes that are automatically orchestrated by a reactive graph. Build data systems 10x faster. Focus on developing code specific to the problem you're solving, not messy implementation details. About Node Types PY Script with Python Your browser does not support the video tag. SQL Build pipelines with SQL Your browser does not support the video tag. Store data in Tables Your browser does not support the video tag. Setup endpoints with Webhooks Your browser does not support the video tag. Execution with a reactive Graph Your browser does not support the video tag. Visualize with Charts Your browser does not support the video tag. Document with Markdown Your browser does not support the video tag. Develop anywhere Patterns apps are fully defined by git-backable code and files. Develop locally with our local devkit or in the UI, version control with confidence. Your browser does not support the video tag. Check out our Development Kit Production-grade infrastructure Patterns abstracts away micro-management of compute and storage and provides easy to configure system controls so that you can focus on shipping apps that create business value. Graphs Abstract away orchestration messiness and build production grade pipelines with our functional reactive execution protocol. compute Code Build sophisticated pipelines in languages you already know - Python and SQL. Version control with GitHub, and release with CI/CD. compute Compute & Storage Run your apps on any infrastructure. Turn up processing with any CPU/ GPU and store data in the best database for the job at hand. compute production-grade Leverage open-source components Components encapsulate a sub-graph of nodes that contain commonly reused data workflows such as integrations to third-party APIs for ETL, Reverse ELT, enrichment APIs, ML models, and can even contain logic for entire data pipelines. Clone and contribute to our open-source marketplace of components. About Components Open source components Version Control Receive updated code from the Component developer with zero-effort. No need to pull git and redeploy a container. Clone via the marketplace Clone Components directly from the marketplace into your App for immediate use. Build and share your own Don't see a connector you need? Use our devkit complete with helper methods helper methods and a testing framework to develop a robust API integration yourself. [logos] App examples Apps are composable, defined by code, and easily cloned across accounts. Browse select apps below, explore more from our marketplace, build your own to share through the marketplace. App Marketplace Eng Advice GPT3 Slack Bot slack open_ai bots Eng Advice GPT3 Slack Bot Set up this app in a few minutes and have a new engineering voice in the room. This app utilizes Slack and OpenAI to bring a chatbot experience to any Slack Channel. Clone and customize for your own use case or use in a production environment. The OpenAI component in this App allows you to construct prompts to fit your desired completions. Crypto Wallet Tracker with crypto eth Crypto Wallet Tracker with This App uses to query the Ethereum blockchain and extract data for a set of relevant wallets. Paramaterize this app with wallet addresses and set up a monitoring system to track wallets for changes. Lead Enrichment, Scoring, and Routing people data labs sales revops Lead Enrichment, Scoring, and Routing This app powers sales, marketing, and growth teams with fast and accruate data about their leads. Clone this app, customize it, and integrate with your marketing website and CRM to fully automate how you score, route, and prioritize your leads. rate with your existing data tools or directly with your business systems. This is an example of a simple configuration of lead scoring using a webhook as input and Slack channel as output. This template can be configured differently to ingest data from a database, CRM, or any API that contains your lead data. Additionally, you can also configure Patterns to export enriched and scored leads to your CRM, email marketing tool, or back to the database of your choice. Activity Schema Analytics cdp product analytics Activity Schema Analytics Ingest data from any source and model into an activity schema - an event based data structure that simplifies customer data analytics. This app has pre-built data pipelines to calculate leveraging an activity schema such as -- customer cohort retained revenue, active revenue, and cohort retention percentage. Twitter Sentiment and Stock Trading App twitter intrinio Twitter Sentiment and Stock Trading App Ingest data from Twitter and Intrinio and conduct sentiment analysis with Get current stock market data and analyze price changes alongside sentiment. Eventually turn into a stock trading bot! Hacker News Analysis and Notifications hacker news slack Hacker News Analysis and Notifications Ingest data from the Hacker News API, do an analysis on the most common domains, chart a plot of the most recent and top stories. Build a monitoring app that will check for keywords in posts and send messages to Slack when found. Scalable and Secure Patterns is cloud native and can be used as a fully-managed product, alternatively bring-your-own database and use alongside Modern Data Stack products. SOC2 Type II Certification Rest assured your data is in secure hands, we've obtained a SOC2 Type II certification that employs best practices in data security, management, and infrastructure. Loved by builders The ability to use code when we need it and UI when we don't makes it quick and easy to create data workflows in patterns. We're excited to partner with patterns to make sophisticated data use cases more accessible to our customers. [braze] Marion Nammack Director of Product Management at Braze When I came across Patterns it promised to 10x our data science. A month later we've integrated all major adtech platforms and are using Patterns for production pipelines, that's more like a 100x. [bily] Philippe Assef Co-founder @ Bily BlendJet offers free worldwide shipping using a variety of carriers. Patterns was able to find and ingest all of the data from our mishmash of carriers, make it uniform, and visualize it in a heat map of the world. We're now setting up automated alerts on the order level to provide proactive customer support when we see a package is lost or late. This is a huge win for our customers and our customer service team. This is game changing software, which essentially lets you solve a problem you might have. I am extremely impressed, and you will be, too! [blendjet] Ryan Pamplin CEO at Blendjet We were able to prototype and rapidly iterate parts of our data pipeline in a fraction of the time it would have taken to build out and orchestrate elsewhere. Felt like one person could 10x themselves and get a data-driven backend up and running in an afternoon. Being able to visualize and manipulate the pipeline with straightforward but powerful base components rewrote our own product roadmap and makes many formerly far off features implementable today. [logoi] Allen Romano Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Logoi On Patterns we integrated, built data pipelines, and dashboards for all of our ads + marketing data. What we thought would take us a month, we shipped in a week. Abstracting away orchestration and data storage really did accelerate our development process. [optiwatt] Casey Donahue Founder at Optiwatt Patterns makes building pipelines easy. It enables the speed and flexibility to iterate and get immediate customer feedback. [lemay] Ryan Wallace Soutions Architect at * About * Docs * Blog * GitHub * Twitter * LinkedIn * Terms of Service * Privacy Policy * Contact Patterns LogoPatterns Logo Copyright (c) 2022 Patterns Data Systems, Inc.