Gus Hogg-Blake Updated 17 Jan 2023. Codex Introduction Current find & replace features work well for names and single-line patterns that happen to map well to regular expressions. For more complex manipulations, something more comprehensive and purpose-built is needed. In this article I introduce Codex, a flexible and expressive language for specifying code modifications. Codex works like traditional find & replace, but with some extensions to make dealing with multiple lines and indentation intuitive, and to allow matching language-specific syntax elements with Tree-sitter queries. Motivation & alternatives Existing tools for syntax tree-driven code transformations such as jscodeshift are language-specific, not integrated into the IDE, and require the developer to learn a programmatic API to define transformations. Codex is designed as a drop-in alternative to current in-editor find & replace functionality, is language-agnostic, and the Tree-sitter query syntax and declarative style are conceptually simpler than procedural APIs. When combined with a live preview providing syntax tree hints and instant feedback, this results in a tool that is significantly more approachable and usable than existing solutions. Find expressions A codex expression consists of one or more of the following: * Plain text, which matches itself. * A newline, which matches one or more newlines, skipping over whitespace-only lines. * An increase or decrease in indentation, which matches exactly that and is relative to the current context. * On its own line, * or + which matches zero or more lines or one or more lines respectively; followed by an optional capture label (see below), e.g. * @someLines. * A regular expression (in JavaScript literal syntax) followed by an optional capture label, e.g. /\w+/@functionName. * A Tree-sitter query which matches the text of the corresponding nodes, followed by an optional capture label, e.g. (function_declaration) @fn. * [ and ] which mark the start and end of the text to replace, respectively. Either or both can be omitted, defaulting to the start and end of the match. Capture labels A capture label consists of an @ followed by an alphabetic name for the capture, and makes the associated match available to use in the replacement (see Replacement expressions). Examples 1. Combining literals, regular expressions, and line quantifiers to match a JavaScript function: function /w+/@name(/[^)]*/@args) { * @body } 2. Matching one or more JavaScript functions with a Tree-sitter query: (function_declaration)+ @fns Escaping The following characters must be escaped with a backslash in literals: * \, /, [, ], and (. * @ if preceded by a regular expression or Tree-sitter query. * * and + if at the start of a line. * *, +, and ? if preceded by a Tree-sitter query as in the example above. Capturing & deleting Tree-sitter nodes Captured nodes within Tree-sitter queries are available in the replacement, and the names can be prefixed with a dash (e.g. @-name) to delete those nodes from the result (ie. they will not be there when a surrounding capture is inserted into the replacement). Deleted nodes are available to use elsewhere in the replacement without the prefix, e.g. @name. Replacement expressions A replacement expression consists of one or more of the following: * Plain text, which produces itself. * A newline, which produces a newline and preserves the current indentation. * An increase or decrease in indentation, which indents or dedents relative to the current context. * A capture reference, e.g. @captureName, which produces the corresponding regular expression match, lines, or syntax nodes. Multi-line captures are re-indented to the current context. To insert a literal @ in the replacement, two @s are used (@@). When performing the replacement (including when removing @--prefixed nodes), blank lines are inserted or deleted according to context and preferences. Examples 1. Converting a JavaScript module that exports an object with an init method, to a function that performs the body of the init method and returns the original object with the init method removed: Find module.exports = (object (method_definition (property_identifier) @p (statement_block "{" (_)+ @initBody "}") ) @-init . "," @-c (#eq? @p "init") ) @obj/;?/ Replace with module.exports = function() { @initBody return @obj; }